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Epic Banked Growth = Epic Shave

So I had on a rally beard,... its a girl thing, there was a thread... But it doesn't seem to be going according to plan, and well I'm a total beardo at the moment, look like a rebel without a clue. Beards don't suit me well so, tonight is a night of an epic shave
just to give you an idea of what I'm working with..

The Before Shot
$2013-07-29 16.39.24.jpg

gonne take a straight to my 12000k nani to freshin it up, strop the bajebus out of it till its nice and sharp and see if i cant two pass myself into respectability once more,... yeah I know i need that haircut too

I have to go dog sit, which should be enough time to figure out my gear.... tonight the drain on my sink will be tested like it has never been tested before

and wow that T-shirt is very slimming,.... Noted !
Most I've ever done is 8 days. And truthfully, the shaves are better when you actually do have something to cut off....this has been my experience.

Have fun!
I've been following a similar shaving approach lately. It drives me nuts, but my schedule has been wonky so I dropped shaving to sleep an extra 5 minutes. It seems silly when I actually write that out. I haven't found a DE yet that'll remove a full beard without clogging, but my CJB makes quick work of it.
Haha! I love the thread. Look forward to seeing what you look like after.

+1. I enjoy shaving off multiple days growth as well (not quite as much as yours typically). I feel those guys who "claim" they have shaved everyday for the past 20+ years are actually missing out on some of the most enjoyable shaves to be had. Enjoy your epic shave!
I had a thread... it didn't take off.... for those who like to bank their growth, I feel myself its much more satisfying, as well as comfortable, to mow down a few days worth
I had a thread... it didn't take off.... for those who like to bank their growth, I feel myself its much more satisfying, as well as comfortable, to mow down a few days worth

Definitely much more fun to mow down a few days growth than a measly one day growth.


I got moves like Jagger
Gaaaahhhh!!! :yikes:
I guess I should be happy that we've only done the "mailbox dead drops" over the past month or so. I think I'd either have fainted or have had to shave you myself!

Two part shave with pics please!!!
1 - Wolverine
2 - Nice and clean
Dangit.. I'm dog sitting and its going on later then I thought it would, if I don't have time to shave tonight ill have to trim for work tomorrow and loose all my savings :(

May have to go for broke and bust out the old type for the time savings
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