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A journal of a Cajun's life wet shaving

It suggested somewhere to post a shave journal. I'm usually an analog kind of guy, with many journals about the house, Homebrewing, Pizza making, Bread Baking, and Bible/religious/catholic reflections. I may start an analog shave journal but this one will do for now.

Some background. I started wet shaving back in 2010. I had some kit from either Classic Shaving or West Coast Shaving. The razor was a Parker Butterfly, feather blade, various soaps, and creams from British shaving companies. I do remember the feather blades slicing me up something awful. I switched blades to something less dangerous and did much better. I also recall weepers bleeding through the lather on the second pass often. I did not upgrade my razor back then. I did change soaps and creams, as well as blades. I used Lords, Murker, Derby, and some other blades. I also used Mother Bear's soap and balm. They had quite a selection of scents and reproductions of classic and not so classic scents. I stopped wet shaving when I grew a full beard. I had a beard for a number of years and got away from wet shaving, I'd touch up the beard with water and cartridge razors. When I did shave down the beard a few times, the memory of those Feather blades slicing me up was a deterrent to start wet shaving again. I did a pseudo wet shave with soap, a brush, a bowl, and a cartridge razor. Please forgive me, I knew not what I was doing.

Fast forward to now. I shaved the COVID beard off a month or so ago and bought some cartridges to shave with. A divorce and three moves since I used the Parker last made it difficult to find my old razor. I was receiving emails for Henson Shaving, I ignored them a few times then like a bass and a shiny spinner bait, I bit. In came a Henson Mild and 100 blades, the blades were free. I still had some soap from before and my shaving bowl had become the wife's cat's water bowl. It sat on my counter where the fat feline would hop up and look at me with disgust if it wasn't filled to the brim with fresh water. Welp, the cat's bowl is now back in use. Come to think of it she hasn't hopped up on the counter for water lately. Soapy water will do that. Haha.

That Henson razor led to me jumping down the wet shaving culture on YouTube. After many videos, a Twig Leaf and a Rockwell 6C showed up along with soap, shaving cream, and pre-shave oil. I re-acquainted myself with GeoFatboy's YouTube channel and along came an order of razors, various soaps and creams, and a Simpson Synthetic Brush from Shave Nation. Then Razor Emporium's YouTube channel popped up on my feed, You guessed it, Rex Envoy razor, soap, and brush showed up. Then I discovered PAA, and signed up for their "newsletter". One of the newsletters mentioned a limited time re-release of a discontinued scent. An order was placed for that soap, along with others. Then another "newsletter" was received with another limited time re-release of a discontinued scent, therefore another order was placed for that soap and others. From exporting their website more was ordered. This scene replicated itself faster than rabbits and now I have enough soaps, and blades to last a good long time. And I am working on a different razor and brush for every day of the week. I need a GRUME challenge break to allow my bank account to recover.

On to the shaves. The first shaves with the Henson were very nice, as is to be expected. The Henson Mild is perfect for someone getting back into wet shaving after a long break or someone new to wet shaving. I did have issues with getting a BBS smooth shave on the neck area. This is a problem area for me. As my other razors came in, the Henson was used less and less.

My 19-year-old son wanted to learn how to wet shave. I had my spare brush and stand in his bathroom for a while, in an attempt to encourage him to start wet shaving. He asked about my new stuff and I used that opportunity to show him how to do a true wet shave with a DE razor, The Henson became his along with the cat water bowl shaving bowl, and shaving soap from Fair Hope Soap Company. He shaved and had a BBS face to show his girlfriend. He has hardly any beard or growth. I tell him he needs to shave to get the beard to grow, but he doesn't listen. I am not sure if he will commit the time to this hobby. He tends to be impatient with anything that isn't his gaming or investing.

The shaves with the Leaf Twig was closer than the Henson as was the Rockwell 6C on the #3 plate, which is to be expected. I started to use pre-shave oil for the first time when the Twig came in. The Rockwell 6C gave a nice shave as did the leaf, with just a tad more irritation as revealed by the alum block than the Henson. I have been using the Rex Envoy for the last two days. I have gotten the best shaves so far. BBS and almost no stinging from the alum block. I have a few other razors on the way and many more soaps. Did I say I needed the GRUME? Going forward I'll update my journal with my Shaves. As of now, I shave 6 days a week, taking off Saturday or Sunday depending on which Mass I serve at as an Acolyte. I think it will be an interesting journey.


I shaved a fortune
Thank you for starting your journal. B&B journals were a huge help to me when I first showed up here. Back then, they didn't show up in "What's new"/ "New Posts" but they do now. For newbies, such as myself, they've been invaluable.

The wealth of knowledge here is outstanding.... though it can be rough on the wallet, as you well know. <eg> evil grin :devil:


Is it swell time?
Did someone call for an enabler?

Nice first post! And great to read your background story.

He tends to be impatient with anything that isn't his gaming
Mine is much like that as well except for DE shaving. He is going on 17 now, but this is the one thing he takes his time for is shaving. And so far never real mishaps. In fact I am annoyed and proud at the same time that his first shave ever was a very clean no mishaps shave.


Shave Date 8/31/23
Leaf Twig
Blade: Leaf Blade
Pre-Shave: Shower, Razor Emporium’s Small batch Pre-shave soap
Soap: Rex 1966
Brush: Razor Emporium’s Best Badger with Acrylic Handle Amber and Black
Post-shave: Alum Block, Thayers Unscented, Nivia Sensitive Cool Post Shave Balm
Bowl: Douglas Smith Pottery Suribachi Shaving Bowl
Rating: 8/10

I decided to switch up the razors today. The Twig has been sitting on my counter patiently awaiting its turn in the rotation. WTG, XTG, and ATG passes with multiple touch ups. I have a harder time getting BBS with the Twig vs the Rex I’ve used for the past few days. This was the third shave, maybe 4th, on this blade which may be the issue. I did get a weeper and some irritation on the neck this shave. I also got a weeper the last time I used the Twig. Same spot. None of the other razors so far has caused any weepers. My neck is more irritated as well due to the number of passes I did in an attempt to get a BBS shave on my neck. The neck area has more stubble left than yesterday’s shave with the Rex Envoy and Lord’s blade.

Also the scent of the Rex 1966 soap is not as strong as the PPA soaps I have been using. The PPA soaps are very strong. Almost to the point of not needing any scented aftershave. The 1966 soap scent wanes fairly quickly. I hardly smelt it in my helmet on the ride to work. My primary means of transportation is a motorcycle by choose. I fact I slept the previous days Planet Phoenix scent more than the 1966. The 1966 soap would be a candidate for Saturday’s or Sunday’s when I have to serve at Mass. It’s a good idea to avoid very strong scents at mass, you never know when someone will be ultra sensitive to colognes and aftershaves. I’m glad I found this one. Otherwise I would have used the unscented Leaf Soap.

Alum block revealed more irritation than other days. I’d categorize the irritation as mild. It isn’t too noticeable. Still a DFS and better than any cartridge razor I’ve ever had.

Today is my anniversary. Been married 4 years. I got lucky finding her at my stage in life. We met when I was 50. 4 years married. We hardly ever have arguments and had one yesterday. Go figure. In fact the last one was around our anniversary. Humm. That’s all for today. I’ll update with the next shave.
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Shave Date 9/1/2023
Rockwell 6c with #3 plate
Blade: Rockwell
Pre-Shave: Shower, PAA the Cube
Soap: PAA Black Shroud
Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket 26mm synthetic
Post-shave: Alum Block, Thayers Unscented, PAA Mysterium Serum
Bowl: Douglas Smith Pottery Suribachi Shaving Bowl
Rating: 9.25/10

I received an order from PAA last night and tried some of the goods. I am still figuring out the PAA soaps, For Yesterday's shave I tried to face lather with the PAA Planet Phoenix but I didn't get enough water incorporated into the soap, so I ended up bowl lathering midway through the shave. When I first lathered up yesterday it was very thick and started to dry out some. It was so thick that my razor wouldn't rinse out completely. I had to disassemble the Rex in the middle of the shave and wash it out, that's when I decided to bowl lather. Today I went straight to the bowl lathering. I loaded up a wet brush with the soap, it was stringy when I pulled the brush out of the soap. When bowl lathering, the lather was quite thick, I dipped the brush in water 2-3 times to thin it out, then onto the face. It wasn't as thick as yesterday, but thicker than other soaps I've used. The Rockwell also clogged up some, but not as badly as the Rex yesterday, the Rockwell cleared just fine when I loosened up the handle a bit and ran it under a strong stream of water. The Rex I had to disassemble mid-shave. I added a good bit of water to the bowl and got the lather to an acceptable thickness. I will have to play with the soap and hone my skills so to speak. I'll tweak the soap amount and water.

On to the shave itself. Three passes, WTG, XTG, and ATG, touch-ups on the needed areas. I have difficulty with the neck, never getting it BBS and always having some errant stubble left. I tried more XTG Passes this time vs my usual ATG passes on the neck. I still had irritation. Maybe it is something I need to just accept, the neck will not be BBS. The rest of the face is BBS, an excellent shave. My neck has some irritation. The neck although not BBS was DFS+. I did have some blade chatter which may be due to this being the 4th shave with this blade. I retired it after the shave.

These latest soaps from PAA don't seem to have as strong a scent as my first order. This order did sit in the Locker at our mail station in the neighborhood for most of the day, the first order was dropped off at my door. Maybe the heat of the day did something to the strength. It is still more noticeable than the Rex 1966 I used yesterday. I wasn't too sure when I first smelt the soap if I'd like it. As always scents change somewhat when you put them on and they interact with each person's own unique chemistry.

Enjoy the shaves Gents.
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Shave Date 9/2/23
Rex Envoy
Blade: Lords Super Stainless
Pre-Shave: Wash face, PAA Cube
Soap: Noble Badger Lonestar
Brush: Razor Emporium Best Badger Amber and black acrylic
Post-shave: Alum Block, Thayers Unscented, PAA Mysterium Serum
Bowl: Douglas Smith Pottery Suribachi Shaving Bowl
Rating: 9.7/10
A first for me occurred today, it only took 56 years to occur. I shaved today despite the fact I was off of work and had nowhere to go. I am enjoying the wet shaving experience so much that I decided to shave. It helped that I got some new soap in to try out. I did three passes and touch-ups. I had one weeper on my lower lip area, getting greedy with shaving that difficult spot. I have a goatee and I partially shave the area leaving one strip of beard in the middle. This is the third or 4th shave on this blade. I am starting a log to keep track of my blades and the number of shaves each has.

The Noble Badger Lonestar soap smells fantastic. Sorta like a barbershop blend but with leather and tobacco. This is my first soap from them and it performed exceptionally well. I did not have the issue I have had with PAA soaps of being overly thick when face lathering. These soaps seem to be more forgiving for beginners. The scent is stronger than the Rex 1966 soap I used yesterday. Not too overpowering.

I got a BBS shave on the face and DFS++ on the neck. I always have issues getting the neck BBS. Arrant hairs are always left. I stop short of BBS due to the irritation I get. Not too bad but would likely be much worse if I kept on shaving the area ATG to get it BBS. The hairs aren't visible and no one has noticed. They'd notice the red irritated neck before the BBS neck.

I am really liking the Rex Envoy razor over my others. I have two eBay auctions coming in of Vintage Gillette Razors. I'm in the GRUME for September so no new razors will be purchased during the month. I just have 3 in my rotation now. The Rex, a Rockwell 6C, and a Leaf Twig. I have a Yates 'Merica on order and the two Gillette razors. I'll likely add some during the restock.

This weekend begins the most wonderful time of the year for me. College football is getting into full swing. My LSU Tigers will play Florida State in Orlando tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to some football time, I have morphed over the years to not watching much TV. Certainly not the news and no network shows interest me. I spend my time on YouTube watching videos, doing my reflections, bible readings, and Catacisims of the Catholic church readings, trying to stay in some semblance of physical fitness, and keeping busy at work. I shut down Facebook and most social media as well. Life is so much better, I can focus on what is important and let go of what isn't in my control. It only took me 55 years to figure it out. Haha.

Enjoy the weekend Gents. May all have BBS and comfortable shaves. Catch you on the other side of the weekend.

Hey, John!

I've very much enjoyed reading your introductory post and your shave reports! You have a very pleasant writing style. Forgive me for using this religious term for the religion of shaving, it seems you are a born again wet shaver with your return to the hobby from wearing a beard!;) I've only been at it for about 2.5 years, not a rookie but still a ways to go. Keep that in mind on any advice I may offer!😁
For Yesterday's shave I tried to face lather with the PAA Planet Phoenix but I didn't get enough water incorporated into the soap, so I ended up bowl lathering midway through the shave. When I first lathered up yesterday it was very thick and started to dry out some. It was so thick that my razor wouldn't rinse out completely. I had to disassemble the Rex in the middle of the shave and wash it out, that's when I decided to bowl lather. Today I went straight to the bowl lathering. I loaded up a wet brush with the soap, it was stringy when I pulled the brush out of the soap. When bowl lathering, the lather was quite thick, I dipped the brush in water 2-3 times to thin it out, then onto the face. It wasn't as thick as yesterday, but thicker than other soaps I've used. The Rockwell also clogged up some, but not as badly as the Rex yesterday, the Rockwell cleared just fine when I loosened up the handle a bit and ran it under a strong stream of water. The Rex I had to disassemble mid-shave. I added a good bit of water to the bowl and got the lather to an acceptable thickness. I will have to play with the soap and hone my skills so to speak. I'll tweak the soap amount and water.
I used to have these same issues and recently had them during ARKO! August while trying to get dialed into a soap I've used infrequently. I've found when I can manage the ratio of soap to water that I can get a good lather. For bowl lathering, I use a 1/4 teaspoon to scoop the amount of soap I want to press into the bottom of my bowl. I then use a syringe that I got at Walmart to add water in 1/4 tsp at a time until I get the later where I want it. For face lathering, I still scoop the soap and press in a bowl to load the soap into the brush and then move to my face/head to lather. I use a repurposed old eyeglass cleaner spray bottle (fine mist) to spray water on the lather a number of times until I get the hydration correct in the lather. In the end I've discovered that most soaps can take more water than you think, but you need to add it slowly as you build the lather.
I have two eBay auctions coming in of Vintage Gillette Razors.
I smell a rabbit hole! Love me some vintage Gillettes. That love turned into one for vintage GEM style razors, lather catchers and Schick injector razors. I've got it mostly under control now, but beware the slippery slope!🤣
This weekend begins the most wonderful time of the year for me. College football is getting into full swing.
I'm looking forward to the NFL season and the RedZone. I'm already enjoying the English Premier League. Fall is just about the best time of year!

I'm looking forward to following your journal. Good luck on you journey!
Hey, John!

I've very much enjoyed reading your introductory post and your shave reports! You have a very pleasant writing style. Forgive me for using this religious term for the religion of shaving, it seems you are a born again wet shaver with your return to the hobby from wearing a beard!;) I've only been at it for about 2.5 years, not a rookie but still a ways to go. Keep that in mind on any advice I may offer!😁

I used to have these same issues and recently had them during ARKO! August while trying to get dialed into a soap I've used infrequently. I've found when I can manage the ratio of soap to water that I can get a good lather. For bowl lathering, I use a 1/4 teaspoon to scoop the amount of soap I want to press into the bottom of my bowl. I then use a syringe that I got at Walmart to add water in 1/4 tsp at a time until I get the later where I want it. For face lathering, I still scoop the soap and press in a bowl to load the soap into the brush and then move to my face/head to lather. I use a repurposed old eyeglass cleaner spray bottle (fine mist) to spray water on the lather a number of times until I get the hydration correct in the lather. In the end I've discovered that most soaps can take more water than you think, but you need to add it slowly as you build the lather.

I smell a rabbit hole! Love me some vintage Gillettes. That love turned into one for vintage GEM style razors, lather catchers and Schick injector razors. I've got it mostly under control now, but beware the slippery slope!🤣

I'm looking forward to the NFL season and the RedZone. I'm already enjoying the English Premier League. Fall is just about the best time of year!

I'm looking forward to following your journal. Good luck on you journey!
No offense taken on the born again wet shaver. I will say this time is much better than the first. But I’ve stayed away from Feather blades this time. Haha. And the Various acquisition disorders of wet shaving are much stronger this second time around. But all is good. My wife is enjoying the scents of the various soaps.

Thanks for the kind word. I’m enjoying this second coming, so to speak, of my wet shaving. So much I shaved on the weekend off. That’s never happened before. Haha.
Good morning, John. I'm looking forward to trying the Rex Envoy. It should arrive Friday. :thumbup1:
I'm sure you'll be very fond of it.

I'm late to the party but welcome to the world of enablers and shave journaling. I've been enjoying reading your first entries and will be following along.
Thank you for the kind words. I found out about all the enablers after I joined the GRUME. All is good, I do have a few carts ready to go on reload day. Since I only have three razors in my rotation at the current time a Karve Outlander is in one cart. And more soap, because soap is a consumable. I am sure razors will end up in the cart, ya know. Just to qualify for free shipping. I'm saving money that way. Right? Haha.
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