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Just tryed a shick injector for the first time and the ease of use is amazing its easer to use then a cart razor I found it to give slightly better results (for the first time) gave a DFS shave I used a persona blade are the schicks sharper ? As I find sharper blades to shave closer personally I've had a few for a couple months but never tryed them because they looked like a predessor to carts but I recommend getting some blades if you've got one laying around maybe it was a family members,you got it off eBay in a lot or you just happend to pick it up try it what have you got to lose ? By the way any one know how if there is any way to date these if there are diffrent models ? The one I used is the one with the long handle


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There is some info on Schick injector razors in the wiki


If you got the Personna in the white plastic base you have PTFE coated stainless blades. I find them to be the smoothest of all I've tried so far. Choices on injector blades are VERY limited to a couple new ones and any NOS old blades you can locate
Yes like I said I used personna blades so the schick ones are not better ?
thanks for the information apparently a red lined case is rare ?
The Chinese made Schick blades are really nice blades, I have not used any other kind because I can buy the schicks locally(by locally I mean just a few blocks away at my drug store)
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