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Dented strop

Hi everyone,

Jus received my strop from Böker and unfortunately it arrived with a small dent/inmark on the leather side. It is not that big but I don't if I can use it or not, would it potentially damage the blade (Thiers 6/8 straight razor)

What do you thing?




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If it is below the surface (not protruding) and you can’t feel it then it is not hurting anything other than aesthetics.
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Tony Miller

Speaking of horse butts…
It should have no effect on the edge. You won't even feel it as you strop. If it went all the way across or over to an edge you might barely feel it but will still not cause any issues.

While perfectly smooth is ideal, leather being a natural product rarely comes perfect and being soft is subject to dents, fingernail marks and fine scratches even with careful handling.

This is not much different than having a dip where someone has nicked a strop, cut off the flap and sanded a little to smooth it.

Use it and enjoy!
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