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What am i really missing?

Suggestions as to what I need to augment my modest assortment.
Currently standing at 12 SE, 4 injectors (not shown) and12 DE (pic is
missing Blue tip and Flare tip and another Old type pocket).

I think I have most major representatives covered. I may want to replace the S.A. with a Fatboy at some point.

Apologies in advance for pic quality and my shoebox display case (I'm a user grade type, not really a collector)

Well...if you want no moderns and no straights - a nice, well honed Rolls Razor would work. Probably ought to consider a Stahly Live Blade as well.

In regards to just enjoying great shaves - you're already covered.
Knowing your appreciation for SE razors, you would probably appreciate the SC New and the RedTip. Not mild, not aggressive ......just about right.
Well...if you want no moderns and no straights - a nice, well honed Rolls Razor would work. Probably ought to consider a Stahly Live Blade as well.

In regards to just enjoying great shaves - you're already covered.

OK no straights. :sad:

Maybe some blades to go with those razors?

I don't see an autostrop. maybe a VALET?

Rolls- cheap and different from what you have. The case they are built into is really nice looking too.
Rolls and Valets... It's a long shot but that might just work! Reminds me I have a long forgotten Wilkinson Empire that I couldn't fit a modern blade to....
How about a Ranger Tech, Sheraton/Senator, Rocket?
An OC TTO, that's a damn good idea. Haven't looked into Ranger Tech or Rockets before. How much do they differ from regular tech (me no likey) and Superspeeds respectively?

British or American open-comb Aristocrat for a vintage!

Weber for a stainless steel modern!
do OC aristocrats go all the way from Old type through TTO? That may be a good avenue.

You owe it to yourself to get a Short Comb NEW, common bar handle. Here is mine recently replated by KronaKruiser (left).

View attachment 289318
i quite like my long comb new, but prefer my Old types. I'll keep an eye out for an SC New. Thanks!
I don't see an open comb Damaskeene...
sounds mythical, but will gladly accept unwanted specimens.....

I do not see the injector family represented. They are good shavers.


i have an M adjustable, G and C (current fave) and a PAL that KronaKruiser Piffed me. Love the C, rest are too easy, feels almost like cheating..

i refuse to make a Comment on those outrageously priced examples without a dedicated sub forum!

Knowing your appreciation for SE razors, you would probably appreciate the SC New and the RedTip. Not mild, not aggressive ......just about right.
a second for the SC new.... I'll keep a look out.
a Red Tip is a darn good idea just to round out the SuperSpeeds...

thanks all!
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