Here on Badger and Blade we have "What did you use today" threads for Straight Razors, every variety of safety razor, brushes, even soap. But as far as I am aware there are no "Strop of the Day*" type threads...that is until now. So now I shall redress this unfortunate oversight by providing a thread where our beloved strops can get the recognition that they deserve for the important service that they provide. I admit that my own posts shall be rather repetitive for the time being as I only own the one strop. But I strongly suspect that some of you have more than one strop.
To get this lil ball rolling, here is my strop an Invisible Edge standard plus canvas backed hanging strop.
*Moderators: if it turns out that there is, in fact, a "strop of the day," type thread laying dormant somewhere. Please delete this thread.
To get this lil ball rolling, here is my strop an Invisible Edge standard plus canvas backed hanging strop.
*Moderators: if it turns out that there is, in fact, a "strop of the day," type thread laying dormant somewhere. Please delete this thread.