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A journal of a Cajun's life wet shaving

When I was growing up, it was the Beatles and the Stones who got me all caught up in music. Because of them I developed a real affection for the British rockers which also included The Who, Led Zeppelin, Cream etc. Then I got into the N.American R&Rers and the Blues. As I grew older I also developed appreciation for Jazz, Classical, some C&W and of course Frank, Dean, Tony etc.
Quite a lovely and wondrous musical journey. Aside from the occasional song etc I don't find I care much for the new music at all.
I've gone through the various musical permutations as well. From 45s to LPs to reel to reel, cassettes CDs and back to enjoying my vinyl collection again... Just something about actually listening to records.
You might say that, having gone full circle, I'm back to being "In the groove". BADABOOM! I'll leave quietly.

pete townsend.jpg


Collecting wife bonus parts
No Nickelback shirts though. Haha. I liked their music but it became taboo to listen to them, long after I stopped listening to the radio at all. I believe the original of the Nickelback haters was a viral joke that gained critical mass. Sorta like all the Chuck Norris memes. Haha.
Funny true story from last afternoon. I go walking around my neighborhood almost daily, and it's common for all the young folk to blast their music loudly in their cars so I can tell exactly what it is. Based on where I live, I hear lots of country and rap. Well, last night, some dude in a Nissan was blasting Nickelback. You keep on doing you, son.
300+ Shaves in 2024 134 of 300+
May 2024 GRUME 22/31
Shave Date 5/23/2024
1952 Flare Tip Super Speed
Blade: Perma-Sharp (4)
Pre-Shave: Razor Emporium Pre-Shave soap
Soap: Razor Emporium Heritage (11)
Brush: Zenith 507-IF Italian Flag
Post-shave: Alum Bock, Thayer's Witch Hazel, Mother Bear Winter Balm, RE Heritage Balm, PAA Planet Phoneix
Rating: 28.75/30 10 for Comfort, 10 for cuts and weepers(0), 8.75 for smoothness, neck stubble, BBS on the face, and DFS+++ neck.


The Perma-Sharp continues to shine, providing a smooth, comfortable, and close shave today on its 4th shave, which is to be expected from its lofty reputation. I did a few touch-up passes and this time I had nary any additional alum block feedback, although I did not achieve full BBS or the best of shaves, just a hair off. I felt a bit of fur on the Adam's Apple area, right smack dab in the middle of my problem area of the neck, should I or should I not????? I did, lathered up and riding the cap shaved the area with a very light touch, closer but not BBS. No irritation was a good outcome, but why chase it and chance the irritation? Why, because I am a knucklehead who wants BBS, I am working on the knucklehead part and moving towards an attitude of good'nuff and saving my face from irritation. It's a process, one day at a time. As I mentioned yesterday, PAA Planet Phoenix did pair quite nicely with the scent of Heritage. Planet Phonix is a hard one to explain, it has tones of the Barbershop genre, but it is more spicey and stronger, something in there I can put my finger on, or nose on. Anywho, it works well with R/E Heritage.

11 shaves in on the soap and I can see some progress, I chose a croap to 3017 because they are softer and my boars would have an easier time eating through to the bottom vs a triple milled soap or the harder MdC Rose and RR Dead Sea, those would take some time to use up. I needed some low-lying fruit to get the ball rolling.

Speaking of the ball rolling, Livie, my daughter's Australian Shepard dog, and her brother TimBeaux will be down this evening, I am meeting my son-in-law in Sealy Texas to pick them up tonight after work, not on the motorcycle, in my wife's CRV, haha. My wife bought Tivers some balls to play with, so she would leave all the plants and various plant implements alone on the back porch when I take her out in the mornings. Pfff, she thinks that's going to stop Tivers? Heck no. What keeps the big galoot happy is an old planter one of my wife's various plants came in from the nursery, the throwaway pots. She'll play with that all day long. It will be an interesting few days until my daughter comes to pick her up as she is a handful, but we are up to the challenge.

That is all for today, more training for the new dispensing software system we are about to install here next week, it is always fun to learn an entirely new system while dealing with running a pharmacy. But I am truly blessed. I wish all a blessed Thursday, and may all your shaves be the best.


Ole gurl sleeping yesterday before I headed to work.

No Nickelback shirts though. Haha. I liked their music but it became taboo to listen to them, long after I stopped listening to the radio at all. I believe the original of the Nickelback haters was a viral joke that gained critical mass. Sorta like all the Chuck Norris memes. Haha.
Never liked Nickelback myself, but I'm a big proponent of listening to what you like. Hair metal was mostly pretty bad in hindsight, but I still enjoy an occasional song in my Spotify mix anyways.
Funny true story from last afternoon. I go walking around my neighborhood almost daily, and it's common for all the young folk to blast their music loudly in their cars so I can tell exactly what it is. Based on where I live, I hear lots of country and rap. Well, last night, some dude in a Nissan was blasting Nickelback. You keep on doing you, son.
Reminds me of once at a hotel in middle-of-nowhere Ohio. My daughter and I were walking to next door to pick up dinner and some big dude drives by on a motorcycle blasting music. My daughter and I looked at each other, I'm trying to place the song - is that what I think it is?? Yes. It was "Let It Go" from Frozen.
Reminds me of once at a hotel in middle-of-nowhere Ohio. My daughter and I were walking to next door to pick up dinner and some big dude drives by on a motorcycle blasting music. My daughter and I looked at each other, I'm trying to place the song - is that what I think it is?? Yes. It was "Let It Go" from Frozen.
There’s a video once I saw of my brother in law and his Machinist co-workers riding in a jeep lunch break. Now these fellas are all hunting, fishing, welding good ole boys. Two in the back seat were singing away. The song?? Marvin Gay “ Sexual Healing”. The main cut-up of the group was putting on a performance. Haha. I asked the driver just whose phone was had Marvin Gay on it. He said that would be my brother in law. The most redneck of the bunch. Haha.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Hair metal was mostly pretty bad in hindsight, but I still enjoy an occasional song in my Spotify mix anyways.

Spotify, cheesy hard rock/hair metal, and laundry = relaxation. If I’m sorting socks and Bon Scott is yelling slurred nothings, I’m happy.

It was "Let It Go" from Frozen.

Banger tune. My G-dchild would get mad if anyone sang it and got a word or note wrong.
I find it fascinating, all the kids wearing Nirvana t-shirts these days, but I guess it’s no different from the Zeppelin t-shirts I used to see back in high school.
I saw a girl wearing a Metallica shirt who when she didn’t know what Metallica was. She just liked the lighting bolts from the M and the A.

My daughter has a Metallica shirt too - I just made sure she knew who they were! :punk:

When she was four we drove across the border to Germany and I heard Highway to Hell faintly in the background. “Louder” she said from the backseat. LOTH looked at me with that “what did you do?”-look. I did the 😇 face.

Next morning I kid you not my daughter for her hand and says look what I can do daddy: 🤘

Amy Poehler Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
I saw a girl wearing a Metallica shirt who when she didn’t know what Metallica was. She just liked the lighting bolts from the M and the A.

My daughter has a Metallica shirt too - I just made sure she knew who they were! :punk:

When she was four we drove across the border to Germany and I heard Highway to Hell faintly in the background. “Louder” she said from the backseat. LOTH looked at me with that “what did you do?”-look. I did the 😇 face.

Next morning I kid you not my daughter for her hand and says look what I can do daddy: 🤘

Amy Poehler Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Rock GIF
Acdc GIF

*Boris head bangs with his receding hair line*
I saw a girl wearing a Metallica shirt who when she didn’t know what Metallica was. She just liked the lighting bolts from the M and the A.

My daughter has a Metallica shirt too - I just made sure she knew who they were! :punk:

When she was four we drove across the border to Germany and I heard Highway to Hell faintly in the background. “Louder” she said from the backseat. LOTH looked at me with that “what did you do?”-look. I did the 😇 face.

Next morning I kid you not my daughter for her hand and says look what I can do daddy: 🤘

Amy Poehler Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
When my youngest (now 7) was little, like 2 or so, she always wanted to listen to music at bedtime. One night she was being picky about song choice and I jokingly said, how about "Creeping Death?" And even though she didn't know the song, she immediately said yes. After that, bedtime music was "Purple Metallica" (her name for the Ride the Lighting album) for about two years. It's a good thing I like that album.
I saw a girl wearing a Metallica shirt who when she didn’t know what Metallica was. She just liked the lighting bolts from the M and the A.

My daughter has a Metallica shirt too - I just made sure she knew who they were! :punk:

When she was four we drove across the border to Germany and I heard Highway to Hell faintly in the background. “Louder” she said from the backseat. LOTH looked at me with that “what did you do?”-look. I did the 😇 face.

Next morning I kid you not my daughter for her hand and says look what I can do daddy: 🤘

Amy Poehler Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
When my daughter was dating her current husband, her future father-in-law bet her she didn't know a song from the early 80's. Unfortunately for him, he picked Tom Sawyer from Rush, both my children were well-versed in Moving Pictures. She didn't know Getty Lee's name, only that he was the ugly guy, haha. Once we were on a road trip during her college years, and she wanted to play some songs from her playlist, I resisted but she won out, it was all the music I listened to while driving them around when they were young, Rush, AC/DC, Van Halen, Pearl Jam, Def Lepard, and threw some Daughtry in there for good measure. Like you @Guido75, I thought "That's daddy's girl."
300+ Shaves in 2024 135 of 300+
May 2024 GRUME 23/31
Shave Date 5/24/2024
1950's Rocket HD 500
Blade: Perma-Sharp (5)
Pre-Shave: Razor Emporium Pre-Shave soap
Soap: Razor Emporium Heritage (12)
Brush: Omega 10049 Boar.
Post-shave: Alum Bock, Thayer's Witch Hazel, Mother Bear Winter Balm, RE Heritage Balm, Noble Otter Lonestar A/S
Rating: 29/30 10 for Comfort, 10 for cuts and weepers(0), 9 for smoothness, neck stubble, BBS on the face, and DFS+++ neck.


The last shave for the Perma-Sharp ended on a high note, on the level of my best shaves. The Perma-Sharp has rocketed to the top tier of blades, right alongside the GSB. Today's shave was smooth, comfortable, and very close, and the best part was no irritation or nicks. I'll stock up on the Perma-Sharps for sure. The Sea Lions will need therapy after 5 days of being just about scalped, they are grumbling about being sick and tired of the dolphins splashing bay water in their chubby faces. Ahhhh, they'll be alright. Lonestar pairs well with the Heritage scent, but it isn't really in the barbershop genre, as there are leather tones in Lonestar. I haven't used a modern razor in quite some time, and I am not missing them much. I may pull out one of them and get some use out of them, but for now, my vintage razors are doing a durn fine job of shaving. As to the next blade, I am not sure, I have a few I have not tried yet, one is a Euromax, of which I know zero about, and another is Parker DE Blades, pulse one or two others. Does Anyone have experience with the Euromax DE Blade or a refresher course on the Parker DE Blades? I am not sure of the country of origin of either.

Livie, aka Livers, Tivers, was happy to see me yesterday evening at the dog exchange point. This morning, she was playing with her new oversized tennis ball because hers is an oversized pup dog.



'Tis all for today, the weekend is upon us, but I work it, no big deal, I am blessed. May your Memorial Day Weekend be a blessed one, and may all the shave be the best.

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300+ Shaves in 2024 136 of 300+
May 2024 GRUME 24/31
Shave Date 5/25/2024
1957 US Ball End Tech
Blade: Euromax Platinum (1)
Pre-Shave: Razor Emporium Pre-Shave soap
Soap: Razor Emporium Heritage (13)
Brush: Semogue 2000 Boar.
Post-shave: Alum Bock, Thayer's Witch Hazel, Mother Bear Winter Balm, RE Heritage Balm, Canoe EDT Splash
Rating: 28/30 10 for Comfort, 10 for cuts and weepers(0), 8 for smoothness, neck stubble, BBS on the face, and DFS+++ neck.


The first shave on the Euromax wasn't too bad, middle of the pack, not as smooth as the best, not as bad as the Tiger. For whatever reason, my left side of my face is more sensitive to ATG strokes than the right side is, even when I make sure to use the proper angle and pressure, on the left side, I feel the blade more. Sometimes it is just a tugging sensation, other times there is some activation of the pain receptors. With my best blades I feel nothing, smooth as silk, GSB, Nacet, and Perma-Sharps are examples of excellent blades that are smooth. Other blades I feel more, today that was the case with the Euromax. Three passes and no clean-ups passes, the blade did a fine job of mowing down the whiskers, just a bit off the very best, and no blood or irritation. Given the greater feedback and blade feel of today's shave, how the Euromax finishes out its 5 shaves will be interesting. Based on first shave performance, this one slots above the Tiger, but below all the others, but that is a sample of one. And Canoe, its a good one.

At work early today eating a Hippo, thats a breakfast taco in which they add everything plus the kitchen sink into it. Presumably the name comes from the fact that if you indulge in these too often, you'll ascend to the weight of a hippo. Luckily for me, this is a once a week thing, only on weeks I work Saturdays. I come in early and enjoy some downtime, and usually compose my BnB post. Speaking of that......

That's all for today, I wish all a blessed Saturday and Memorial Day weekend, and may all your shaves be the best.

300+ Shaves in 2024 138 of 300+
May 2024 GRUME 26/31
Shave Date 5/27/2024
1952 Flare Tip Super Speed
Blade: Euromax Platinum (3)
Pre-Shave: Razor Emporium Pre-Shave soap
Soap: Razor Emporium Heritage (15)
Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket 26MM.
Post-shave: Alum Bock, Thayer's Witch Hazel, Mother Bear Winter Balm, RE Heritage Balm, British Sterling EDT
Rating: 28/30 10 for Comfort, 10 for cuts and weepers(1), 8 for smoothness, neck stubble, BBS on the face, and DFS+++ neck.


The Euromax continues its excellent run today delivering a very smooth, comfortable shave on its 3rd outing. I had such low expectations for the blade that this was a pleasant surprise. I did have a tiny pinhead weeper on the left side of the goatee, the most sensitive side of my face, but I did not feel any excessive tugging or irritation while doing the ATG pass there. I did some extra passes to clean up the sea lion fur, but left some on the neck, making it a wash. I would now slot this blade in around the Sharks, upper mid-tier blade, not as good as the GSBs of the world, but worlds better than the Tiger was. A fantastic shave for a Monday, or any day. British Sterling pairs well with the Heritage scent and is a nice blast from the past.

That's all for today, gotta get to work on this Memorial Day, I wish all a blessed Memorial Day and may all your shaves be the best.

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