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2020-2024 Leap Year Restraint/2020s Restraint (10 years)

I used to think I was so smart having bought 24 pucks of Williams for $33.99. Now, the same 24 would sell for $240 if you can get them. I feel dumb having $240 invested in shaving soap.
Think of it like stock, Buy low Sell high. Take the profits and buy or invest in something else.
On 21 Feb, 2019 I started a block of Vitos extra super coco. I split it into three roughly equal sized chunks. I am a bit embarrassed to report that after 1094 shaves I still have not completed the second chunk. It looks like I have about 15grams remaining but recently I have only be using about 1/3 of a gram per shave so hopefully in April I can start the third chunk and consider myself on the "home stretch". That is just a long way of saying that I am not worried about having enough supplies to make it the remainder of the decade. Heck I might be able to do the 2030s too 🤔

It's Not

How Fast Or Slow

You Drive

The Question Is

How You Arrive

I read in a book once that it is more important to not be one kind of late than the other. I believe the author was Douglas Adams but it was awhile ago.
No I missed those signs but I spend most of my time in the opposite corner of the US. I do recall a movie (or maybe film strip) in driver ed (a bazillion years ago) that was "drive to arrive alive".
It looks like I am finally down the the last 3gm of my 2nd chuck of Vitos. Based on how long this durn chunk is lasting it will go at least a week longer unless soap breaks away from the corners of the container and gets wasted. I started the brick in Feb of 2019 ... is suspect the third chunk will last awhile and I will not be wanting for soap.
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