Occasionally I meander into other forums on B&B. Coffee, cigars, pipesmoking, booze, guns, and, of course, shaving.
They’re all the same. Same types of folks posting about the same themes; only the context changes. Connoisseurs extolling the “finer” points of whatever it is. Whatever the thing was at its origin has with the passage of time and infliction of innumerable opinions and critiques been distorted into an unrecognizable something else. What started as a mere useful thing is inevitably converted into a complicated heirarchy of quality and virtue that is opaque to the uninitiated.
I suppose it’s a human trait. Perhaps 50 centuries ago a second variety of wine became available, it was compared to the old wine, an opinion was rendered and off we went. And it seems that the critique flows in one direction, toward a preference for the exotic, esoteric and expensive. The rarer it is, the more expensive, the more complex the process becomes the preferred variety. It is rare that something enjoyed by a majority of people is the connoisseur’s choice. Newcomers to a thing, an activity or whatever are inevitably influenced by the connoisseurs to follow their supposed expertise and the bias in favor of the more exotic, esoteric and expensive is reinforced.
And thus simple tastes, a preference for the ordinary, the readily obtainable, the inexpensive, the simple is derided, and the devotees of such belittled as unsophisticated rubes. And it always will be so.
To those who eschew connoisseurism, I take my hat off. Your courage keeps us grounded. Hold fast against the storm!
They’re all the same. Same types of folks posting about the same themes; only the context changes. Connoisseurs extolling the “finer” points of whatever it is. Whatever the thing was at its origin has with the passage of time and infliction of innumerable opinions and critiques been distorted into an unrecognizable something else. What started as a mere useful thing is inevitably converted into a complicated heirarchy of quality and virtue that is opaque to the uninitiated.
I suppose it’s a human trait. Perhaps 50 centuries ago a second variety of wine became available, it was compared to the old wine, an opinion was rendered and off we went. And it seems that the critique flows in one direction, toward a preference for the exotic, esoteric and expensive. The rarer it is, the more expensive, the more complex the process becomes the preferred variety. It is rare that something enjoyed by a majority of people is the connoisseur’s choice. Newcomers to a thing, an activity or whatever are inevitably influenced by the connoisseurs to follow their supposed expertise and the bias in favor of the more exotic, esoteric and expensive is reinforced.
And thus simple tastes, a preference for the ordinary, the readily obtainable, the inexpensive, the simple is derided, and the devotees of such belittled as unsophisticated rubes. And it always will be so.
To those who eschew connoisseurism, I take my hat off. Your courage keeps us grounded. Hold fast against the storm!
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