I am posing this question to those who enjoy hunting and the various methods used for pursuit and taking and both small and large game. What I do not want to see is this turn into some pro vs anti hunting debate (debacle?) with accompanying Godwin's Law being the end result. I REALLY WILL NOT debate anyone over the hunting issue itself. It is a legal, sustainable sport. If you do not like it, fine. I respect your decision to not do so. Please respect my decision to LEGALLY participate in the bloodsports and thousands of years of my ancestors heritage of doing so. I do not mind debate over spear vs. whatever other method of taking game you deem appropriate. That is the intent of the thread. To gauge what HUNTERS think or believe about primitive weapons and their use in modern hunting. I will post some links to videos I found on YouTube. One I feel is completely out of line with how I would hunt with a spear. Another is one of my favourite grid iron players, Jared Allen of the Vikings(He was a K.C. Chief but our former manager ran him out of town. Grrrr.). He spears an elk on a private game reserve. Again gents, lets keep on topic. Here we go!
So would you pursue game with a spear? I would with two provisos. First it would have to be legal. Second, I personally would have to train for months before taking a crack at for real. In fact, I would try to set up an instance in which a rancher would either sell or allow me the chance to despatch a head of livestock with the spear. You need to understand how your weapon works in live time. I would probably add a third condition of having a firearm as backup in case of wounding an animal that would crawl off and suffer needlessly. I am aware of only one state that allows public hunting of whitetail deer with a spear. I believe it is Alabama. Most spear hunting revolves around wild boar. My home state of Kansas does not allow pursuit of wild hogs (it is a long and stupid story) so I would have to travel for the chance.
As you will see in the videos there are differing types of spears for hunting. Most hunters are familiar with boar spears. A hefty, double edged affair with a blade length of 9-12 inches and a cross piece or hilt like appendage that runs perpendicular to the blade to keep the game from running up the shaft and goring the hunter. This piece is usually attached to a stout oak or ash shaft of five to six feet in length. I would not care to be on the receiving end of this weapon. I have watched a few videos of wild boar of good size being despatched within seconds of being skewered by these weapons. Fearsome is the description that comes to mind. The second type is a much more sophisticated weapon. What Cold Steel calls a Samburu. This is what Jared uses to take the elk. It has a much smaller, willow leaf shaped point and is easily recognised as a throwing weapon. I suppose you could throw a boar spear but if I am creating animosity with a four hundred pound animal with three inch long, razor sharp tusks I want something in hand to keep him at bay. These creatures are fearsome enough when you face them with a rifle, let alone a weapon with a ten yard effective range for 99% of people who would try it. I would not throw the boar spear.
What do you think the effectiveness would be? Do you think large game could be despatched quickly enough? Do you know of a supplier of spearheads other than Cold Steel? I like Cold Steel products a general rule but would look at other brands. And what about going the atl atl route? There are YouTube videos of these weapons and they are impressive. So give me your thoughts or better yet, experiences.
Regards, Todd
Sorry chaps. I couldn't find the other video I wanted. It was two guys hunting with dogs. The dogs and one guy had the hog held down and the other guy "hunted" it by walking up and skewering the thing whilst it was being held helpless. Not my thing but I don't jump to too many conclusions. Hogs are dangerous and strong. Getting close to them means you better MAKE sure you are going kill it. They can and will take a big chunk out of you. I have had some close encounters with domestic swine. Let alone feral hogs that have reverted to their wild state. Huge sharp tusks and nasty dispositions.
So would you pursue game with a spear? I would with two provisos. First it would have to be legal. Second, I personally would have to train for months before taking a crack at for real. In fact, I would try to set up an instance in which a rancher would either sell or allow me the chance to despatch a head of livestock with the spear. You need to understand how your weapon works in live time. I would probably add a third condition of having a firearm as backup in case of wounding an animal that would crawl off and suffer needlessly. I am aware of only one state that allows public hunting of whitetail deer with a spear. I believe it is Alabama. Most spear hunting revolves around wild boar. My home state of Kansas does not allow pursuit of wild hogs (it is a long and stupid story) so I would have to travel for the chance.
As you will see in the videos there are differing types of spears for hunting. Most hunters are familiar with boar spears. A hefty, double edged affair with a blade length of 9-12 inches and a cross piece or hilt like appendage that runs perpendicular to the blade to keep the game from running up the shaft and goring the hunter. This piece is usually attached to a stout oak or ash shaft of five to six feet in length. I would not care to be on the receiving end of this weapon. I have watched a few videos of wild boar of good size being despatched within seconds of being skewered by these weapons. Fearsome is the description that comes to mind. The second type is a much more sophisticated weapon. What Cold Steel calls a Samburu. This is what Jared uses to take the elk. It has a much smaller, willow leaf shaped point and is easily recognised as a throwing weapon. I suppose you could throw a boar spear but if I am creating animosity with a four hundred pound animal with three inch long, razor sharp tusks I want something in hand to keep him at bay. These creatures are fearsome enough when you face them with a rifle, let alone a weapon with a ten yard effective range for 99% of people who would try it. I would not throw the boar spear.
What do you think the effectiveness would be? Do you think large game could be despatched quickly enough? Do you know of a supplier of spearheads other than Cold Steel? I like Cold Steel products a general rule but would look at other brands. And what about going the atl atl route? There are YouTube videos of these weapons and they are impressive. So give me your thoughts or better yet, experiences.
Regards, Todd
Sorry chaps. I couldn't find the other video I wanted. It was two guys hunting with dogs. The dogs and one guy had the hog held down and the other guy "hunted" it by walking up and skewering the thing whilst it was being held helpless. Not my thing but I don't jump to too many conclusions. Hogs are dangerous and strong. Getting close to them means you better MAKE sure you are going kill it. They can and will take a big chunk out of you. I have had some close encounters with domestic swine. Let alone feral hogs that have reverted to their wild state. Huge sharp tusks and nasty dispositions.