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Collecting wife bonus parts
This morning’s craptastic shave (didn’t get a pic because my phone was charging so I could call mom after):

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 butterscotch noir
Soap: Stirling unscented with beeswax, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Game Changer 68P
Blade: Gillette Nacet (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: None
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

This morning was my first time with the Stirling unscented with beeswax, or any Stirling soap for that matter. Despite being a soft soap, it was thirstier than I expected and it came out a little thick. I’ll add more water next time. Overall, it’s an excellent soap that has great slickness and protection. The shave was nice, even if it wasn’t the closest I’ve gotten with the Game Changer.

A craptastic Sunday Morning Shave.
1950’s US Ball End Tech• Rapira(3)• Palmolive Men’s Shave Cream•
Zenith 507-IF


Collecting wife bonus parts
This morning's craptastic shave:

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 butterscotch noir
Soap: Stirling unscented with beeswax, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Game Changer 68P
Blade: Gillette Nacet (4)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: None, but maybe some extra menthol tingle
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

This morning's shave was the bee's (wax) knees. It was my second time with the Stirling unscented with beeswax soap and I think I made the lather just perfect. More water led to a rich and luxurious cream. I can always tell when I get the lather just right because the shave is a little closer, and that's consistent across all of my razors.

Riding the cap was craptastic, but the shave was anything but crappy.

Good morning/afternoon to my fellow CRAPheads. Today's craptastic shave was a great one, the English Tech tamed the Rapira blade that was causing some irritation and cuts on other razors. The two Techs I have were able to get the Rapira to behave.


English 1950’s Ball End Tech• Rapira(4)• Heritage/Canoe-• Omega 10049 Boar• Details.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Modern May

Tonight’s cap-riding shave of awesomeness
Fatip Grande
Sharp Titanium (4)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: splash of water for the shave stick
Lather: ARKO!; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: warm shower :001_wub: and a drop of hyaluronic acid
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

ARKO’ya güvenin!

What a slick, comfortable shave I just had. ARKO! was the perfect vehicle for letting the cap of my Fatip Grande slide all over my skin while the Sharp Titanium smashed through stubble. Aces!


Collecting wife bonus parts
This morning's crapalicious shave:

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 butterscotch noir
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Old Type
Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: None
Result: CCS+/DFS- (stubble ATG on neck)

This morning's shave took an unexpected twist. I hadn't used the RR Old Type since last July and I thought it was time to pull it out for duty again. My prep was good. The Arko lather was amazing. The Nacet was fresh. But, the shave was pretty rough. The razor didn't feel all that great on my face while cutting. There was also considerable tugging in some places. The shave was neither as close nor comfortable as yesterday's with the Game Changer 68P. I didn't have any sting from the Skin Bracer, which is good, but I don't think I need to use the Old Type again any time soon. It's odd because I seem to remember really liking the Old Type in the past. Maybe the Old Type isn't that bad of a razor and it's more so that the Game Changers and Lupos are that good and smooth. If I have them in my collection, there's no need to feel obligated to use the Old Type again.

It was a crappy shave, but not in the good crap way we like here.


1967 Slim Adj• Rapira(5)• RE Heritage/British Sterling• Zenith 507-BC•

Another craptacular shave this morning, it started off rough, even on setting 5 of the Adjustable Slim, riding the cap on the initial WTG pass was needed, I am usually a third crapper, riding the cap mostly on the third (ATG) pass of the shave. But in the end the Slim didn't take any crap off the blade and delivered a fine shave.


Collecting wife bonus parts
This morning's crapfastic shave:

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 butterscotch noir
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 58
Blade: Gillette Nacet (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: None, but maybe some tingles
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

I had some delayed onset and lingering irritation yesterday after my unfortunate run in with the RR Old Type. It's a shame because I previously liked that razor, but that cements my opinion that I won't be using it again any time soon. I switched to the RR Lupo 58 this morning. I loaded in the same Nacet as yesterday, whipped up a fantastic Arko Lather, and had a nice shave. There was no aftershave sting, but perhaps a few tingles that were lingering evidence of yesterday's transgression. Despite the Lupo 58 being listed as more aggressive than the Game Changer 68P, I don't think it shaved me as closely this morning as the Game Changer. It may be a synergy of the shallow angle and blade gap size, and the Lupo 58 has a smaller gap than the Game Changer 68.

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Good morning my fellow crapheads, today's craptastic shave was with a new blade to me, the Kai loaded in my 1940's Fat Handled Tech. It started off with more blade feel, but not the roughness of the Rapira, I rode the crap out of the cap and all was well. For the last ATG pass, I dipped the brush into the warm water mug to get an extra slick lather, that did the trick, riding the cap ATG yielded a great shave.

So I was thinking, our noble founder @Jay21, he's gotta be our Grand Poo'bah. Haha.


1940’s Fat Handle Tech• Kai(1)• Heritage/Pierre Cardin Pour Monsieur• Semogue 2000 Boar• Details.
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