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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

May 26, 2024 Sunday shave

Razor: Karve Overlander, brass
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (2)
Soap: Barrister and Mann Le Grand Chypre
Brush: Paladin Tut STF (2)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Heavyweight copper
Post shave: Barbero alum block, Thayer's Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

It was a three pass shave of two days growth. Using the best of the best, all the players in the shave were terrific, yeilding a perfect shave. No weepers, etc. and no irritation. The Tut/STF brush is a wonderful brush, one I truly enjoy using.


Have a great weekend!

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Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
SE Sunday, May 26th 2024

Razor : Yaqi Excalibur SE 50mm with a Yaqi Milano 316 SSP handle. Mfg 2021>, tame mid range. Small head parts makes using a wash cloth to assemble a little easier. This is a affordable entry razor head to try AC type blades IMO. I usually get decent shaves with this razor. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
Blade : Schick proline (5) sharp and smooth with reasonable longevity.
Soap : Ach Brito Lavanda cream, very nice scent of Lavender + uplifting with excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi "Viper" 24mm boar bristle brush. Excellent lather generator, soft split end bristle hairs, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda cologne aftershave + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Yaqi Excalibur SE 50mm with a Schick proline blade.
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Have some great shaves!
Tatara Masamune OC with a Silver Star (1)
Chisel and Hound "Martian Ice" v23 Fanchurian
Phoenix Artisan "Future Fiction" CK-6
shaving soap and matching splash
Thayers Original Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive Balm

Today's Sunday shave is the Tatara Masamune OC. Compared to most my other razors, it's mild, even with the open comb. I went with a milder blade this time to see how it fares. It was extremely mild, with less efficiency on the trouble spots. Even with the extra buffing, a very smooth shave and no irritation.

The Silver Star blade is becoming less used compared to my go to Gilette Silver Blue. Even so, it has a place in the den to give more aggressive razors a bit less bite.

The PAA Future Fiction was my first artisan purchase. The scent is very pleasing and lasts quite a while. The lather and slickness is always on point with the Ck-6 formula.

The more I shave with this razor, the more I appreciate the extra attention that Tatara has put into their products. The weight of this stainless razor is only 85g which is so close to titanium weight! The grip is solid with the modern dimpled handle design and the inset collar locks in securely. I'm still tempted to polish it, but the matte finish is still beautiful.

As I shave continuously with this razor, I can't help but increase it's performance score. 9.5/10
SOTD: 05/26/2024

Razor: Weck Med Prep
Blade: Kismet Hair Shaper , 2nd use
Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Maggards 26mm Boar
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Valley Of Ashes Croap
Aftershave: Southern Witchcrafts Valley Of Ashes Aftershave

Went with the Weck again today. I was gonna wait a few more days but I said what the hell, let try it again today.

Much better results, one nick, happened lower neck trying to get my grip right and caught myself with the corner of the blade. But other than that it was good. Some irritation on my jaw close to my chin, that’s from me chasing some hard to get whiskers on both sides.

Valley of Ashes is just a great soap and splash. Now I’m on the hunt for the Frag.
Hope everyone has a safe Sunday.

Yesterday afternoon's shave.

Pre Shave:Warm water, TOBS Pre-Shave Gel
Razor:Henson AL13 v2 mild
Blade:Tatra Platinum (2)
# Days Growth:1.5
Brush:Simpson's Duke 2 Best Badger
Post Shave:Cold water, Thayers, Jack Black Cooling Gel

Quick shave and a great one. Terrific lather. Some tingle but it faded quickly.

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May 26

Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Derby Premium (black package) (2)
Brush: Zenith B03-A26 aluminum pro boar
P/S: AoS Lemon shaving cream
Soap: Klar Kabinett
A/S: Dickinson's witch hazel
A/S: Floid Vigorosso


I thought I'd live a little dangerously and try the Derby Premium in the R41 (usually prefer the GSB in it). This went surprisingly OK, though it was a little bit more effort to get a close shave, there was no problem. Will try this blade in the German 37 slant next.

Karve SS Overlander | Dorco Titan (4th Use) | Stirling Finest Badger 24mm | Stirling Orange Chill | Stirling Satsuma AS | Zingari Man Unscented ASB

I decided to use a heavier version of the Overlander to see how well the Titan blade would perform against yesterday's aluminum version. It performed spectacularly well. The heavier razor is a great match with the Titan. Today's shave was actually better than yesterday's spectacular shave -- Ten again.

Razor: Gillette Slim 1962
Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum
Brush: Yaqi Moka Express G5C 26mm
Soap: Proraso Blue Protettivo

Face lather
Pre shave: Hot shower
Aftershave: Lustray Blue Spice 🌊

A well needed shower and shave after working outside this weekend.
Calming brush, lather, shave and scent.

2 pass shave, WTG, XTG
Rating: 9/10 DFS
Sunday Morning Shave Soiree

Rating: 9.8 /10 Quick Shave

Parker Solo Edge in SE Mode with the modified Feather AC blade. Second shave and it's sooo
much better.

Parker Solo Edge Razor
Feather Pro Light AC Blade (2X)
RazoRock Green Label Shave Stick
Frank Shaving G5 Brush
Citrus Musk Splash On

Bleu de Chanel Aftershave Balm

Pre: Shower and Stirling Unscented Pre-Shave Soap Bar
Razor: Timeless Ti .95SB w/Crown Handle
Blade: Astra SS (1)
Soap: Cella Bio
Brush: Stirling Finest Badger 24mm Fan
Bowl: Timeless
Post-Shave: Cella Bio AS and Balm

Man, I love this razor. 9.5/10 shave tonight. One of the smoothest, closest DFS++ 2-pass shaves yet with the Ti .95SB. There was a fair amount of lingering (minor) post-shave neck irritation. Not sure what that's about, but not a big deal. I think that this was my first ever shave with an Astra SS blade, so that might be the issue. It could also be related to transitioning from B&M's amazing Omnibus base soaps back to Cella. Regardless, it was an excellent shave, and I'm kind of blown away by the Astra SS blades. These are the Russian ones, and they seem to me to be on par with Nacets and Perma-Sharps. I was never a fan of the Astra SPs. Maybe I just like steel! It's also been a blast lathering with the badger brush the past few days, but I think I might need to fall back on one of my synths after the holiday weekend, when I will have far less time to luxuriate in trying to get it right.

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Prep, hot bath.

Third shave with the Rex Ambassador razor and cranked it from 4 to 5. I am not sure if 5 is better than 4 or not.

Astra SP Russia (3). This blade felt better on the third shave than the first two. This matches my measurements which indicated it was slightly sharper after this shave. It probably peaked on this shave. It wouldn't make sense for me to use one of these fewer than 5 times.

Proraso cream. When this tube is empty, I am never buying their tubed cream again. I can't see why anyone would choose this stuff over Arko, Cella, or Cremo. I wouldn't choose it over canned Barbasol. It is too airy and isnt slick to me.

Omega boar brush, Liveben bowl, and Sk8n Bracer by Mennen all perform well.

8/10. BBS after too much effort. Some irritation on the upper lip.

Razor: Gillette 1983 Super Adjustable 109 PD
Blade: Feather 2nd use
Brush: DS Cosmetics Barber Pole Synthetic
Soap: Nivea Men Body Shaving Stick
Post: Lucky Witch Hazel
After: Nivea Men Sensitive Shave Balm
Rating: 9.5/10
Notes: Awesome shave with my new to me 1983 Black Beauty. Also first time using Nivea shave stick and the sensitive balm. They're good shave products with good performance I just don't care too much for the scent profile. I gave the shave a 9.5 out of 10 because I had a weeper on the lower neck.
Preshave: Glycerine Facewash with warm water splashes
Razor : Feather Artist Club DX Folding
Blade : Feather Super Professional (D15)
Brush : Simpson Duke 3 in BEST Badger
Soap : Wilkinson Sword Shaving Stick
Aftershave : Alum Block + Cold water splashes + D R Harris Arlington AS Lotion

Close and comfortable BBS in 3 passes !! :pipe:

Rating : 9.90/10

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