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Wet shaving display at Target has been expanded

I don't know if this applies to all Targets, but this is what I saw at the one closest to where I live.
The last time I had been in the shaving section of Target I was able to find a single one of the Van der Hagen Luxury kits ($20, included soap, mug, boar brush, and stand). It was barely visible in a corner of the bottom shelf. My wife ended up getting it for me as a birthday gift, and it started my DE shaving journey.

When I went back this past Sunday it was much different. There was a large, brightly lit display at eye level. There were 4 VDH kits, a number of individual VDH soaps, Williams mug soap, and the full line of Every Man Jack products together. There was also a selection of Dopp/travel bags on the shelf below it.

Maybe this is part of the Christmas/Holiday Season ramp up, but it's pretty cool to see an increased emphasis on wet shaving. Especially marketed as gift ideas for dads.
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Different Target stores, even in the same city, stock, or don't stock, different products. I went to 2 different Targets the other day, only 4 miles distance from each other, and one of the stores had absolutely no shaving soap or anything else a B&B member would want, while the other had a large supply of VDH and Every Man Jack products. I guess they know their markets, but I don't understand their reasoning.


Needs milk and a bidet!
i was in my Target last month and all they had was the VDH kit with badger brush and the VDH brush by its self. fingers crossed they updated their planogram! i'll likely head over there today to check it out.
Target stores do seem to vary on what they stock. Recently I was trying to pick up the unscented VDH Luxury soap that another thread reported was being marked down. I tried Target stores in Fort Dodge, Ames, Des Moines (2 stores), and Council Bluffs, Iowa. All that I found for any VDH products were the last three pucks of unscented soap at the Ames store. None of the the others had any VDH products nor shelf tags on empty slots. The Ames store used to have kits, 2 types of soap and brushes. Not any more.
We had a target open up in the county about 15 miles north of us a couple of years ago. It is just too far to go just to "browse". I have a wet shaving shop within walking distance and I stop in there frequently on my daily walks so who needs a target :001_smile
I was at the closest Target to my house this past weekend. Zip, zero, zilch for wet shaving products. I have not perused others yet.
Just wanted to give some info. Most retailers stock their stores differently(especially big boxes like Target), as you have seen not all Target's carry the same assortments. It is based on many things: location, size of store, demograph, what has sold and what has not, and number of people in the area to name a few.

So all stores could be very different from each other. I.E Macy's in Herald Square is going to be vastly different from Macy's in Bloomington, Indiana.
There were 4 VDH kits, a number of individual VDH soaps, Williams mug soap, and the full line of Every Man Jack products together.

I was at a Baton Rouge Target about a month ago. These products were there. I was quite surprised.

Whole Foods has wide selection of creams and soaps. Although, no razors or blades.
Yeah I guess the individual market would determine what's stocked. I just thought it was notable since it was the same store only a few months later. And it is mostly the same products, just in greater amounts and displayed more prominently.
Can't wait for a Target to open up here. One is planned to go into the old Zellers store down the road and I hope they carry shaving supplies.


Needs milk and a bidet!
success! my target really over hauled their shaving aisle. EMJ in stock minus a couple scents but i picked up some Signature Mint post shave lotion, i really didn't need anything else. i also noticed they have Burts Bees shaving cream, i havent heard much about it but one day wish to try it. Also they have what looks like the full line of Crew products, i've always thought that was good stuff. nice selection of gift bags, and toiletry kits as well. Target has definitely seen the wet-shaving light. Walmart who??
success! my target really over hauled their shaving aisle. EMJ in stock minus a couple scents but i picked up some Signature Mint post shave lotion, i really didn't need anything else. i also noticed they have Burts Bees shaving cream, i havent heard much about it but one day wish to try it. Also they have what looks like the full line of Crew products, i've always thought that was good stuff. nice selection of gift bags, and toiletry kits as well. Target has definitely seen the wet-shaving light. Walmart who??

Can't buy a starters kit without a razor or blades. Walmart is where you can go to buy blades, unfortunately I have to look harder for a DE razor.
I know it will likely be a bit different from store to store, but can someone post a pic, if you have a chance? Not being lazy, just a lot going on, and I'd like to see what you're talking about. I live in Michigan, and while Target is a bit out of my way, there is a Meijer right around the corner. If Target has a better selection, I might just have to make the trip. :)
I was just at Target yesterday in North/West Suburbs of Chicago and picked up "Shea Moisture Shave Brush" and it says its genuine badger. Not bad for 9 dollars, I used it this morn and it seemed rather nice for the price. They also had some shave cream by same company but I didnt pick it up. Otherwise that was it for DE shave stuff.
I know it will likely be a bit different from store to store, but can someone post a pic, if you have a chance? Not being lazy, just a lot going on, and I'd like to see what you're talking about. I live in Michigan, and while Target is a bit out of my way, there is a Meijer right around the corner. If Target has a better selection, I might just have to make the trip. :)

You can search amazon for their kits. Unless you're looking for a gift, I'm not sure that you'd really want the gift set for yourself. They also said they had the full lines of VDH, Williams (just one soap) and every man jack (I'm not so familiar with them). VDH is nice but it's at my local pharmacy.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Can't buy a starters kit without a razor or blades. Walmart is where you can go to buy blades, unfortunately I have to look harder for a DE razor.
well granted Target doesn't sell DE blades and Walmrt does, but neither place is a go to spot for a starter kit. like you said no razors. i'd bet money that if either place stocked at least one DE razor it would be a good seller. i'd still choose Target over Walmart
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