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Question about shaving daily

I can't shave daily I shave every 3-4 days and I get a full BBS with 3 passes. Technically I could shave daily if I did a one pass shave only. If I would try to shave after 1-2 days I just can't do it, it will hurt and I end up with razor burns etc. My question is: do daily shavers do 3 passes? Do they go for a BBS daily or do you daily shavers just do one pass?
I shave a minimum of six days a week. Every shave is two and a half passes. I never go for BBS, unless I have some specific reason. Most days I land on a DFS+, with the occassional BBS when the stars align. My skin is old and leathery, my whiskers are coarse and mostly white, and my technique with a straight or DE is pretty solid now. I also enjoy shaving, as I have so much capital sunk into the equipment... :)


Born to häckla
I am the same as @silverlifter, without the straight though. Only DE for me. I shave about 6 times a week. For some reason Wednesday seems to be my day not shaving. I normally do 3 passes without any issue and land normally in the DFS, DFS+, DFS++ land. Once in a while I get a BBS, but it is not very often. Once in a while I do get accumulating irritation, but that only happens when I am rough with the razor and it is a more aggressive one.
I like to shave everyday but don't always have the opportunity. Sometimes it is only a quick one pass with only a bit of handsoap. When I use soap and brush I'll do a 2 pass with a bit of extra clean up on my neck. My advice is don't try for a BBS , enjoy it if it happens. But trying for them is looking for irritation.
I shave 7 days a week with straight razors and my target is to get bbs on most of the areas. I sometimes miss some spots, especially when I am in a hurry.

Why do you think your skin can’t take it? What about your setup, prep and technique? They can make it possible or impossible quite quickly.
I can't shave daily I shave every 3-4 days and I get a full BBS with 3 passes. Technically I could shave daily if I did a one pass shave only. If I would try to shave after 1-2 days I just can't do it, it will hurt and I end up with razor burns etc. My question is: do daily shavers do 3 passes? Do they go for a BBS daily or do you daily shavers just do one pass?
Every single day for almost 20 years. 3 passes. Always aim for BBS.

Eben Stone

Staff member
I shave 6 or 7 days a week since I started wet shaving about 5 years ago. Occasionally, twice in one day. About a year ago, I switched from 3 passes to 2 passes. But prior to that always 3 passes. I switched because I can now achieve the same closeness in 2 passes as I could previously in 3.

I cannot reliably achieve BBS on demand. I've maybe achieved it 2 or 3 times ever.

My goal is the closest possible shave with zero alum feedback. I've been using alum as a measuring stick for success for every shave for 5 years. I know I have achieved my goal when the alum block feels like a popsicle. That is how I've improved my technique.

I credit my success to using the most aggressive/efficient razors, and the slickest soaps available, a wet and almost runny lather consistency, and using a preshave for prep (I don't shower before I shave).
Prefer to shave every day, sometimes skip a day. Don't really aim for BBS, but content with a DFS+ that usually takes 2.5 passes. That is two full passes plus some touch-up.

I can get a BBS using a fairly aggressive razor if necessary, but find it is not really needed when shaving daily. The only real reason I would go for BBS is special occasions or needing the shave to last a few more hours than usual.
Yes to every day 3 if I use a more mild razor
the wolfman 1.15 I had could only go about 5 days and then I would have to take a break so that was my kinda cutoff on efficiency you could say

but recently been doing 2 pass daily
also going for no feeling when the AS hits the face or ultimate comfort
I shave 7 days a week with straight razors and my target is to get bbs on most of the areas. I sometimes miss some spots, especially when I am in a hurry.

Why do you think your skin can’t take it? What about your setup, prep and technique? They can make it possible or impossible quite quickly.
I have been DE shaving since 2012, I used all kind of different blades so far the Feathers are my favorite blades and my favorite razor is the Fatip OC v1. This is a killer combo. If my beard growth is one day old and I do a ATG it really hurts shaving. I shaved yesterday with the Nacet and Fatip OC v1 I had a full BBS and now almost 24 hours later I have a DFS.
I can't shave daily I shave every 3-4 days and I get a full BBS with 3 passes. Technically I could shave daily if I did a one pass shave only. If I would try to shave after 1-2 days I just can't do it, it will hurt and I end up with razor burns etc. My question is: do daily shavers do 3 passes? Do they go for a BBS daily or do you daily shavers just do one pass?

I still can't shave *every* day but I noticed I could get a lot closer, to almost every day, with the right razor and the right blade. Some blade-razor combinations give me a slightly closer shave but then I can't shave every day; other combinations give me a slightly less close shave, but then I can shave every day.

I'm not sure the number of passes is really the issue for me, it's more like blade irritation and closeness to the skin or something.
I have been DE shaving since 2012, I used all kind of different blades so far the Feathers are my favorite blades and my favorite razor is the Fatip OC v1. This is a killer combo. If my beard growth is one day old and I do a ATG it really hurts shaving. I shaved yesterday with the Nacet and Fatip OC v1 I had a full BBS and now almost 24 hours later I have a DFS.

Does that mean it's a good combo? :D

Curious if you have tried the Fatip OC v2? That has a bit less blade exposure and seems to work well with the Feather blades, too. Maybe that would help you shave more often?
I shave daily with 2 pass and touch ups. You need the mildest razors ... otherwise forget it (ie. R41 will not work for daily at all). Even with mildest razors, you have to be careful not to over buff on the neck. If i want pristine neck with no irritation i only do 2 passes on the most sensitive neck areas, WTG and XTG - never ATG on the side of my neck, only under the chin down the neck area i do ATG. The rest of the face WTG and ATG pass + touch up.

Recently started using RR GameChanger 68-p which is one of my best mild razors for daily shaves.
I seem to be getting closer to being a daily shaver since joining B&B but my frequency varies along number of passes. I generally decide on the number of passes in the moment and based on how much I am enjoying the razor/blade combo. Averaging 2 passes a shave as I am not chasing perfection.
Does that mean it's a good combo? :D

Curious if you have tried the Fatip OC v2? That has a bit less blade exposure and seems to work well with the Feather blades, too. Maybe that would help you shave more often?
IMHO it's a great combo because it works great (or maybe not???????) I have the Fatip Gentile and it's super mild I really like this razor, it's even milder than the 34C HD. When I used it for the first time it felt like it's impossible to nick yourself with this razor. I'll give it tomorrow a try. Fatip Gentle + fresh Feather blade.
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