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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving


Not made for these times.
I will say that it us a rare human being that finds this hobby interesting. How many people have internet access globally? How many active members are there on thus forum?...

The odds are that she likes you and is glad to see that you are clean and tidy. Note that she did not follow up with any details related to shaving, nor discuss the specifics of how she might use one of those herself. Nor discuss how you might teach her how to....wait a minute. Or did she...?
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I'll keep y'all posted for sure. :)


Collecting wife bonus parts
Starting over after 11 years is quite interesting but where else could better advice be found than here? :)
In all seriousness, I wouldn’t worry at all about her not liking or understanding your shave collection. If I learned one thing about living with my Mrs. and a previous partner before, they have lotions and creams that cost $50 a bottle, and they’re all different in some way and capacity that only they understand. If anyone can understand why you need 10 soaps and 15 different blades, it’s your love interest because they have 45 different creams for their upper lip alone.


Not made for these times.
In all seriousness, I wouldn’t worry at all about her not liking or understanding your shave collection. If I learned one thing about living with my Mrs. and a previous partner before, they have lotions and creams that cost $50 a bottle, and they’re all different in some way and capacity that only they understand. If anyone can understand why you need 10 soaps and 15 different blades, it’s your love interest because they have 45 different creams for their upper lip alone.
Maybe I'll give her one of my razors and 500 blades. :devil:
Nor discuss how you might teach her how to....wait a minute. Or did she...?
As long as @Eric_75 greets get with enthusiasm and says “hi honey” instead of seeing her with enthusiasm and declaring “man let me tell you about my shave of the day! That Envoy is an amazing razor!!”, he should be fine.

What ever you do don’t get caught sniffing your brushes or soaps. Ask me how I know… :biggrin:
In all seriousness, I wouldn’t worry at all about her not liking or understanding your shave collection. If I learned one thing about living with my Mrs. and a previous partner before, they have lotions and creams that cost $50 a bottle, and they’re all different in some way and capacity that only they understand. If anyone can understand why you need 10 soaps and 15 different blades, it’s your love interest because they have 45 different creams for their upper lip alone.
I tried that rationale once, but she opened both our shoe cabinets and just had to point to explain mine versus hers.

But to Mark’s point, she is indeed less concerned about the software aspect (my skin has also definitely improved since starting DE shaving and using aftershave and balms daily) than she is about the hardware. She supports my passion for the hobby, but feels I could have been just as passionate with only 1 razor…she might have a point there, my response was “but that’s the thing, which one razor will that be! Hence my testing them all!!”
I tried that rationale once, but she opened both our shoe cabinets and just had to point to explain mine versus hers.

But to Mark’s point, she is indeed less concerned about the software aspect (my skin has also definitely improved since starting DE shaving and using aftershave and balms daily) than she is about the hardware. She supports my passion for the hobby, but feels I could have been just as passionate with only 1 razor…she might have a point there, my response was “but that’s the thing, which one razor will that be! Hence my testing them all!!”
Morning Guido.
My journey is getting out of hand and I am now at the point that I would love to have just one razor, two or three soaps and a balm and after shave.
My guess is that journey will be longer and harder to accomplish. Really hard to let go of razors, even the Henson AL13 +++ which I really don't like.
Please someone help me...:c4:
Morning Guido.
My journey is getting out of hand and I am now at the point that I would love to have just one razor, two or three soaps and a balm and after shave.
My guess is that journey will be longer and harder to accomplish. Really hard to let go of razors, even the Henson AL13 +++ which I really don't like.
Please someone help me...:c4:
Well you definitely have the right user name! What helped me was the sobering thought of dividing my guesstimate for the left on this planet by the number of razors I have and the outcome was a single digit number. That sort of stopped me in my tracks.

The other thing I did was make a spreadsheet of my razors and separating them into columns. Ones I got gifted will never leave. Ones I bought for special occasions ditto. That brought the list way down.

Now the actual letting go is a different thing all together as I have a consistent rotation going where I generally use them. I am OCD enough to track usage over time as well so that helps select my razors. And I feel lucky enough to only have razors I like and that work for me. But I decided to mainly keep what I have now and pass it onto the siblings. My son is a DE shaver too - I am just looking after his collection! Haha!

Soaps is a different story. I actually think I have too many. They will be used for sure, but it is eating away at my conscience.

It’s kind of schizophrenic: for my ADs I should have never become a B&B member. For my health and outlook on life it’s been the greatest thing.

I will gladly come over, put any number of razors in a box and take it with me. If you don’t miss it in two months this might be candidates to be moved on. And if you do miss them, they will still be there without sellers remorse.

But as my dear friend Doug @Rosseforp used to say “the struggle is real”
366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84P SBSuper Max Blue Diamond (1)Razorock 400 Butterscotch
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (13)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Minor redness)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
8/10 (Smooth)


Sunday called for a no did all comfort shave which is exactly up the alley for the Game Changer.

For me this razor represents its name on point as I got it following a game changing moment in my life. Next to that the design of this razor appeals much to me. The .84 gap is definitely within my razor sweet spot and I was lucky to secure one with the assistance of dear friend @Butch Waxx (who I haven’t seen around for some time, but I know he just has other matters to attend to at the moment. He is never far away in my thoughts). The blade is new to me although I remember not have the best of shaves with the Super Diamond Stainless blade. It was smooth and sharp (enough), although there were times during the shave where I thought it wasn't actually cutting at all. Overall a very nice and easy shave. Perfect for a Sunday morning.

Brush and lather were working in unison again and the brush is officially on par with the rest now so let the comparisons begin!!

After groceries yesterday I went outside to clean the exterior of the house with a new gadget I had bought last year. One of those telescope brushes that attaches to the garden hose. I can get all the way up to the roof without standing on a ladder (not that I would stand on a ladder to get up to my roof! No way I am getting up that high!!) All looking nice and clean now! And I feel like I have been bench pressing for 3 hours straight! Ouch! And we’ll get some coffee over at a mutual friend for her birthday.

Just a couple of days left in May and then I will have completed another month in GRUYERE. I failed early May last year so it’s personal records from now on!

Enjoy your shave today!
My Mrs. is happy I’ve taken an interest in daily shaving and this whole hobby because it probably means she gets left alone and away from my usual shenanigans more often now.
Jay, I'm not sure how old you are, but for me it's also a) a lot less expensive than other midlife crisis hobbies, and b) doesn't involve woman half the Mrs. age.

Come to think of it, b) is actually a subset of a).

@Eric_75, I hope you are enjoying the process of starting afresh. A new woman is like...a new razor: Are they efficient, aggressive, or so pleasurable you just want to take them for a ride on your slippery face?

Too much? Apologies. I haven't had my coffee yet.
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Now the actual letting go is a different thing all together as I have a consistent rotation going where I generally use them.
So, on the whole rotation thing...I am quickly approaching the point where I will only be using a given razor 2-weeks per year. The challenge is real. I have two TI Henson's, a + and a ++. I like the them both, but am not sure how nany days a year will have me using the +. When @RAD patient said he didn't like his +++, my very first thought was not that I should get rid of my +, but that maybe I might like to try a +++.

It's a mental illness. Definitely.


Not made for these times.
We are just happy that this joy has crossed your path again and in your natural habitat even. The miracle of connection.
That means a lot to me. So many of you here pulled me through a very dark and sad time in my life. Kim and I discussed it many times in our PMs. Special thanks to my friend David @Butch Waxx as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. 🙏

B & B was a refuge during that time and that is because of you fine gentlemen.

From my heart to all of yours. Thank you.

I'll make sure the door is locked when I sniff my soaps and brushes. 🚪:)
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Funny thing. Mrs. Scandalous tends not to shave her legs much during the winter. Scandalous, right? 😆 I don't care. But last night she said, is there a safety razor that you like less than the others? I need to shave my legs. I thought hard about that for a minute, because frankly I like the ones I still have. But I decided rather than pawn one off on her, I'd ser a couple up that I actually think would suit her and let her decide. Ended up with the Razorock Old Type mounted on a longer bamboo handle and the Fatip Retro. Both gentle but efficient, should work great. She can decide which one is better. I did tell her she can use any of them any time but she can't keep them 🤣

Thinking about RAD, I can't talk...I have over 30 straights and a couple more on the way. But the thing with straights is, once you get them sorted out, they deliver pretty much the same results. Very close, very comfortable shaves. Granted, the sensation between a quarter hollow/near wedge and a super thin full hollow is notably different. And they all look different and have their own individual personality. But any of the ones I've held onto will provide a great shave.

Dipping my toe into DEs has shown me that DE RAD is more practical, in a sense, because different designs provide vastly different experiences. Both during the shave and in the results they provide. So I can certainly understand that there's a lot of value to experimenting to find what works for you.

I have no relationship advice. Well, maybe one thing. Wives are more expensive to collect than shaving gear.
So I can certainly understand that there's a lot of value to experimenting to find what works for you.
Good point Matt - I haven't exactly set out to discover the best razor for me and then call it a day. My evolution (sounds a lot more friendly than addication) is more based on curioisity. Not fear of missing out or anything (I certainly don't have that), but knowing that the only way to find out was to get the razor and experience it. And so far those experiments have only result in "O, this one shaves very nice too" rather than "this one is in and the other is out"
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