saving up for a shavemac. currently have an omega 20mm knot fine bagder and its nice but floppy and later on I want a bigger brush. 23mm, and shavemacs have come highly recommended from various coworkers. still trying to find a place where I can see them up close. (I'm in nyc by the way).
Anyhow I enjoy D.R. Harris soap and my tub of arko. Wondering if anyone has issues lathering with a fine or silvertip shavemac brush and if the difference is night and day between the fine and silvertip (leaning toward fine because of the $$$). thanks again all. always appreciated.
Anyhow I enjoy D.R. Harris soap and my tub of arko. Wondering if anyone has issues lathering with a fine or silvertip shavemac brush and if the difference is night and day between the fine and silvertip (leaning toward fine because of the $$$). thanks again all. always appreciated.