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If you could only own one DE safety razor....


The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
Gillette Bulldog.

It has an Old type head and a fat handle, it's also nice to look at.

Get outta my head!!! :lol: Yes! Bulldog... loaded with a Feather... with the handle backed off a quarter turn! Shaving bliss!
My Slim... Being adjustable I can't see why you would need anything else.
This was my first thought too. I didn't see reason to buy anything else for about 4 years after buying a Slim. I recently rotated back to the slim after using the Futur, and realized just how right Gillette got it with the Slim. The shave was just so much better with the Slim.
I'm on a Slant kick now, but really a Gillette Slim could serve me for life.
I've had over a hundred razors of varying types.
For me it's the aristocrat JR #48
Beautiful razor, effortlessly efficient and beautiful.
Timeless .68 SB. Gives me the closest and smoothest shave of any razor I own. I love the style of it, the heft of it, and it just always gives me the most comfortable close shave I could ask for.
I've already made that choice. Got rid of everything except my Schick Injectors. They are single edge instead of DE, but work fantastic.
Good to see another "only one" thread...:a30:

After too many decades and too many razors to count, my answer is still the same

Vision 2000. Hands down.

I hope it never breaks as I sold by NOS backup a few years ago
If i could only have one DE razor, I'd go with my Wade and Butcher DE. It's a wonderful shaver and is so unique that I can't find another like it.
This is weird that someone has started a thread that I've been contemplating on starting myself. I have recently decided that out of all my Gillette razors that span from a pair of '20s Single Ring Old Types through to a pair of '70s Super Adjustables that my favorite razor is my '46-'47 Gillette Aristocrat. I get a BBS shave every time with zero skin irritation.
Gillette Aristocrat 1946-47.
Very efficient and comfortable, excellent balance and beautiful to look at.
Also has an uncanny ability to make every blade I threw at it work wonderfully.
This is weird that someone has started a thread that I've been contemplating on starting myself. I have recently decided that out of all my Gillette razors that span from a pair of '20s Single Ring Old Types through to a pair of '70s Super Adjustables that my favorite razor is my '46-'47 Gillette Aristocrat. I get a BBS shave every time with zero skin irritation.

Gillette Aristocrat 1946-47.
Very efficient and comfortable, excellent balance and beautiful to look at.
Also has an uncanny ability to make every blade I threw at it work wonderfully.

It's pretty neat when you find out that other folks come up with the same answers as you, and for the same, or similar reasons!! I love all my Gillettes (I guess I have about 25 or 30), and while the Slim would probably be my #2 choice, there's no topping the '46/47 Aristocrat!
Out of all the razors in my collection / rotation.......

Weishi 9306CEL
Micro Touch One

Acevivi Dual-Comb
Rapira Platinum Lux Head on Boctok Handle
Generic Scalloped Safety Bar Head on Windrose SP-4 Handle
Generic Scalloped Safety Bar Head on Windrose D-9 Chunky Handle

Mingshi 2000S

Kontakt Saiver Compact

The one that performs best for me (so good that I sold my Wizamet W-11 and Ideal Adjustables) is the Mingshi 2000S

So the logical choice for me if I could have just one razor (money no object) would be a Merkur Futur
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