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Luc DE Blades Review Project


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Yesterday marked the last shave with the Gillette SuperSpeed combined with an Astra Superior Platinum made in India.

The last 2 shaves (Shave #6 and #7) were less sharp than the first 5. I still achieved BBS without any issues. If I would use my blades until the end, I would probably tolerate 1 more shave with the Gillette SuperSpeed before I would change it. The first 3 razors (Merkur 38C, Gillette Tech and RazoRock Game Changer) had more shave left in them.

Great shaves with the newly produced Astra SP!


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This is the last blade from the Astra Superior Platinum - made in India. The razor is a Fendrhian MKII Scientist.

Shave #1 is for tonight.


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Post shave 1 with Fendrihan’s razor.

Great shave! Very smooth and bbs result. Considering how it went so far, I would have been surprised of a different outcome!


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Last shave with the Astra SP around lunch time. It’s no secret that the Made in India version is a very close copy so I will buy a pack of 100 for sure.


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I will be shaving tonight with my Merkur 38C and a Dorco Titan blade. I do not think that there's a difference between the Titan big head or small head. This is the small head version.

This blade does not have glue spots.


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Post shave 1 with the Dorco Spartan.

This blade is not as smooth as the Astra Superior Platinum. I got a bbs shave with the usual routine. It pulled a bit but no nicks, no weepers.

I switched soap today as I finished the Mickey Lee Grand Havana. The lather was excellent. I will compare it to the Martin de Candre lather tomorrow.

I don’t know if this blade will work for 7 days (7 shaves).


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Shave #2 with Martin de Candre was much better. Still not as smooth as Astra SP (made in India) but smoother than Shave #1. This could be related to the fact that it's the second shave, Martin de Candre, and/or something else. I will get back to the Cherry Tobacco soap tonight and see if the smoothness remains.


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Shave #3 - I'm following this one closely considering the first impression (shave 1 with Razor 1).

It's not that bad. I don't know if it's the first shave with that blade or something else changed. I will have a better idea when I switch to the Gillette Tech and then the Game Changer. But right now, it's less smooth than Astra Superior Platinum (India) but, BBS shave, no issues. I might get to 7 shaves.


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Dorco Titan with Merkur 38c is completed (7 shaves).

In the end, the blade is sharp but not as smooth as Astra SP for me. It still works with no issues. Not as comfortable. I don't think that I could stretch the blade for more shaves.

Next, starting tonight, Gillette Tech with Dorco Titan


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Post shave 1 with my Gillette Tech and the Dorco Titan blade.

The Gillette Tech provided a smoother shave as the blade exposure is smaller (negative) compared to the Merkur 38c. I can barely feel the blade. The result was a BBS shave and that blade felt similar to the Astra Superior Platinum in terms of sharpness.

I do not know if it's due to a QC or QA issue with the Titan as I as a few threads where the results vary from one blade to another. Some reported that the blade was sharp and smooth and then, the same tuck, not as sharp and smooth. I should have an idea as I move to the next razor but right now, I feel more confident that I can achieve 7 shaves with the Gillette Tech.


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Small short circuit...

2 BBS and 1 DFS shave with the Dorco Titan + Gillette Tech.

Since I'm not at 7 shaves yet, I decided to put the Dorco Titan Big head to see if it's the same blade (Dorco Titan bit head vs small head). I should have a fairly quick idea. Using the same razor should minimize the variables.

Same razor: Gillette Tech


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2 shaves in and the blade/razor pairing here is a great example.

The Dorco Titan was ok with my Merkur 38c (not great but all right, it works). With the Tech, it feels a bit off. The razor is not as efficient as the Astra SP.

The blade itself works, no doubt, but I don't think that I will go over 3 or 4 shaves with it.

I will predict here that the GameChanger and the Fendrihan will be similar to the Merkur 38c. The Gillette SuperSpeed will be similar to the Gillette Tech with this pairing. To be continued...


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3 shaves total with Dorco Titan and my Gillette Tech. For me, it feels like a bad casting. I know the Gillette Tech is a great razor. With that blade, it's not enjoyable so I moved to the next razor.

RazoRock Game Changer .76 with Dorco Titan for tonight.


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Early shave today and what a difference! If I was going to judge the Gillette Tech with a Dorco Titan blade only, I wouldn’t keep either!

I know that the Gillette Tech is a very capable razor. It needs to be paired with the right blade.

The Game Changer performed better than my Merkur! I might have an anomaly with this fresh Titan blade. I do not know but it feels sharper and smoother.

I don’t think that the Dorco Titan will make the final cut. I really like that it did not have a plastic tuck and no glue spots.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Early shave today and what a difference! If I was going to judge the Gillette Tech with a Dorco Titan blade only, I wouldn’t keep either!

I know that the Gillette Tech is a very capable razor. It needs to be paired with the right blade.

The Game Changer performed better than my Merkur! I might have an anomaly with this fresh Titan blade. I do not know but it feels sharper and smoother.

I don’t think that the Dorco Titan will make the final cut. I really like that it did not have a plastic tuck and no glue spots.
While I do like the Titan, I prefer the two other Dorcos more.


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I tried the ones from Korea and did not like them at all. I have the ones from Vietnam (except Dorco Prime).


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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3 shaves in with Dorco Titan and the Game Changer. It's still smoother than my Merkur which surprises me. I may need to try a second Dorco Titan in the Game Changer (I have trust issues). I'm wondering if that blade was way above QC ratings...
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