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What's your workout today?

Four mile trail run this afternoon. It was a beautiful day and I felt great. Later, my kettlebell workout at the gym suffered from low gas in the tank.
"To hell and back"

One sit up, one pushup and one burpee followed by a sprint the length of the basketball court and back working up to 25 pushups, 25 sit ups and 25 burpees and all the way back dow.
Squats (3R@90%) PM 345


Had to work at 310 harder then I should have but I'm blaming that on the wonderful sleep I got last night.

50 Double Unders
10 Burpees
40 Double Unders
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees


SFDU! :angry: I don't think I managed to string a single set all the way through today.
Weighted Good Mornings build to 195


10 min AMRAP

5 Front Squats (135 pounds)
5 Chinups
50 High Knees

8 + 6

Holy sucking the life out of the legs with those bloody high knees.
50 min Cardio


Was 247 lbs when i started now i'm down to 230 lbs :w00t: I'm sure a lot of it was water weight but still it's a step in the right direction.

Edit: went back later this evening with my wife and did a total body workout with the weight machines. Not a huge fan of the machines but it's better than nothing.
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Speaking of warm weather, it should hit 45-50 here today. I walked into work with no jacket in anticipation of such a heat wave this afternoon.

This morning's workout - back and biceps
Squats Cleans reset to 175

Slow elbows and no third pull.

Death by Squat Cleans 135lbs

7 + 6

I'm so glad we warmed up yesterday with all those 135lb front squats.
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