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Do You Ever Do Just One Pass?


gone down south

After one pass I'm way too patchy to leave the house. The 2nd pass evens everything out, the 3rd is optional but gets me from DFS to slightly more DFS.
Two minimum for me. Even on the long travel days, where I am catching a quick shaving because of a evening commitment, I will still do a two pass shave with the shave stick and travel brush.
30 minutes?? All I ever do is about 10 minutes, with 2 passes. I can't go ATG on my neck or it hurts and bleeds. What do you do that takes 20 extra minutes?
No. With a DE, 2 passes is the strict minimum for me.

Even if I am in a hurry and can definitely not afford to (or just won't) show up unshaved, I'll go with 2 WTG passes, no touch-ups resulting in a socially presentable CCS in less than 6 minutes.
The trick is to spend more time on prep/face-lathering here:wink:...

Life too short for abbreviated shaves. If I sleep late or am otherwise behind schedule, I'll make the shower mega quick, skip breakfast or wait til I get to work for that first cup of Joe. However difficult or harsh some of these sacrifices sound, I'll gladly make them in the interest of a proper shave. If I'm really pressed for time, I'll do a two pass shave but as a rule, 3 or 4 pass shaves are the norm.

Skipping a cup of Joe for a shave is true dedication. I take mine to the sink with me and toss in a couple of gulps when I don't have any lather around my mouth.
if i am in a hurry, or feeling especially lazy. i will do two passes. and that just knocks it down a bit. reallly, i would only do that if i hadn't shaved in two or three days and i had to be somewhere "important" on short notice (even then, i probly would only shave my neck). other than that its shave or no shave. one pass would just be a waste for me.
I think I'm committed to get it down to BBS or close to it every night. I start to notice something... I shave at nights cause that is when I have ample amount of time and I work evenings to noon time if needed.. If I don't get close to or near BBS my stubble starts to get visually noticeable before sun rise and looking like a unshaved bum in front of my morning counterpart or the underlings is very unprofessional. The M3 ensured that I make it to sun rise and home with no visible stubble...:blushing: But I'm dedicated student to the "Feather" and patients.
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Yes, with an Ikon razor going cross grain on my cheeks, and wtg everywhere else. That gives me an acceptable shave especially if I use the "Gillette slide" technique. But I find that two passes cross grain going each way with an Ikon provides a very acceptable day-to-day type shave. And so, I would say that for the most part, two passes with an Ikon - or a slant - is about the real minimum.
Nope. I'd rather not shave than do just one pass. Enough hair doesn't come off w/ the first pass to justify a one pass shave.
Here's another vote for 2 passes as a minimum: WTG then ATG. Actually, that's how my dad taught me to shave way back when.
No, not really.

However, this morning I checked how my shave looked after one pass with an HD and Feather and decided if I really needed to I could stop with one pass and have a very good shave.

I think if you have to shave it's better to stop with a good one pass shave than to rush a two pass shave and then fight blood for a few minutes. It never fails that I cut myself when I'm in a rush.
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I can get away with 2 passes on my DE, but if I've left that little time I cant manage that much, I'd normally skip it all together. If I had to shave in a real pinch, I'd be pulling out my Sensor Excel.

This happened to me this morning, I woke up late and while in the shower, I thought that may use my Fusion since I was really pressed for time. Then I thought, I would rather not shave than use that *** and remembered that the boss was not coming in to the office today.
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