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What did you learn from your last shave?

- Clubman Lime Sec definitely irritates my face. I get a second burning sensation with it after the alcohol burn fades. I like the scent, but I think this is one I need to avoid from now on.

Happy Fatboy Friday! Happy Clubman Friday!
Chinese wooden handled horsehair brush, La Toja shaving stick, Windrose D-9 Chunky with a Merkur-style head, Indian Gillette 7 O'Clock Green, Alum Block, Williams Expert Aqua Velva.........
That's about as close to minimalist as I can get, living proof of 2 expressions..........

You can't improve on perfection
​KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
I knew this before, but more a refreshing of the memory on this......
CRSW is a fantastic soap. When properly hydrated it is super slick and post shave feel is superb.

Such a great shave today, now I know why so many load up on their different scents.
Hand lathering is great for scritchy brushes like the Body Shop Synthetic, which I have decided is practically unusable for face lathering
Adding 6 drops of glycerin to either my soap or cream, gives me a wonderful lather, and as always which i tell myself no pressure equals a great shave.
Using "Lucky Tiger Liquid Shave Cream" has made me skip the cold water rinse at the end of my shave. The cream acts like a shave balm. My face feels smooth and moisturized.
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