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Razor wars - Blackland Blackbird versus Timeless Ti95 SCL

It had to happen eventually, so I thought why not get it over with - or is it actually (ever) over?

Blackland Blackbird

As I said before this razor needs no introduction on this forum being a favourite ever since it first hit the streets. I have the polished stainless steel version with the original baseplate and regular handle. The Blackbird I have weighs 90 grams (compared to the 94 grams listed on Blackland's website) with (according to Kickstarter) a blade gap of .58mm and blade exposure of .101mm. The Blackbird is a true masterpiece in terms of design and design features. During the shaves I had so far no clogging at all, blade alignment is always spot on and the fit of head and handle is amazing. Its head design leads to an intuitive finding of the right angle and the Blackbird literally guides me across my face and neck letting me know if my angle is off or not. Nice level of audio feedback as well - although I definitely have razors that produce much more audio than this Blackbird. The 90 grams steel doesn't feel as such when shaving. It is very nimble and easy to manouvre around. I haven't been able yet to get the same stellar results as others report on, but I am sure that eventually I will get there (I have already noticed that top notch blades certainly make a difference). I have briefly considered selling the Blackbird, because I have other razors delivering similar results - but for now it is firmly locked into my rotation.

Timeless Ti95 SCL

The Blackbird is already a masterpiece, but for me personally this razor is just drop dead gorgeous. The only other razor I have that comes close next to the Blackbird is the Lambda Athena, but the Timeless is just marvellous engineering and looks. I absolutely love the Crown handle. So the Timeless weighs 42.7 grams for the handle and 24.5 grams for the head totalling 67.2 grams which of course is significantly lower than the Blackbird. But as I mentioned the Blackbird doesn't feel that heavy. I have the scalloped baseplate which according to Timeless is somewhat of a hybrid between open comb and safety bar baseplates. I don't know if that is true or not, but I like the looks as well as the efficiency it brings (alledgedly more effective than the solid safety bar). It has been the razor I reach most for and I always smile when I get to use it. I like rotating razors, but I would let the others gather dust if I were to use this one daily. It is a daily driver to me despite the blade gap of .95mm and .05mm positive exposure. So more blade gap but less exposure compared to the Blackbird.

Summary of results

05.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLGSB (5)10109
08.03.2024Blackbird SSSputnik (1)989.25
16.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLRacer (6)976
17.03.2024Blackbird SSTiger Platinum (1)867
18.03.2024Blackbird SSASCO (1)988.75
19.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLASCO (2)988.25

Average Blackbird SS

Average Timeless Ti95


It would be too easy to say it's too close to call and both razors are too much alike. Which they are and they are not. I am sure metal plays a role, but then again titanium usually wins from stainless - at least from what I have been reading and today that doesn't seem to be the case. Both had good blades and bad blades so no advantage for one or the other. The Blackbird shaves closer than the Timeless Ti95 - at least during these shaves. In hindsight the result of 18 March was closer to 8.5 than 8.75, but it is what it is. If I however factor in comfort the Ti95 wins as there is positive blade feel, but less than the Blackbird making it a more smoother shaver for me. Obviously I have more mileage with the Ti95 and that does count for something, as the Ti95 is neary autopilot for me whereas the Blackbird and I are still growing on each other. If I take a superior blade into account - like the KCG - I see both razors performing admirably and delivering dolphinic or marble results - even with a KCG blade going on 20 shaves.

So where does this leave us. Ultimately you cannot go wrong with either. Both are true testaments to modern wet shaving and they represent some of the best out there. In this face-off the Blackbird got the upper hand. In terms of end results that is. The Ti95 is less aggressive and more predictable than the Blackbird making it a smoother shaver for me. And I am biased towards the design of the Ti95. Not to mention the emotional and sentimental value this particular razor represents to me. End of the story is that I am glad to have both in my rotation. As these razor wars show there are alternatives. For example the Green Cult 2.0 and recently @tomas1870 mentioned the Yates 921 H as a possible contender. And I would say the Game Changer has a place as well punching above its weight.
Cool comparison! You'd probably enjoy the Blackbird Titanium and might find it to be a closer comp than stainless, particularly when it comes to being smooth and forgiving.
Thanks Shane! And thanks for making such a wonderful razor. Maybe someday in the future a TiBird will find its way into my home (he says in a lowered voice as the LOTH is sitting opposite of him...). I am at least very curious to know first hand how they compare.
It had to happen eventually, so I thought why not get it over with - or is it actually (ever) over?

Blackland Blackbird

As I said before this razor needs no introduction on this forum being a favourite ever since it first hit the streets. I have the polished stainless steel version with the original baseplate and regular handle. The Blackbird I have weighs 90 grams (compared to the 94 grams listed on Blackland's website) with (according to Kickstarter) a blade gap of .58mm and blade exposure of .101mm. The Blackbird is a true masterpiece in terms of design and design features. During the shaves I had so far no clogging at all, blade alignment is always spot on and the fit of head and handle is amazing. Its head design leads to an intuitive finding of the right angle and the Blackbird literally guides me across my face and neck letting me know if my angle is off or not. Nice level of audio feedback as well - although I definitely have razors that produce much more audio than this Blackbird. The 90 grams steel doesn't feel as such when shaving. It is very nimble and easy to manouvre around. I haven't been able yet to get the same stellar results as others report on, but I am sure that eventually I will get there (I have already noticed that top notch blades certainly make a difference). I have briefly considered selling the Blackbird, because I have other razors delivering similar results - but for now it is firmly locked into my rotation.

Timeless Ti95 SCL

The Blackbird is already a masterpiece, but for me personally this razor is just drop dead gorgeous. The only other razor I have that comes close next to the Blackbird is the Lambda Athena, but the Timeless is just marvellous engineering and looks. I absolutely love the Crown handle. So the Timeless weighs 42.7 grams for the handle and 24.5 grams for the head totalling 67.2 grams which of course is significantly lower than the Blackbird. But as I mentioned the Blackbird doesn't feel that heavy. I have the scalloped baseplate which according to Timeless is somewhat of a hybrid between open comb and safety bar baseplates. I don't know if that is true or not, but I like the looks as well as the efficiency it brings (alledgedly more effective than the solid safety bar). It has been the razor I reach most for and I always smile when I get to use it. I like rotating razors, but I would let the others gather dust if I were to use this one daily. It is a daily driver to me despite the blade gap of .95mm and .05mm positive exposure. So more blade gap but less exposure compared to the Blackbird.

Summary of results

05.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLGSB (5)10109
08.03.2024Blackbird SSSputnik (1)989.25
16.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLRacer (6)976
17.03.2024Blackbird SSTiger Platinum (1)867
18.03.2024Blackbird SSASCO (1)988.75
19.03.2024Timeless Ti95 SCLASCO (2)988.25

Average Blackbird SS

Average Timeless Ti95


It would be too easy to say it's too close to call and both razors are too much alike. Which they are and they are not. I am sure metal plays a role, but then again titanium usually wins from stainless - at least from what I have been reading and today that doesn't seem to be the case. Both had good blades and bad blades so no advantage for one or the other. The Blackbird shaves closer than the Timeless Ti95 - at least during these shaves. In hindsight the result of 18 March was closer to 8.5 than 8.75, but it is what it is. If I however factor in comfort the Ti95 wins as there is positive blade feel, but less than the Blackbird making it a more smoother shaver for me. Obviously I have more mileage with the Ti95 and that does count for something, as the Ti95 is neary autopilot for me whereas the Blackbird and I are still growing on each other. If I take a superior blade into account - like the KCG - I see both razors performing admirably and delivering dolphinic or marble results - even with a KCG blade going on 20 shaves.

So where does this leave us. Ultimately you cannot go wrong with either. Both are true testaments to modern wet shaving and they represent some of the best out there. In this face-off the Blackbird got the upper hand. In terms of end results that is. The Ti95 is less aggressive and more predictable than the Blackbird making it a smoother shaver for me. And I am biased towards the design of the Ti95. Not to mention the emotional and sentimental value this particular razor represents to me. End of the story is that I am glad to have both in my rotation. As these razor wars show there are alternatives. For example the Green Cult 2.0 and recently @tomas1870 mentioned the Yates 921 H as a possible contender. And I would say the Game Changer has a place as well punching above its weight.
Great comparison, Guido. I also find that I get a slightly closer shave with the Blackbird, but not hugely so. I would note the following: For me, the BB is more tolerant of blade choice. Whatever I throw in there, I get a great shave. With the OC plate, I can get pretty close to a perfect shave with a Wizamet, but any medium sharp (but smooth) blade is great. I find that to get a dolphin/marble/BBS face with the Timeless, I need to stick with a Kai blade. I get great shaves with other blades, but for me, there is a pronounced sweets spot with the Kai. Given a choice between a BBTi (OC or SB) with Wizamet or Timeless TI .95 with a Kai blade...I'll take both, thank you very much.
I tried the Timeless 95 SS OC and it continually butchered my face, and the Blackbird was sublime upon first use…

goes to show how Member feedback on a razor is a good initial guide, maybe. But youll never know for sure, unless you try it for yourself
I tried the Timeless 95 SS OC and it continually butchered my face, and the Blackbird was sublime upon first use…

goes to show how Member feedback on a razor is a good initial guide, maybe. But youll never know for sure, unless you try it for yourself
Definitely! Good starting point, but first hand experience trumps that. I think the policies both Blackland and Timeless have on the 30 trial period are excellent as well, because trial and error can be a costly procedure at times.

Definitely! Good starting point, but first hand experience trumps that. I think the policies both Blackland and Timeless have on the 30 trial period are excellent as well, because trial and error can be a costly procedure at times.

This! I can't afford to try every razor and keep them all! Good to know they offer trial periods.
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