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Black Opal Razor Bump Recovery with Bio-Hydroxy Complex

Item Description

I actually caught this stuff on the web by chance, but it looks like Black Opal has other shaving products too: http://www.blackopalbeauty.com/men_solution.html

It comes in a nice brown glass bottle. I know glass bottles and jars are a favorite with wet shavers.

You put it on the effected area in a circular motion at night. I didn't really have any major razor bumps, but I figure I put it on for prevention, but walah, I shaved against the grain one day and two razor bumps (red ones) popped out. I'm not sure these were ingrown hairs or not. I can never tell, but I know it was the perfect chance to test Black Opal.

It has a nice peppermint scent which is probably these best thing about this stuff. It brags to do this:

Provides a dramatic reduction of razor bumps in 5 to 7 shaves.
Advanced formulation helps exfoliate top layers of the skin that entrap embedded hair.
Dramatically reduces inflammations caused by shaving.
Provides antiseptic action to help skin heal.
Minimizes darkening that occurs when razor bumps are reduced.

But hey, its workig. It dissolved one bump and is working on the the other. I has qualms about ordering this since I was not famaliar with Black Opal at all. It looked like they just sold products for women. But I took a chance. The bottle is about 1 fl oz and is about $8.00 (U.S.). I have not tried their other shaving products, but here is the website: http://www.blackopalbeauty.com/men_solution.html

Latest reviews

Price: I think I paid $10 for a small bottle of this. While this is not that expensive, the bottle has far less doses than competing products.

Quality: Looks and feels to be very good quality.

Moisturizing: Compared to some other treatments, Black Opal is quite moisturizing and has a very nice feeling to it and sink in to the skin quite well.

Scent: Lovely, fresh peppermint scent that never gets old. I often smell it just for the scent.

Efficacy: This is where I am a bit unsure...I tried this product out for 3 days and noticed little effect. Perhaps I will have to try again with it but if your are looking for a sure thing I cannot recommend this product.

Packaging: Comes in a plain cardboard box but the bottle itself is quite nice...it is a thick dark glass screw cap bottle which I am a fan of.
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I actually caught this stuff on the web by chance, but it looks like Black Opal has other shaving products too: http://www.blackopalbeauty.com/men_solution.html

It comes in a nice brown glass bottle. I know glass bottles and jars are a favorite with wet shavers.

You put it on the effected area in a circular motion at night. I didn't really have any major razor bumps, but I figure I put it on for prevention, but walah, I shaved against the grain one day and two razor bumps (red ones) popped out. I'm not sure these were ingrown hairs or not. I can never tell, but I know it was the perfect chance to test Black Opal.

It has a nice peppermint scent which is probably these best thing about this stuff. It brags to do this:

Provides a dramatic reduction of razor bumps in 5 to 7 shaves.
Advanced formulation helps exfoliate top layers of the skin that entrap embedded hair.
Dramatically reduces inflammations caused by shaving.
Provides antiseptic action to help skin heal.
Minimizes darkening that occurs when razor bumps are reduced.

But hey, its workig. It dissolved one bump and is working on the the other. I has qualms about ordering this since I was not famaliar with Black Opal at all. It looked like they just sold products for women. But I took a chance. The bottle is about 1 fl oz and is about $8.00 (U.S.). I have not tried their other shaving products, but here is the website: http://www.blackopalbeauty.com/men_solution.html
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