This is an outstanding brush and costs all of $12. I have compared it to 13 other brushes at <>
I've bought a few Semogues, they're cheap, well made and excellent quality.
This one is no exception. I bought the 1460, which is the same brush, but painted.
Same size and loft as the more widely known 620, but with better bristles. I found I prefer small to medium brushes and this one fits that bill. The 1305 is as big as I will go with a boar, having found the SOC too big and floppy once broken in.
The 1460 broke in even before I knew it. Other Sem's have taken 2-3 weeks, this one lathered and slathered 2-3 shaves in. Tips go nice and soft, but retain decent backbone, although the 1305 still wins out here I think.
Because this brush isn't too dense it can load really easily, and for me, holds enough lather for 3 passes more consistently than the 620. But here I am playing around with brushes and soaps, so take that with a pinch.
It's hard to go wrong with this for about $15 delivered.
I can't believe I haven't reviewed my all-time favourite boar brush!
I bought this a while ago from vintagescent and at this price, I should have bought 2!
The quality is just fantastic. It has a well sealed and great looking wooden handle with Semogue branded on the base of the handle, very classy! The build quality is excellent and it only shed about 3 hair on the first lather and none since.
It is not highly dense which is why I love it. It will put the lather onto my face without a problem, instead of hogging it like dense brushes do. It will hold enough lather for my full 3 passes, which initially I didn't think it would do.
The loft is 50mm so it has great backbone but not so much that is doesn't have good "spring". The tips are great! They broke in very fast, just 3 test lathers and it was good to go and then became great within just 2 weeks of use!
The handle is a great size and easy to use.
So, whether you are a beginner or a pro in this game, you owe it to yourself to try out this fantastic boar brush, you wont regret it!