Participation PIF - Today's Your Lucky Seven Day
You're having a bad day, a really bad day. Nothing is going right, and you've been behind all day. Out of nowhere, a flash of light and a puff of smoke catches you're attention. As your eyes begin to focus, you see a table filled with some of the most recently talked about blades. I've always wanted to try these, you thing to yourself. Well, a deep voice calls to you from beyond the smoke, this is your Lucky Day; or should I say your Lucky Seven Day. The voice continues, take a few of each kind, and enjoy some goodness that will turn your bad day into an excellent Lucky Seven Day.
A Big Thank You to @lancre who contributed plenty of each of these premier Lucky Seven Blades for each of us to try a few - 95 Gillette 7 O'clock Permasharp Stainless Blades, 95 Durablade 7am Hi Platinum Blades, and 95 Treet 7 Days Platinum Blades. That's a lot of Lucky Seven Blades to pass out!!
Participants can choose 1, 2, or 3 each of these Lucky Seven Blades and turn your bad day into a Lucky Seven Day!! Start your day off right, or end your day with a smile!!
Each of these Blades have been the subject of excellent discussions. As you've read them, you might have thought that I'd like to try those blades. Well, today is your Lucky Day, your Lucky Seven Day!!
This Participation PIF is open to any and all (International and CONUS B&B'ers)!! Even if you're participating in another PIF or have participated in the past, Everyone is welcome to join in.
There are certain rules that apply:
- You must have 10 quality posts (if you don't have 10, get posting!!)
- You're willing to post about your experiences in this thread
- Have great fun trying these excellent Lucky Seven Blades, and smile from time to time
How to sign up for this Participation PIF?
- Post "I'm In!!" or "Well, that didn't go as planned!!" or "I want the blades, but I'm not cleaning up the mess from the flashing light or puffs smoke!!"
- Don't wait, immediately after posting your intent to participate, please send a PM to me with:
- . Your Name
- . Complete Mailing Address (I'm in the US, so if you're international, please include your Country with your mailing address)
- . And how many of each blade you would like.
The PIF Phase will begin NOW and run until I run out of blades or requests stop coming in or I wander off and get involved in something else.
The Participation Phase begins whenever you receive your lot of Lucky Seven Blades!! Please remember to post that you've received the Blades (either in this thread or as a PM to me).