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An unconventional way to get BBS on the neck

I've always done this technique, even when I was shaving with a cart. Stretching the skin on my neck always led to irritation and razor burn. When I started DE shaving, I tried it that way thinking it was the "correct" technique, but it's the same way. I started using the loose skin technique again.
Thanks, guys for some excellent info - and Mantic59 for highlighting the advanced techniques. I've used the loose skin technique for under the neck, but J-hooking and blade buffing look very promising.
Thanks, guys for some excellent info - and Mantic59 for highlighting the advanced techniques. I've used the loose skin technique for under the neck, but J-hooking and blade buffing look very promising.

Once I learned about J-hooking I abandoned any ATG passes; my shaves are closer for it, and my face is happier, too.
Howdy B&Bers, what I am about to share with you is strongly YMMV.

I have long been in search of a BBS shave on my neck. I never shave ATG as weepers and ingrown hairs are commonly the result. I have what I would consider sensitive skin, and medium-coarse dark hair.
I was in the experimenting mood the other week while shaving after having just read a thread (now which I cannot find) that had a link to an article about a street barber in India I believe.
The street barber mentioned that instead of pulling the skin tight on his clients faces to perform a shave, he pushed the skin toward the direction of the blade, creating a loose roll of skin which he then shaved. He claimed this helped the hair stand up better and was easier to cut.
This, baffled me. We have always been told to hold the skin tight while we shave!
I decided I would try this type of technique on my neck (which is pretty much the only place on my face I have issues).
So instead of lifting my chin up to tighten my skin on my neck, I tilted my head down and to the right slightly (while shaving the right side). This caused my neck skin to relax. I'm not a big guy at all, and I tilted my head down till I almost got a small skin roll. I took my Progress on #2 and started buffing away ATG (south) and expected to start feeling the familiar warmth and burn with immediate weepers of my usual ATG pass.
To my amazement I didn't feel a darn thing. I had to double check to make sure my razor was cutting the hairs. Indeed it was, and what a fantastic job it did. I couldn't believe it. Had I stumbled upon my holy grail shaving technique? Yes!
I have continued this way every shave since on my neck, and each time it has gone by without a hitch. It takes a little while to get used to doing something so against the book, but it works for me.

If you have sensitive neck skin and are interested in doing an ATG pass, give this technique a try. But please, be very careful. You should know right away if this is going to work for you. For those of you that try, let me know what you think.

finally a thread in this forum that I felt I needed to read completely and was completely interested in. well done and I will be trying this out when I shave again
Hi - well, as I understand it, J hooking is a short stroke of the safety razor with an even shorter 90 degree stroke to finish. In other words a razor stroke incorporating a left or right turn at the end. mantic59 has a very good video demonstrating this. It might be called "Advanced wet shaving techniques" or something similar. I use J hooks to clean up under my chin and my neck. It seems to work better than anything else I've tried for a BBS on that section of my face. best luck...
I'll give this a try. The hair on my neck grows somewhat sideways which means that for me "across the grain" is from my ear to my adam's apple. I find that it is difficult for me to move well in that direction, not to mention always being worried about it being my throat and all.
I pinched my neck this morning to loosen the skin, and that seemed to help me get a closer shave, easier. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep trying and see if it's consistent.
This is the same technique I use for my jawline!!!
It allows me to do a side to side (ATG for me on my jaw) while allowing the whole blade to contact akin rather than just the small amount on my jawline. In essense it makes my jaw line disappear and I use it for XTG (s to n) so I can transition between neck and cheek without a drastic 90° angle!!!
I watched Mantic's "bullfrogging" video a couple months ago when I was first starting to DE shave. But I totally forgot about it until now! I need to try this technique on my next shave since my neck/jawline are the key areas giving me real trouble as I continue to learn.
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