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Would a Stubby 2XL be much different from a Thater 4125/2 (2-Band)

Here's my dilemma: I originally wanted a Chubby 2 in 3-band Super. Then after a ton of reading, I changed my mind to a Stubby 2XL. What's got me hung up is I already have a Thater 4125/2 in 2-band, and it seems the Stubby may not be that much different from the Thater I already own. So naturally, I am leaning back towards the Chubby 2. I face and bowl lather equally, but only use creams and shave sticks. No hard soaps. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
These brushes couldn't be any more different. The Thater is a medium-low density brush with a well pronounced bulb. It has excellent flow through, and requires minimal product to produce excellent lather. The Rooney is very unique. It is incredibly dense and requires about three times more product than Thater. If I had to describe the experience, its like taking a rolled up towel and adding thousands of little bristles. Thater is pillow soft.
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Both the Rooney and Simpson are quite different from the Thater. Both are denser and have a lot more backbone. The Simpson is denser than the Rooney and the 2-band Rooney is likely to have a bit more backbone than the 3-band Simpson. They are both terrific brushes. Personally, I'd opt for the Simpson, but you can't go wrong with either brush.
I appreciate the feedback, gentlemen. The Rooney it is! And probably the Simpson later on down the road. Someone warned me about getting into brushes...
Great choice! I've had a Chubby 2 2-band, and currently have 3 2xls, so you can tell which one I prefer.

As you use your 2XL - take note of how much cream is required for a 3-pass shave. If the 2XL requires 3x more cream per shave than your Thater, the Chubby 2 will require about 4.5x more - it's that dense. For Simpsons 2-band, I prefer the Polo and Tulip series.

Also - if you face lather and both lather equally - I would really look into a nice polo 8 2-band or manchurian. My Polo 10 Manchurian is hands down my favorite brush.
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My experiences are consistent with what the gentlemen above posted. I have the fan version of the 2-band 4125/2, which is likely a tad softer in backbone than the bulb version. I find the 2XL a very different brush.

Enjoy that 2XL.
Excellent advice, sir. It's funny you mention the Polo 8. One was offered to me by a friend a few months ago, but I couldn't get over the price at the time. Oddly enough, these don't seem overly expensive to me anymore, considering the quality that comes with it.
"Density" is one of those interesting attriutes of a brush. Oftentimes in reading posts I get the impression that more dense is always better. But that has not been my experience. A brush that is "too dense", IMHO, does not make lather as easily. What's worse, for me, is that the lather doesn't go down on the face quite as easily. I once had a brush that was so dense it was almost like a solid surface on my face. Not only did it not distribute lather well, if I happened it spread it on with my fingers and then use the brush to rub it around some, it would almost act as an eraser and push the lather off of my face. As always, YMMV, but I think there is probably a tipping point, which probably varies from person to person, where the density is "just right" so that the brush lathers well and feels good on the face, on either side of that it becomes "floppier" than desired or "so dense" that it's performance actually begins to go down rather than improve.
You make a great point, as I had not considered the possibility of a brush being too dense. I don't have many dense brushes at the moment, but I really like the steady increase in density I have experieced thus far. Only time and exploration will tell what is too dense for me, and I am OK with that. I get a kick out of trying new things and that is what made this hobby such a blast so far.
I have both the 2XL and Chubby 2 Super. If you prefer more backbone and a little scrub get the 2XL. The Chubby 2 Super will have a little less backbone (still good) and very soft tips. Out of the two, I prefer the Chubby 2. Both will be much more dense than the Thater, but the Chubby has a much denser pack than the 2XL.
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One of each hit the B/S/T a few days ago. I hesitated and missed them both! It was a Rooney "gel-tip" too. Maybe next time, I guess.
I bought a 2 XL from Lee back in March. It's just starting to really break in the way I like my 2 bands to feel. It's a soap killer. As of last night there was a butterscotch one on B/S/T.

*Looks like its gone.
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You make a great point, as I had not considered the possibility of a brush being too dense. I don't have many dense brushes at the moment, but I really like the steady increase in density I have experieced thus far. Only time and exploration will tell what is too dense for me, and I am OK with that. I get a kick out of trying new things and that is what made this hobby such a blast so far.

I didn't find the 2XL to be too dense. I did find the Chubby 2 to be too dense. I really like the fact that the 2XLs are fan-shaped. I find when they are that squat and dense, a bulb shape is not as efficient as a fan. Enjoy the 2XL! I've itching to buy one of those butterscotch ones they have at Vintage Blades.
From what I've heard the gel tip 2XL and the latest generation 2XL are very different.

I've heard this as well. I actually wasn't aware of the 'gel-tip' phenomenon until I started reading about the Rooney. I did have a tiny Frank Shaving in finest that had the feeling of 'gel-tips'. I ultimately sold it, but now wish I would have broken it in more. I might try another, given the cheap price. I think it was less than $20. Honestly, I thought the brush just wasn't rinsing out properly. Bah...
I've heard this as well. I actually wasn't aware of the 'gel-tip' phenomenon until I started reading about the Rooney. I did have a tiny Frank Shaving in finest that had the feeling of 'gel-tips'. I ultimately sold it, but now wish I would have broken it in more. I might try another, given the cheap price. I think it was less than $20. Honestly, I thought the brush just wasn't rinsing out properly. Bah...

I have a 1XL with the "gel" tips and it feels much different than my newer 2XL. Both are great brushes but I prefer the 1XL because of the knot.
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