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What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

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Morning Gentleman (well it is here in New Zealand)
I got given a random blend a mate roasted 5 days ago and I am drinking it black.
This morning I am using a swiss gold pourover in to a mug.
This blend not quite my thing and roast a bit questionable but it will give me a good kick start !!

I've been digging on AJ's Andre's Morning Cup, ground fine, brewed through a porceline pour-over, extra strong, straight-up.
Maraba coffee from the local roaster this morning, pulled two double-shots (Silvia) in a bowl and filled with steamed soy milk :) Its not like real milk, but at least it doesn't leave me with stomach ache all day! ;)
Grinding Tanzanian Moshi Peaberry beans in a Delongi grinder and brewing in a french press. The coffee tastes lovely but I reckon I need to get a burr grinder to get a better blend.
I want to get a Porlex hand grinder with ceramic burr.
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Today was 35 grams Stumptown's Hair Bender, 700 grams of water and a Chemex.

Vergnano "Antica Bottega" with Moka Bialetti Express. This is what I drink every morning. Delicious coffee.

You have excellent taste.

Grinding Tanzanian Moshi Peaberry beans in a Delongi grinder and brewing in a french press. The coffee tastes lovely but I reckon I need to get a burr grinder to get a better blend.
I want to get a Porlex hand grinder with ceramic burr.

One of the best investments I've ever made is in a good grinder. Those hand grinders are slow ...
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Ethiopian Harar from a local roaster in my Technivorm. This coffee has a blueberry taste and smell to it. Very nice finish, but the blueberry is almost too overpowering.
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Community Coffee Cafe Special, touch of sugar and splash of half and half. Community's Evangeline Blend or Eight O'Clock Columbian whole bean for days off.
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