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2020-2024 Leap Year Restraint/2020s Restraint (10 years)


It's a case of Always. It's Always been this way. No matter the era. All that changes is the Rate which it inflates. ;)

So a month into year 3 of the Leap year challenge and still in! I am quickly reaching the point of having to change up blade brand as this year rolls on. I'm thinking that somewhere mid-year 4 I will need to switch over to single edge or straight.

This year, I am running the One Blade in February challenge a bit differently. I know that the Med Preps in the Fasan go 20 some odd days. So, I am extending the blade I put in Jan 16th a week into February and then running a new blade to the end of the month.

Something different to do.

I don't formally do the one blade challenge. I just use them and replace them when I need to. Last few blades seem to be running in the 37-43 shave range and I just started one on Jan 28 so I will likely make it. As for the 10 year sabbatical I think I am okay for DE blades. If my count is right I have 2349 more blades at 29 shaves per blade (my running average since 2015) I will probably run out in about 183 years or so. :001_rolle

The brick of Vitos I am working on has 1075 shaves on it so far and I am not quite done with the second of three chunks.

I am a bit surprised how long this stuff lasts...

I might run out of blades this year. Depends on how many my wife uses. She's fussier about the blades than I am. I get 20 some-odd days on one. So, I change out on the 1st and 16th of the month. Then, I don't have to keep count (call me Mr Lazy) nor will I wind up thinking my shave is poor and, hey!, I need to change that blade.....

Hard to believe we are in the third year of the challenge. I'm pretty sure I could make it 25 years on the stuff I have except for the brush. I still haven't opened my four six-packs of Williams. I'm on my eighth blade, and I have a couple of hundred.

I bought an electric car (Chevy Bolt), and my electric bill has stayed the same. I guess I'm motivated to save in other areas. I don't drive much.

Saw the first robins of the year yesterday.

I figured out if I carry a cane, then I never have to open doors.

I don't work from home or from anywhere else for that matter.

BTW, I now have a copy of the book. A very interesting read. And there are groups of jingles not in my old data file. They don't fit the standard cadence. Short ones, mostly. Some for special promotions. And some for other products. Like where we are now, 1947/48, there were a group for a Burma Tooth Powder.

I'll get back to those at the end after I run out of the standard ones.

Hard to believe we are in the third year of the challenge. I'm pretty sure I could make it 25 years on the stuff I have except for the brush. I still haven't opened my four six-packs of Williams. I'm on my eighth blade, and I have a couple of hundred.

I bought an electric car (Chevy Bolt), and my electric bill has stayed the same. I guess I'm motivated to save in other areas. I don't drive much.

Saw the first robins of the year yesterday.

I figured out if I carry a cane, then I never have to open doors.

I don't work from home or from anywhere else for that matter.

Yep. The years roll right along, don't they?

I went and picked up one of those Rudy Vey brushes in the Contributor group buy. Pics when it gets here. And, I'm down to 15 blades so I know I'll have to get a 100 pack later in the year.

We don't have the power out here in farm country for electric cars. We don't even use heat pumps with resistive backup. Gas fired stuff. Same for the stove, hot water, clothes dryer, etc. I have three phase machinery that I have to make my own power for since the power company doesn't have three phase out here.

One of those new electric pickup trucks would probably work somewhat if we could charge them. Except for equipment hauling. They don't offer nearly enough towing capacity, so it'd be back to the diesel dually anyway. And, as long as that's the case, might as well not even think about new electric.

What I want is the upcoming opposed piston diesel with all electric drive. They're finally going to adopt the technology from the 1930's which has powered trains ever since. And what also powered submarines through WWII until the nuclear power replaced them in the 1960s. Anyway, at least double the efficiency. Probably triple.

I am shaving daily and slooowly using up my supply of soap and DE blades. But at my current usage rates I have effectively an infinite supply. With the exception of a moment of inattention with a straight razor last weekend this sabbatical has mostly been one pleasant shave after another.

At my current usage rate I should finish my block of Vitos extra coco sometime late in 2023.
I used to think I was so smart having bought 24 pucks of Williams for $33.99. Now, the same 24 would sell for $240 if you can get them. I feel dumb having $240 invested in shaving soap.
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