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Rockwell 6C versus 6S - is it real or is my shave a pipe dream? IMO

I am still using multi blade razors, haven’t purchased a DE yet( except for the supply SE razor which was a bad purchase). Really like the Rockwell 6 c multi blade design but am leery of the materials used in the 6 c handles( pot metal). Am on fence between the 2c-6c or the Viking emperor Augustus adjustable . Can’t really afford the 6 S at 100$. Concerned if I drop the 6 c and it breaks apart
Have purchased porasso cream, shaving brush, bowl, shave oil, just need to pull trigger on DE razor, not sure on DE blades either
I am still using multi blade razors, haven’t purchased a DE yet( except for the supply SE razor which was a bad purchase). Really like the Rockwell 6 c multi blade design but am leery of the materials used in the 6 c handles( pot metal). Am on fence between the 2c-6c or the Viking emperor Augustus adjustable . Can’t really afford the 6 S at 100$. Concerned if I drop the 6 c and it breaks apart

If you get the 6C, on the website you can get an additional 10% off the sale prices already there …. Either find codes on the YouTube channels that advertise them, or, use the one from their email today - HOLIDAY10 . Get you another $5-6 off the 6C… and if you did break the handle, they’re available separately for $18.50.

$48.60 for the 6C
Interesting to find this thread. I had my Rockwell 6s out this a.m. for the first time in a while, using a Gillette Platinum blade on its second use. The 6s (I actually have two of them I liked it so much) is so easy to use, shaving becomes effortless and somewhat mundanely routine, if that makes sense. You can actually get bored with its predictably great results.

I took one of the two I bought and polished it using 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper and metal polishing paste. Plate 4 is my go-to for daily shaving so I removed the rails from the plate 2 side to make the head a little more svelte. But the razor as it is out of the box is perfectly fine.

Treet 7 days-Rockwell 6s.jpg

rockwell 6s super knurl handle.jpg
Hmm. For myself, I considered the 20% greater weight of the 6S to be a virtue. The added weight lets it sort of drive itself. Different strokes for different folks - pun intended 😃
For me the added weight is better in some ways but not in others. It adds stability but makes it a little harder to flip the razor around in one hand. But by no means a deal breaker. On the whole, Rockwell got it 100 percent right. I can't say I wasn't a little skeptical after their first attempt/iteration, but I guess that's what it takes to perfect a design.
I am still using multi blade razors, haven’t purchased a DE yet( except for the supply SE razor which was a bad purchase). Really like the Rockwell 6 c multi blade design but am leery of the materials used in the 6 c handles( pot metal). Am on fence between the 2c-6c or the Viking emperor Augustus adjustable . Can’t really afford the 6 S at 100$. Concerned if I drop the 6 c and it breaks apart
I have a 6C, too. It is excellent and I think you have no worries about damaging it, I am sure it will last years with reasonable treatment. Mine is gunmetal which has faded a little but in no way has affected the performance of the razor. While it may be pot metal, that is more than adequate for such a relatively low stress environment as face shaving. Merry Christmas.
It adds stability but makes it a little harder to flip the razor around in one hand... On the whole, Rockwell got it 100 percent right. …but I guess that's what it takes to perfect a design.

I have no problems flipping the razor around. I just twirl it in between my fingers so the weight goes unnoticed.

As for the perfect design, I have one small nit. I do wish the handle had better/deeper knurling. Older men, and those who use their hands for manual work a lot, tend to have thicker skin at their fingertips. Younger and/or more soft skin fingers will feel the knurling just fine, but, at least for my 66 yr old fingers, the knurling feels almost smooth. Probably designed by someone under 40 ☹️
I have no problems flipping the razor around. I just twirl it in between my fingers so the weight goes unnoticed.

As for the perfect design, I have one small nit. I do wish the handle had better/deeper knurling. Older men, and those who use their hands for manual work a lot, tend to have thicker skin at their fingertips. Younger and/or more soft skin fingers will feel the knurling just fine, but, at least for my 66 yr old fingers, the knurling feels almost smooth. Probably designed by someone under 40 ☹️
I know what you mean. I'm the same age as you, I have arthritic hands and despite extensive treatment, I appreciate an easier grip. But for me, the knurling on this handle is fine. I don't have calloused hands or fingertips, in fact I'm a musician and keep my fingertips as far out of harm's way as possible. This discussion is yet another illustration of how different we all are.
If you get the 6C, on the website you can get an additional 10% off the sale prices already there …. Either find codes on the YouTube channels that advertise them, or, use the one from their email today - HOLIDAY10 . Get you another $5-6 off the 6C… and if you did break the handle, they’re available separately for $18.50.

$48.60 for the 6C
So 10% off from the Rockwell web site?
where do I put holiday 10 code in for more discount?
If you get the 6C, on the website you can get an additional 10% off the sale prices already there …. Either find codes on the YouTube channels that advertise them, or, use the one from their email today - HOLIDAY10 . Get you another $5-6 off the 6C… and if you did break the handle, they’re available separately for $18.50.

$48.60 for the 6C
So I should stick with the 6 c and forget about the Viking Augustus adjustable in your opinion?
If you get the 6C, on the website you can get an additional 10% off the sale prices already there …. Either find codes on the YouTube channels that advertise them, or, use the one from their email today - HOLIDAY10 . Get you another $5-6 off the 6C… and if you did break the handle, they’re available separately for $18.50.

$48.60 for the 6C
Ano question: should I try the Rockwell blades or purchasea few astra/facet, derby blades versus Rockwell?
havesaw mixed reviews on Rockwell blades?
So 10% off from the Rockwell web site?
where do I put holiday 10 code in for more discount?

When you go to checkout, from the shopping cart, the next screen has a discount code area .. make sure you use Check Out - don’t do the quick pay buttons there at the bottom - those options will be available in the checkout screen, but if you pay before that screen, you may or may not get a field to enter a discount.

choose checkout, not the other Quick pay options


Then the screen with the total and shipping address and all that … code goes here. Code in, hit apply.

So I should stick with the 6 c and forget about the Viking Augustus adjustable in your opinion?

I’ve not used the Viking, so I cannot say.

I really like my Rockwell, because it works for me, so I’m biased.

For the Rockwell blades - they are only so-so. I don’t mind them, but not my favorite. I used about 70 or so of them before I moved to other blades. The Rockwell remind me of the derby extra blades. I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference back to back, in that razor, with a rockwell or a derby Extra blade.

now - Derby are a better deal, they are cheaper. The 10% doesn’t seem to work for accessories, so extra blades from rockwell wouldn’t have a discount anyway.

get a sampler pack if you don’t know what blades you’d like. I did a few from razorbladeclub… there are a few pre packaged, and you can make your own.

There is also the great blade exchange thread, if you have some blades and want to try something else - have to send blades in , get blades in return. You’ll have a few extra blades with the Rockwell to exchange.. or even a sampler pack You’d have some to exchange.
neither of those look like the Rockwell handles - didn’t like the feel of them?
Pretty much, though it is quite a serviceable handle, I just didn't care for it from an aesthetics viewpoint also. Top handle is from a Timeless .68. Loved the handle but didn't care for the head. Bottom is from Razorock.

Looks good! Did this help with the sticky or draggy feel that some have reported with the matte finish?
Thanks. Honestly I don't know that I really had any issues with the stock matte finish, but prefer the look of the polished version. I should get them out side by side sometime to see if there is any real difference in my hand.
IMHO the 6s shaves much better than the 6c. I tried both and it's a huge difference for me.

It’s interesting that people say this - I have never tried the C versions, so I don’t have a comparison. the original post is about this, so it’s a good data point for people shopping or thinking about getting a razor from them.

Pretty much, though it is quite a serviceable handle, I just didn't care for it from an aesthetics viewpoint also. Top handle is from a Timeless .68. Loved the handle but didn't care for the head. Bottom is from Razorock.

Timeless makes some good stuff - I figured their finish wouldn’t quite match the Rockwell finish, but it’s close. Every once in a while you can find the handles in the scratch and dent section, but the discount isn’t much more than just buying a handle.

I could do with a little better knurling on the stock handle, it sometimes feels a little more slick than I’d like, but it’s never slipped. I know they bead blasted the version 2 of the 6S, but I think the knurling is the same depth still - but it was done because of feedback that the original was a little to aggressive. Not sure how that translates to the difference between the 6C handle and the 6S handles.
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