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What's the significance of your avatar on B&B?

mine changes from time to time but it almost always anime related.

this one i ran across in a naruto forum a few years ago, but it does not resemble any of the characters >.> still looked cool though.
Barbara Steele is my favorite female actress in horror, and Mario Bava is my favorite director, so it's only natural to take my avatar from one of my favorite films by this team.

If I have to explain how it relates to shaving... well, a joke's not funny if you have to explain it, but pass the styptic pencil.

Black Sunday, I believe?
Even a Captain of the mightiest spaceship could not prevent assimilation.......

Interestingly, the name actually came before the avatar-the previous avatar was Borg cube.

It is the most recent Skull Squadron logo from my favorite anime.

The original Jolly Rogers that inspired the rest.

Skull Squadron logo as seen in the original SDF Macross.

Skull Squadron logo from Macross Frontier.
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I chose it because it reminds me of B&B, plus you know... my badger has an attitude... peeling teeth angry look... nobody messes with this badger lol
Mine is the first time I lathered up my son. I shaved with a 1964 slim set on 7 with an Iridium, and my son shaved with a bladeless 1947 Milord.
Hey! You're alive!

Someone posted a picture of a block of cheese the other day and I asked if it was as big as a car battery, but I think it went over his head. I didn't feel like explaining... :nonod:

Hey Cory! Glad to see the therapy is paying off. Just think, after the "Canadian Adventure," you weren't even able to think the word "latex" without getting a rash. Now, you can even post it. :tongue:

If Cory ever changes his avatar, it should definitely be a picture of an ethernet cable wrapped around a bottle of green Aqua Velva with a Canadian flag backdrop. :lol:


Poor little fella.

I still bust a gut when I think about the fun we had with that.

Ahem. You still bust a gut when you think about the fun you had with that?


Oh you guys...
Ahem. You still bust a gut when you think about the fun you had with that?


Oh you guys...

OK, have with that. better? :lol: Or did you mean that *you* bust a gut over it too? :tongue:

Funny how we can all picture the "I told you so" look from your wife. She must be the most patient person ever. :001_cool:
I'm interested in the American Civil War, and William T. Sherman was the one personality that fascinated me the most. Truth be told, I was a bit weary about using him as an avatar on an American forum, but so far none of the southern gentlemen has raised a voice of protest...:wink:
Mines currently about the upcoming day of my namesake, St. George, Patron Saint of our glorious nation :D I constantly get told I may offend someone with my national pride..... hmmm no way.... Sure like to see anyone tell the Americans not to have the stars and stripes up in case it offends.... :D

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