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Wool Fat Mugs?

Hi all!

I've just cracked open a cake of Mitchell's Wool Fat as I transition away from the lime-scented stuff I was using over the summer, and found that it fits poorly, as in rides way too high, in the (admittedly, not very good) shaving mug that I was previously using for shaving soaps.

The soap is great, among the best I've tried so far- any thoughts on what might prove to be a good mug for it? How does it fit in the Moss or DB scuttles?

Thanks in advance,

Boomer :biggrin1:
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I've read that a Van der Hagen mug (available at Walmart) provides a perfect fit for MWF. I'm sure you could also push it into an Old Spice Mug as well.

Or better yet, get a cheese grater and grate it into any container you want.
Doesn't fit too nicely in the OS mug.

VDH bowl:


You can use a vegetable peeler to reduce the puck diameter without grating up the whole puck or buying a new mug. Extra soap shavings can be stored under the puck.
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