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What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

This morning it’s the last of my Stirling Sumatra. Americano with a bit of half & half.


Not made for these times.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Eight O'Clock Original. French Press. Black.

It's 70° in Music City right now with a high around 87°. I'm seeing a severe weather alert right for some heavy thunderstorms today. I got about 6 hours of sleep last night. The graduation party went great yesterday. A day of rest for me.

Have a blessed Sunday, crew.


My wallet cries.
Had company over last night and suddenly someone went "do you have any coffee"? Thank goodness it was just one person (the rest were tea)... didn't want to pull an espresso... so dug out my pour over cone, guessed a grind size on the grinder (I went with a medium grind, but shaded towards fine on the Niche Zero, its been forever since I did a pour over... let it bloom... and then slowly poured the water in and let it drip out the other end. No idea how it turned out.. they seemed to like it? (They drank it black).

This morning, had a but mkre time/energy so went with a pull of espresso through the flair. Happy Sundays.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I don't want to just drop in here to brag, but...

I haven't had regular coffee since last weekend actually! Was on a stressful trip and on the edge of a headache most of the time(coffee makes it worse). I hope everybody has a peaceful holiday weekend today and tomorrow, I only have today off and a hike is as much me time as I am going to get. Eric, I looked and it appears that the thunderstorms are missing you to the North so fingers crossed that you only get heavy rain! I miss checking in here, I will continue to try harder to do so.
Well, the doctor who said i had melanoma was in the wrong. Turns out it’s seborrheric keratosis or however you spell it (anyway it’s non cancerous). Today i’ve been drinking Koffee Kult Tanzania beans brewed by the Moccamaster. Hope you fellers have an amazing day and i’ll be chiming in in the morning tomorrow. God bless each of you 🙏
Well, the doctor who said i had melanoma was in the wrong. Turns out it’s seborrheric keratosis or however you spell it (anyway it’s non cancerous).

Given that one doctor says it's cancerous and the other says it isn't, might the Major suggest you get a third opinion to break the tie?

Seems only logical. Think of it this way. Best case scenario, the third opinion agrees that it's not cancerous, & you get a ton of peace of mind for the cost of the office visit. Worst case scenario, the third opinion confirms you're fine.

Not sure what Tricare would say to this, but the Major strongly suggests that you Err on the side of caution.

Today's brews were with Stirling Roastery (Booneville, AR) - Peru beans using the ceramic Kalita 185 and the glass Kalita 155 brewers with the Project Barista 155 Recipe (regular and scaled for the 185). I found the right grind setting for the 185 for the morning brew and made an evening brew with the 155 that was outstanding as well. I was impressed that the settings worked well in both brewers considering they have different flow rates. I brewed the 185 into a glass server and poured it into a regular mug. For the 155, I brewed directly into the a Fellows wide mug which kept the coffee hot for a very long time. The 185 brew I drank while it cooled down quickly where I sipped the 155 brew over a few hours as the mug kept it warm for a very long time. I am sure that played into things but I am happy with the results of both brews.


Not made for these times.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Eight O'Clock Original. French Press. Black.

It's 67° in Nashville right now with a high around 84°. Partly cloudy with some sunshine. I was out late last night with the GF. She's helping me improve at darts. Maybe 4 hours of sleep but I feel quite well.

Thinking of my father on this Memorial Day (1944 - 2007)

Thanks to all who have served.

God bless you.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Eight O'Clock Original. French Press. Black.

It's 67° in Nashville right now with a high around 84°. Partly cloudy with some sunshine. I was out late last night with the GF. She's helping me improve at darts. Maybe 4 hours of sleep but I feel quite well.

Thinking of my father on this Memorial Day (1944 - 2007)

Thanks to all who have served.

God bless you.
Similar vibes a couple hours up the road, my friend. I’m having an Americano pulled with Eight O’clock Original, black. Thinking of my father as well today (1945-2019) as I drink from one of his mugs. He proudly served in the Air Force and Memorial Day is a holiday he held in the highest regard.

I’d like to echo Eric‘s thanks to those who served. Well stated.

Today's brews were with Stirling Roastery (Booneville, AR) - Peru beans using the ceramic Kalita 185 using the Coffee Chronicler recipe with the Gabi DripMaster B (see video below). I used the same grind settings from yesterday's recipe and was blown away on how good this coffee tasted even when it was too hot to drink! As the coffee cooled, this became an amazing cup of coffee. This has to be the best setup for these beans thus far.

I am always surprised on how a different recipe with a different brewer can bring out so much more from the same beans.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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