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THIRTEENTH ANNUAL One blade in February challenge 2022 edition

OBIF Shave #3
Ever-Ready 1912
AccuTEC carbon-steel SE blade (3)
Beech handled Semogue boar brush
Soap Commander Integrity
Cold water to finish

My secret technique, which may not help much at all, is to blot the blade and razor dry on a hand towel and flip the blade.
But Mike... barring the guys who never clean their razors, I thought everyone did that. :001_unsur

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
4 of 4


Razor: Yaqi DLC SB
Blade: King C Gillette
Soap: Palmolive Classica
Brush: Simpsons Trafalgar T3

Changed to the Yaqi DLC SB and the shave improved no end. It actually felt like I was shaving. The Yaqi may wear the blade faster than the KCG but I'll take that for the improvement it gave.
Finished the Palmolive Classica so I'm looking forward to a new soap tomorrow.
2022 OBIF (Entrant 31) Shave 3

Brush: Shavemac "Kleiner Bayer" 14/42 D01 Silvertip 2-Band
Soap: Vitos Red
Razor: 1947 Gillette Flat Bottom Tech GT
Blade: Willy's (3)
ASL: La Rive Cabana

A superb shave. :biggrin:

The Kleiner Bayer is the best, and it loves Vitos Red. What a great team! The brush, soap, and razor are my (current) all time favorites. I'll know more about the blade at the end of the month, but I certainly like it.

I don't know if I could pin down a "favorite" aftershave... I like so many of them (and detest quite a few too). :lol1:

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:
I'm in unless it's too late. I started my Astra SP blade at the beginning of October. My secret is William's Mug Soap.

1) Mike M - King C Gillette
2) Runnin_Ute - Gillette Silver Blue
3) Saxonbowman - Accutec carbon-steel SE
4) tsimmns - Schick Proline SE
5) luv2shave - Super-Max Diamond edge
6) Ivo4u2 - KAI DE
7) JAHE - Gillette Perma-Sharp
8) T.Orso - Tiger Platinum
9) FoolishMortal - Nacet, naturally
10) awk_m4 - Feather
11) psfred - Trig Silver Edge
12) wmadoty - Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharpedge
13) Bobbers - Schick Plus Platinum
14) Mouser - Personna 74*
15) hopper_64 - Personna Lab Blue
16) Tehnothing - Gillette Perma-Sharp
17) mikey - KCG platinum
18) Eben Stone - Dorco ST301
19) bubo_strix - Nacet
20) kjbarth - Feather
21) La Malice - Voshkod
22) Dog Whiskerer - Racer
23) JWCowboy - Vintage Polsilver
24) bjm - Schick Injector Plus Chromium
25) Sotiris_A - Feather Super Professional
26) InkStainedWretch - Shark Super Stainless
27) Aziraphale - Kai Captain Titan (not the mild version).
28) couch_potato - Personna Platinum
29) Eutychus - Polsilver Super Iridium
30) DBshaves - Schick Injector
31) Cal - Willy's
32) Pub - Bic Chrome Platinum
33) beerandguitars - Treet Dura Sharp
34) Contact_vs_Feedback - Gillette Nacet
35) Spartan76 - Schick (Eversharp) Super Stainless
36) MuhleShaver - Feather Artist Club Pro Guard (As of today 7 shaves on it)
37) Esetter - UK Wilkinson
38) GaryTha Astra SP and Williams Mug Soap.
I think I forgot to put my name on the list.

Shave 1
2.5 passes
Mamba 70
Proraso red splashy

First shave with mamba and it was very nice. Such a charming little snake.

1) Mike M - King C Gillette
2) Runnin_Ute - Gillette Silver Blue
3) Saxonbowman - Accutec carbon-steel SE
4) tsimmns - Schick Proline SE
5) luv2shave - Super-Max Diamond edge
6) Ivo4u2 - KAI DE
7) JAHE - Gillette Perma-Sharp
8) T.Orso - Tiger Platinum
9) FoolishMortal - Nacet, naturally
10) awk_m4 - Feather
11) psfred - Trig Silver Edge
12) wmadoty - Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharpedge
13) Bobbers - Schick Plus Platinum
14) Mouser - Personna 74*
15) hopper_64 - Personna Lab Blue
16) Tehnothing - Gillette Perma-Sharp
17) mikey - KCG platinum
18) Eben Stone - Dorco ST301
19) bubo_strix - Nacet
20) kjbarth - Feather
21) La Malice - Voshkod
22) Dog Whiskerer - Racer
23) JWCowboy - Vintage Polsilver
24) bjm - Schick Injector Plus Chromium
25) Sotiris_A - Feather Super Professional
26) InkStainedWretch - Shark Super Stainless
27) Aziraphale - Kai Captain Titan (not the mild version).
28) couch_potato - Personna Platinum
29) Eutychus - Polsilver Super Iridium
30) DBshaves - Schick Injector
31) Cal - Willy's
32) Pub - Bic Chrome Platinum
33) beerandguitars - Treet Dura Sharp
34) Contact_vs_Feedback - Gillette Nacet
35) Spartan76 - Schick (Eversharp) Super Stainless
36) MuhleShaver - Feather Artist Club Pro Guard (As of today 7 shaves on it)
37) Esetter - UK Wilkinson
38) GaryTha Astra SP and Williams Mug Soap.
39) beardlyboy - Voskhod
40) htownmmm - Gillette Swede
Last edited:
SOTD #035/2022

Still in.

The Henson made for an lasting shave yesterday, so all I had to do today was to grap the mother of the beast aka Mühle R41 version 2011. After having completed a single pass atg with some touch-ups on my neck my skin felt silky smooth again. No cuts or irritation.

As expected the Perma-Sharp doesn't show any signs of wear (4) to date.

Happy shaves!
Racer (4)
Gillette Super Speed, Flare Tip
Omega S-Brush
Soap Commander Integrity soap, face lathered
Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel and Stetson Cooling Moisture After Shave

Only change was to the razor and today's shave was a little better. A pass-and-a-half for CCS, with that 1/2 a pass mostly focused on the chin and jawline. A little more efficient in a slightly more aggressive razor than the Merkur. No irritation, no nicks. I'll give the blade credit for that.
OBIF # 4

Past shaves not posted
Shave # 2
Day 2 on the Super-Max Diamond Edge blade was excellent, however irritation from one side of the Parker Variant due to uneven blade exposure made me rethink the razor for further shaves.

Shave # 3
I switched out the razor for the 3rd shave to my trusted Merkur Progress instead. Splendid two pass shave, very early morning for an out of town 10 hour road trip.

Shave # 4
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade : Super-Max Diamond Edge (4)
Shaving Cream: Yardley Gold shave cream
Shave Brush : Razorock Chrome Plissoft Silvertip synthetic
Post shave : Alum + Yardley Gold after shave

Happy to report that the super slick lather with the Yardley Gold shave cream gave a fantastic smooth, irritation free 2 pass Shave. The Yardley shave cream and After Shave are top notch shave set around. It has Aloe Vera and produces thick slick lather.

Very happy with the blade so far, but it's still 24 more days to prove it's metal !

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