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Do you use a Gillette vintage as your daily driver? Also thoughts on doing a PIF

Gillette Old type Head - various handles
Gillette New
Gillette 1934 Gold Aristocrat
Gillette 1938 Sheraton
Gillette 1941 Ranger Tech
Gillette British #66
Gillette British #70
Gillette British #58
Gillette British Flare Tip
Gillette '47 Aristocrat
Gillette '47 Super Speed
Gillette 1953 President
Well I can relate. I own a few
30s Fat Handle Tech
57 Flair Tip SS
68 Slim

Slim is my daily and for a KCG weekend I'll take the 57 for a spin or the others. Even a 100 year old OC shaves like a dream. They were, at the time and still to this day, the best razors a man could get.
I usually shave with modern razors, but when I do decide to shave with a vintage Gillette it's either a new SC, late 40's aristocrat, '36 aristocrat, or RFB.
Vintage Gillettes only for me.
'39 Sheraton (my favorite)
NEW LC on a Tech Fat Handle
'39 Tech Fat Handle
'47 Ranger Tech
'48 Rocket
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