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Friday Morning Shave Extravaganza

Rating: 9.85/10 Superb

The Schick-Eversharp version of the much maligned Gillette Techmatic. It's a Lady because of the
wonderful color but it worked on my man-bits just fine. In fact it was a really Amazing shave.
Right now the battle of the bands goes to the Lady.

Lady Eversharp Razor
Schick Krona SE Band Blade (1X)
Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations Soap
Stirling Pro Brush
Citrus Musk Splash On

MSC Vintage Lapidus Aftershave

Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Henson V2+ (Mild)
Blade: Gillette Nacet (6)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Cool
Bowl: The CaYuen Workshop Medium Damascus Textured Wet Shaving Lathering Bowl
Brush: Dscosmetic Neon Handle AP Shave Co 26mm MiG Knot
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & Seaforth's Black Watch AS
Rating: 10/10 A comfortable efficient 3 pass BBS shave with one touch up, no weepers, cuts or irritation. A very good shave!

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
DE SOTD, Thursday, May 23rd 2024.

Razor : Razorock Game changer.84 with a Razorock Radio nob 316 SS handle. Mfg 2018>, mild to tame mid range IMO. I like to use a Kai SS extra wide in this razor for slight increase in blade feel. The razor works well and has been in my rotation for many years and should be for many more years forward. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
Blade : Kai SS (3) sharp and smooth. Excellent longevity, works well in those mild razors that need a little extra blade feel because they are slightly wider by 8-9/1000 of a inch or 4.5/1000" per side.
Soap : Cyril R Salter Wild Rose cream. Nice rose scented with excellent lather qualities. Very easy lather to mix in no time and works well.
Brush : Yaqi "Bali" 24mm 3 band silvertip badger. Excellent lather generator, luxury pillow like soft tips, luxury splay scrubber + great lather painter. I always smile when I see this brush bloom display from 1st cleaning, it still has a large bloom.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Italian barber Amici splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my RR GC.84 with Kai SS blade.
SOTD May 23 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!

Vertice Shave-X Platinum (3)
Simpson Trafalgar T3
Chiseled Face Sherlock
Stetson AS
Thayers Milky Toner

Lovely shave. I played with some shaving angles today, and I may have found a new trick for one of my usual trouble spots. Sherlock was a nice soap to use today, and I can see myself purchasing a full tub.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

RazorKarve Overlander (SS)
BladeTreet Platinum (3 / 10) [4]
BrushSemogue SOC Boar (Taj)

LatherStirling Eucalyptus Mint (Sample) [1]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

7 / 10

Good shave, though perhaps a little drying. Looking forward to seeing how this soap settles in over the next few days.

Thursday morning shave:

Warm Shower; Musgo Glyce Lime Pre=shave Soap
Arko Stick
RazoRock Big Bruce Synthetic
Gillette Superspeed
Gillette 7 O'clock (Black) (5)
Cold water rinse; Thayers Lemon WH; Everyman Jack Aftershave Balm; Pinaud Clubman
One day growth.

Superspeed is my tool of choice this week. Another great shave today.

It's been a while since I've used Arko. Lathered up wonderfully.

Three passes. One clean up.

No nicks.
No cuts.
No irritation.


A short primer on my rating scale. For me, 10/10 would be BBS over my entire face with no nicks, cuts or irritation. 9/10 would be close to BBS, with minimal residual stubble. Again, no nicks, cuts or irritation. Below a 9/10, would be at least 1 of those criteria missing. Most of the time, I have residual stubble along the jawline and the neck. Going over those areas multiple times frequently results in irritation, so I generally refrain from that. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot.

Happy Friday!

Razor: Mühle R41 w RRock HD handle
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: AP ShaveCo Blue Lagoon G5B
Soap: Mike's Vetiver

Pre shave: Kyle's Routine, La Toja 🇪🇸
Aftershave: Speick 🌿

First use of Mike's Vetiver was very nice, love the scent and performance was fantastic. Not a single issue for a nice shave.

2.5 pass shave, WTG, XTG, ATG
Rating: 10/10 DFS+
Last edited:
Thursday Morning Shave-


Pre-Shave: Hot Towel, Proraso Red

Badger: Paladin Sherlock 26 mm Tortoise, 2-band

Blade: Kai

Razor: GC .84p
Soap: PAA Atomic Age Bay Rum
After-Shave: Cold Water Splash, GFT Alum, CPR Whiskey Woods

Rating: 9.5/10

Notes: BBS. I know PAA has a long and sordid history here, but damn if it isn’t thick and smooth. Also, after doing some research on here, I realized I have been living in the dark because I wasn’t decanting my Clubman Products. Mind blown. This stuff smells so much better decanted. Like multiple orders of magnitude better. If you aren’t decanting you need to start now.

3 Days to Indy.

Gillette 1941 Ranger Tech
Shark Super Stainless 1st use
DS Cosmetics synthetic
Shulton Old Spice
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Old Spice Original
1 Days growth shave with the ranger Tech. Definitely more efficient then my 1949 super speed I put this one more towards the red tip territory. Three pass BBs had one weeper same one as the other day and a little bit of irritation but excellent shave. I have a'80s super 109 adjustable PD arriving in the mail tomorrow so my next face shave will be Sunday. Hope you all have a great rest of your week and weekend and happy shaves.
Razorock Lupo 127 with a Gilette Silver Blue (2)
Phoenix Shaving Doppler Brush
Collette Classic Supply Co. CC2 Citrus Basil Barbershop
Lustray Blue Spice After Shave
Nivea Sensitive Balm

The second use of the Lupo 127 and this time with daily stubble. I can get behind this on days of growth or on daily shaves. Again, a comfortable, irritation free experience. This time I used my favorite soap and still had the same result. I hope the Yates 921 EH plate doesn't disappoint. I bought this as a test run to see if I would like the blade gap. I'm happy with the plate and it will stay in rotation. Slighlty higher than the Apex and with the same rating as yesterday, 9.77/10
No shave today as I had other things that took priority.

That big van parked behind my car made a last second illegal left turn in front of me while I was traveling 50mph. Airbags, seat belts and proper Honda/Acura engineering saved the day, sort of. I walked away with just seat belt bruising. My companion fared a bit worse with major seat belt contusions and a few other minor injuries.
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