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The 2 Pass BBS

I see a lot of posts from guys saying they got a BBS with 2 passes. It takes me 3 with buffing. I also see a lot of YouTube shavers apply lather and then go WTG ATG XTG and then relather for another similar pass. So my question is what defines a pass? For me a pass is when I apply lather and shave rarely going over an area of my face without lather. For others a pass may be defined by the number of lathers applied no matter how many times the razor goes against unlathered skin. I watched a video the other day of a well known wet shaver reviewing a razor. He employed the lather up and do multiple strokes over unlathered skin approach. He then dinged the razor for leaving his skin irritated. I said no **** Sherlock. Curious as to what you guys call a pass.
To me, a pass is simply lathering up and shave the area by going down (or up) with the razor just once. There can be some small overlapping in the strokes. 2nd pass would be the same thing after a new layer of soap is applied. And so on. Small local touch ups to finish the shave are not a 'pass' in my definition.

But I think you're overthinking this. BBS is internet BS. A single pass is what I do every 24 hours. I look great if I may say so 😛 and my skin is saved from multiple interactions with a sharp blade that can and will only end with irritated skin. Nobody before the 'internets' did BBS shaves.
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A pass for me is one lather and removal.

I can do a 1 pass ATG BBS with a Gem when I’m in a hurry.

I can do two pass BBS with a DE/straight. 1st ATG/XTG, 2nd mostly ATG, some XTG.and I quit chasing BBS a while ago. If I get it, fine. If not, I’m the only one who’ll know

Does that mean anything to anyone but me? Nope. Should it? Not really. Measure your shave against your previous shave.

Shave your shave. The longer you do it, the better your technique and skillset should get. If you want to chase improvement.
I guess I do three passes, as that's how many times I lather my face most days. I've shaved once in every 24 hours for the past three years. I could stop after one lather and removal and I'd be office ready for sure. But I'm shaving as much for myself as others and I really like the feel of a smooth face.


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To me the purpose of shaving is to look presentable in the 24 hours after my shave. A single pass with a few touch ups if necessary, achieves this goal. No need to go any further.
When I shaved daily, that was my routine.

Now I shave every other day, 2 pass, WTG & ATG.

Both methods work perfect for me and achieve what you described.

For me a "pass" is the shave during each lather application. If I take take small strokes and go over a small area twice, it's still 1 pass. I try not to shave over a bare area too much.
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My take is why chase the BBS, just good enoght is fine for some.

The BBS is hard to achieve on some people with sensitive skin, or uneven skin.

For those with problem face, why chase what you will never achrve?

Be happy if you get a good shave. My skin is 7+ decades old, I shave to remove beard.

Don’t want to look like homeless street person.
At 72 my facial hair isn't as stiff as it used to be. thus two passes with the KCG, f/b buffing with the VDH generally yields a BBS shave.
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I mostly agree with ewk and blade 08. Prior to the internet, most men shaved one pass, WTG. It’s really all you need. We also shaved in 3-5 minutes tops, with canned foam. It wasn’t a big deal.

Now I shave two passes, WTG, ATG, with touch ups. I usually get BBS. It still only takes 3-5 minutes, although I whip up my lather from hand soap scraps.
I mostly agree with ewk and blade 08. Prior to the internet, most men shaved one pass, WTG. It’s really all you need. We also shaved in 3-5 minutes tops, with canned foam. It wasn’t a big deal.

Now I shave two passes, WTG, ATG, with touch ups. I usually get BBS. It still only takes 3-5 minutes, although I whip up my lather from hand soap scraps.
That’s my morning routine. Sometimes foam, sometimes Proraso. Quick and done.

It’s just shaving, not an event (for me).
What works well for me is to try to strike a balance between a close shave and a very comfortable no irritation shave. Consequently I usually do two regular full passes plus a mixed cleanup pass.
1. WTG
2. XTG
3. Mixed WTG XTG ATG cleanup
This results in a DFS+ with zero irritation most of the time. A pass to me means lathering up then shaving over the area once.
A pass for me is when I re-lather then scrape all that off.

A pass doesn't define which direction(s), more information is needed. Some 2 passes are WTG + XTG, others are XTG + ATG.

I maintain that one can not get an area to BBS (smooth in all directions) unless you go ATG in that area.
I am in the camp that defines a ‘pass’ as one application of lather, then one ’stroke’ with the razor school. My best results are with the 3-pass model (WTG, XTG, ATG). But, there is plenty of room for other interpretations!!

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