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What straight did you use today? Now with PICTURES

Tanifuji Maxfli


I've had this razor for awhile now. It's only been honed one time on a purple dragon slate stone somewhat or another. I probably have that wrong though it was a Welsh stone I know that much. For the last maybe 50+ some odd shaves I've only stropped pre/post shave. No need for a refresh. The edge is still fantastic sharp and smooth. I don't know a whole lot about Grelot's though I can tell you that this Grelot/Lotus holds its edge for a long time and I'm not sure why. Barring the round point it has been a long standing favorite of mine.

Two days growth and the two angels just laughed at me saying it was nothing of a challenge.
Delicious comfortable and smooth shave - I can hear them sing now :biggrin1:

Tamahagane Teramasa

This vintage Tamahagane steel is out of this world!
It feels more like ceramic and, even with my fumbling and buffoonish efforts at honing, the blade has taken an incredible edge which is almost "too sharp"
Ha ha - I keep thinking of those Hattori Hanzo swords in Kill Bill...
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