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Jovan Musk

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As a kid growing up I always remember sneaking into the bathroom and opening my dad's La Crosse dopp kit just to smell his jovan musk... That was my dad's signature scent!! I would always put a little on and then pretend to be him because it was what he used. :001_cool:

He passed away last november, and shortly after the funeral I was in walmart shopping and ran past the fragrance aisle. I saw jovan musk and it made me think of my dad. I grabbed the biggest bottle I could find and bought it. When I got home and used it, it took me back to those times as a kid. Now, to every other guy, it is probably not considered the best scent, but to me... it was the smell of my dad, and that makes it the best to me.

I decided to come back and do an actual review of the stuff.

Sure, it can be used as a cologne or aftershave. Don't know if that makes it very effective as a cologne or aftershave, but it's whatever you like.

It is decent at fighting razor burn, sure there are better products, but this stuff is cheap. There is no cooling sensation, but that's alright with me. I have other products when I need the menthol boost. It's not moisturizing, and heck, it provides a little tingly burn when applied. Jovan musk is not one of those "super fine" quality products that you spend $30 dollars on like Floid or Alt Innsbruck, but sometimes life can be enjoyed simply, with a little splash of some cheap jovan musk after a shave, or when you want to freshen up. It smells good, and it does what it says it does.

As mentioned earlier, I love the smell because it takes me back to memories. Don't we want a good scent to remind you of something good or make a good memory?

I love the stuff because of the sentimental value it holds, and will always have a bottle.

If you are a hard working man who loved your family and gave the world to your children, then I suggest you own a few bottles of this stuff.

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I like the scent, so does my wife. She likes the lady version as well. But within one min she gets the worse headaches. None of my other cheap aftershaves bother her.

If you ever get a bad reaction to a scent, make sure you test this one out first.

Jovan Musk is one of the better drugstore frags. Not nearly as good as Grey Flannel, but not awful, and better than a slew of newer calone-laden celebrity nightmares that haunt the shelves of Walgreens and CVS. The scent is really all I care to comment on - it's kind of the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of fragrance. Sometimes it smells very clean and sheer, almost like fabric-softener. Other times the funky, weed-like florals in the top and middle range are off-putting and synthetic. I had a small bottle of this that I didn't finish. I tried to really like it, but eventually had to retire my investment in Jovan Musk. Not a biggie though, for $10 I can afford to pass. Worth a try, but don't get your hopes up on this one.

5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
1.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
1.00 star(s)
As a kid growing up I always remember sneaking into the bathroom and opening my dad's La Crosse dopp kit just to smell his jovan musk... That was my dad's signature scent!! I would always put a little on and then pretend to be him because it was what he used. :001_cool:

He passed away last november, and shortly after the funeral I was in walmart shopping and ran past the fragrance aisle. I saw jovan musk and it made me think of my dad. I grabbed the biggest bottle I could find and bought it. When I got home and used it, it took me back to those times as a kid. Now, to every other guy, it is probably not considered the best scent, but to me... it was the smell of my dad, and that makes it the best to me.

I decided to come back and do an actual review of the stuff.

Sure, it can be used as a cologne or aftershave. Don't know if that makes it very effective as a cologne or aftershave, but it's whatever you like.

It is decent at fighting razor burn, sure there are better products, but this stuff is cheap. There is no cooling sensation, but that's alright with me. I have other products when I need the menthol boost. It's not moisturizing, and heck, it provides a little tingly burn when applied. Jovan musk is not one of those "super fine" quality products that you spend $30 dollars on like Floid or Alt Innsbruck, but sometimes life can be enjoyed simply, with a little splash of some cheap jovan musk after a shave, or when you want to freshen up. It smells good, and it does what it says it does.

As mentioned earlier, I love the smell because it takes me back to memories. Don't we want a good scent to remind you of something good or make a good memory?

I love the stuff because of the sentimental value it holds, and will always have a bottle.

If you are a hard working man who loved your family and gave the world to your children, then I suggest you own a few bottles of this stuff.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
2.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
0.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
2.00 star(s)

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