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Do you use a Gillette vintage as your daily driver? Also thoughts on doing a PIF

I love the older Gillettes. I am currently shaving with a Canadian made Old Style silver plated Gillette. It gives a very nice shave .Very elegant feeling , I really like the thin handle and the way it feels in my hand. In the picture I have it beside a Canadian fat handled Tech to give a scale of reference. $DSCN3229[1].jpg
Until this week, I was mostly rotating among a New, a Fatboy (G) and a Black Beauty. But I just got an ATT set, so that will change my habits.
I use a pair of 40s British Rockets or Aristocrat Jrs if you would rather call them that 95% of the time. They just work
The other 5% is mostly with a OC single ring, Senator, TV special or a Gem shovelhead just for variety.
And about once a year I blow the cobwebs outta me slim.
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Yes. I have a drawer full of de razors, but I have been using a 78 black handled super speed consistently since August 2012, it was inherited along with a 76 ss and a 1956 diplomat from my godfather,
I use a slim(60's), an OC New, and a 59 super speed. I like the slim a lot, but I have to make myself leave the dial alone. Otherwise, I end up burnt.
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Once a week, mainly on weekend Iuse this one, bought at Etsy. It's a New with an Otto Roth signed base plate, buy the name is stroke. Curious. Wonderful design.

I would not call it "vintage" because I purchased it new....


I shaved with this one every day for about 45 years...


Joining B&B. Now I shave with a different razor every day :001_smile

I only have one "modern" razor, a DE89, and while I like it just fine, I tend to neglect it in favor of one of my Gillettes. I'm sure some of the modern high end razors are great, as they should be, but for me it's hard to see how you can beat one of the Gillette DEs. They've already proved their value in longevity, and many of them are fantastic pieces of design. I'm currently enjoying a pre-war Tech I recently picked up for 4 dollars, and it gives a great shave. I also rotate through a 48 Super Speed, a 64 Slim, a NDC New, and several olds. I am fortunate to have acquired several of these as heirlooms, but of the ones I bought, none were over 7 dollars except for the slim, which was, I believe, just over 20 including shipping. Pretty hard to beat when you consider what good modern production razors go for, and who knows if any of them will last through 50 -100 years of use?
I have one "modern razor" - a Merkur three piece head that I use with different handles less than once a month. Otherwise I rotate between, a New LC, a pre-war fat handle Tech, a post-war ball-end Tech, a '53 40s Super Speed, a '57 Flare Tip, a '57 Red Tip, and a '65 Slim Adjustable. My only other razors are a Schick E Injector and a Gem OCMM. The SE razors get used on the weekends. So probably 9 out of 10 shaves are vintage, most of them Gillette.
I've got a prewar Tech and a post war Tech, and two replated heads (pre & post war) that I use with Maggard handles. They're the best I've found for head shaving and cleaning up around my beard. Honestly, I really don't feel the need for anything else. I'm completely happy with my Techs.
A gaggle of old Techs, 3 NEWs, couple of old SS, and I'm a very happy camper.
All started with a Micro Touch SS clone from WalMart about 2 years ago...
Vintage Gillettes are SO cool, and find the NEW SC my favorite.
Tech used to me my daily driver until I developed a RAD. IMHO, Slim/Fatboy/SS are much more smoother than Tech.
Every time I shave, I use a Gillette Pre War Fat Handle Tech or a Gillette New LC. I use the Tech about 90% of the time as it's just a great, smooth, daily driver. The New LC gets used if I haven't shaved in a couple of days. They're not fancy by a long shot. Both have plating loss and the New LC has one slightly bent tooth, but I wouldn't change a thing about them.

And just so you know, I've used several modern razors - a 34C, an Above the Tie and a Feather AS-D2, yet nothing beats the feel and shave of my Gillettes.

I have most of the Gillettes, but for sure you need a New long comb next. Many consider this to be the best of the vintage gillettes.
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My razor "rotation" consists of exactly one razor: a No Date Code SS that I've used for every shave (4-6x/wk) for the last six years.
I've only been DE shaving for a couple of weeks now, but it seems my DE89 has already been joined by a black-handled Super Adjustable and a black-handled Super Speed.
I primarily use my Fatboy, but every so often I get in a shave with my matching year and quarter Slim Adjustable. I am interested in some modern razors like the Fatip and the Rockwell 6S, but I can't imagine them giving much better shaves than my vintage Gillette adjustables.
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