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What did you learn from your last shave?

That up until now, I haven't been preparing my face nearly as well as I should be.
I was a shower shaver when I was using cartridges (it was just a mundane routine chore), so I had been soaking and washing my beard properly. Since the DE epiphany, I exclusively use the sink, and whilst I had a decent routine (face washed, hot streaming flannel), it obviously wasn't enough. Tonight I took a shower before shaving and I soaked the beard well. After I got out of the shower, I didn't dry my face, a light lathering of soap, and steamed with the flannel. Worked a treat. Astra SP (#4), WTG, XTG & ATG, beard almost just fell off, for BBS. Will be making sure my prep is up to scratch from now on.
A Gillette Slide second pass does not compare to a true XTG pass. Rediscovered how to achieve 2 pass DFS without needing to use touch-ups and achieved a very comfortable close shave.
Nothing beats my NEW.

Anatema: shaving with a week old blade works.

Caveat: I am entitled to say that this works for me.
After two months of hit or miss shaves I learned this morning that how I hold the razor really contributes to the amount (or lack thereof) pressure that I am using. I studied, watched videos and read this forum and did my best to learn the combo that worked for me. Last night I stumbled on the article here about how to hold the razor at its balancing point. I practiced and then tried it this morning. Holy cow I finally have seen the light. I have been frustrated but stubborn that I would figure this out. While I am still miles away from proficient I really feel like I had an epiphany this morning thanks to all of the knowledge here.
That technique takes time to develop and is worth the work.

That I still haven't been able to map my beard.

That achieving at least a DFS is a worthy goal and gets to be a prerequisite to feeling well-groomed. Cart shaving never impressed that on me.
Lesson learned: Zero-pressure for a damned fine shave.

I've been shaving for decades; and today I tried my first zero-pressure shave. But I have no rationale for why it took me so long to give this a try. I had an excellent shave: smooth and clean cutting, delivering a DFS. My future shaves will be pressure-aware shaves, i.e., no pressing the razor head against my face. Today was the 3rd shave with the same blade, and it was exceptionally smooth.I use a Gillette Tech/80mm Bulldog barrel and Astra SP blades. However, even a mild razor like the Tech, using pressure can, on occasion, result in mildly irritated skin. Also, my passes, two-pass shaves for me, were more efficient; and I was able to do some XTG on my cheeks/neck with my first pass.

Zero pressure: let the razor/blade do the work for a comfortable and close shave.
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Learned that doing 1 pass on a DE will still give me a passable shave and allow my skin to recoup from a real disastrous shave the day before.
...that NOT forcing bbs is the best thing to remember...

(I did my very first STRAIGHT shave WTG 2 passes... and did not force myself to get even a passable shave. for me its just for training. I did a XTG pass of my DE after to clean up. it became passable after that)
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