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Schick Injector J advice...

You shouldn't need to sacrifice a blade. Injecting them is easy. Just make sure the key is all the way in and watch the blade edge as it slides in. If it stays away from the blade stops, you're good.

The other thing about injectors, which you probably know, they shave very, very shallow. Put the top cap on your cheek, angle down just a few degrees, then go for it. They don't do the double-edged 30 degrees.

Happy shaves to you!
You shouldn't need to sacrifice a blade. Injecting them is easy. Just make sure the key is all the way in and watch the blade edge as it slides in. If it stays away from the blade stops, you're good.

The other thing about injectors, which you probably know, they shave very, very shallow. Put the top cap on your cheek, angle down just a few degrees, then go for it. They don't do the double-edged 30 degrees.

Happy shaves to you!

It looks like it is in great shape. Yes, you insert the key of the injector into the side you circled. Take a bit of extra care in loading the first blade, because it doesn't have a blade in it now, the fresh blade could rub on blade stops at the ends of the safety bar. If it does, that can damage the edge of the blade and it would not be usable.
Same advice I gave back in post # 7.
The Schick J is a product of the 1950’s made to be used by a shaver of the 50’s

The shaver of that time didn’t futz around with preshaves and cremes or worry about technique or fussy hygiene, he just got on with shaving.

Water, soap, canned whatever, schmear it on and drag the Schick around your face any which way, pressure, no pressure, whatever, the angle is built in, get it done. Do a second pass or not. Rinse, splash on some Old Spice and get on with your day, man. DO NOT TAKE THE BLADE OUT OF THE RAZOR! There is nothing to do but put it away for the next time. 1950’s guy did a single quick pass, rinsed off and went to work.

I know Hoosier likes the Pellas but in my experience they are dull. Get the Schick blades in the yellow package (“Chicks”).

The Schick injector is the best shaving tool ever made. Enjoy it.
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I understand that some of you guys have multiple Schicks and move the blades around from one to another but to tell this fellow to take the blade out after every shave is very bad advice, IMHO. The whole point of the injector system was CONVENIENCE; the blade was injected without touching it and used until it felt dull (many more shaves than a DE) then ejected into the trash when a new blade was injected. Simple. Easy. Safe. Taking blades in and out, handling them, playing around with the thing is the exact OPPOSITE of what it was designed for. Use it as intended and you will get the best shaves you can get, effortlessly.
I shaved with mine today after buying the yellow package shick blades on eBay. I have had this J forever and just never tried it. It still had the packaging blank blade still in it. Definitely shaves differently compared to the fatboy. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but the J seemed to require less skill/finesse than the fatboy. Fatboy with a perma-sharp is my fav so far.

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