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VDH Deluxe vs. Select - Which do you prefer?

VDH Deluxe or Select?

  • Deluxe

  • Select

  • VDH is crap...buy something better.

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I was in CVS today checking to see if the Real Shaving Co. cream was on sale, and saw that they had one puck of VDH Select on the shelf. I'd only tried the Deluxe so far, so I grabbed it along with the CVS spice aftershave. I melted it and added some of the spice aftershave and poured it into my recently acquired OS mug. By the time I did my shave this evening it was ready to go, and I was really impressed. I think this stuff is better than the VDH Deluxe. The lather was great, nice and slick. What do you guys prefer between the two?
I prefer the Deluxe, having tried all three varieties. Although, I am not convinced there is a night, and day difference between the three products. They are all pretty similar.
Deluxe - it is the only variety I have tried so far. Have not had access to the other two varieties yet. Would be nice to try though.
Well, I guess I had better try that Deluxe again. It's been a while, but I swear I remember it just not being as good as the select.
I was in CVS today checking to see if the Real Shaving Co. cream was on sale, and saw that they had one puck of VDH Select on the shelf. I'd only tried the Deluxe so far, so I grabbed it along with the CVS spice aftershave. I melted it and added some of the spice aftershave and poured it into my recently acquired OS mug.

Okay, I have to know. I thought that one of the purposes of aftershave was to close up the pores which were opened up with the pre-shave and shaving operation. So it would seem that if you mix the AS with the shaving soap, you would be confusing the poor pores in that they wouldn't know whether to open or close. No?

My apologies if it is not considered proper to open up a discussion like this on a poll thread.

To the poll question: I have used VdH deluxe and found it quite nice. Although I have a VdH select puck, I have not yet used it, so I can't really participate in the poll - yet.
IMHO, if you like VDH, you really should try branching out if you have not already done so. There is nothing wrong with VDH, but for a few dollars (under 5) you should try col conk almond, or even the bay rum. I started with a puck of VDH and Williams, and worked with them for 2-3 weeks. I later bought an inexpensive puck of conk almond, and never went back to VDH or williams again. Conk is inexpensive and just performs sooooo much better for me.
Okay, I have to know. I thought that one of the purposes of aftershave was to close up the pores which were opened up with the pre-shave and shaving operation. So it would seem that if you mix the AS with the shaving soap, you would be confusing the poor pores in that they wouldn't know whether to open or close. No?

Pores don't open, or close. It's just a common myth that keeps getting spread around. Read here for more information:

"Once and for all - can pores (on your face) open and close?"
Although I have over a year's supply of VdH, I haven't used it in a while. Too many ongoing projects at the moment. I have used Select, and didn't like it at all. I have also tried the Conk soaps, and didn't like them either.
When I made the decision to go to shaving soaps, I was drawn to the glycerin Surrey soap. Well, it was the only soap in my local pharmacy. So I got that. When I ran out a few months later, the only version available was the white Deluxe. So I grudgingly bought it. I thought I was sacrificing moisturizers. I really didn't pay attention to the differences, but I thought the white soap would not be as moisturizing as the glycerin. Well, the Deluxe is supposed to have more moisturizers. Go figure. I didn't notice much difference in performance. But you certainly should expand and enjoy the variety out there!
IMHO, if you like VDH, you really should try branching out if you have not already done so. There is nothing wrong with VDH, but for a few dollars (under 5) you should try col conk almond, or even the bay rum. I started with a puck of VDH and Williams, and worked with them for 2-3 weeks. I later bought an inexpensive puck of conk almond, and never went back to VDH or williams again. Conk is inexpensive and just performs sooooo much better for me.
I mostly prefer creams, but have had an itch to experiment with adding stuff to the VDH. I also have tried the C&E Sandalwood soap, but not much else in the soaps dept. I plan to make an order for some of the classics sometime soon (like Tabac, Speick, GFT, Proraso, etc.), I just gotta have the $$ to get a few in one order.
When I made the decision to go to shaving soaps, I was drawn to the glycerin Surrey soap. Well, it was the only soap in my local pharmacy. So I got that. When I ran out a few months later, the only version available was the white Deluxe. So I grudgingly bought it. I thought I was sacrificing moisturizers. I really didn't pay attention to the differences, but I thought the white soap would not be as moisturizing as the glycerin. Well, the Deluxe is supposed to have more moisturizers. Go figure. I didn't notice much difference in performance. But you certainly should expand and enjoy the variety out there!

If you purchased the white, then it was the Select you bought. The Deluxe is flesh colored, sort like a melted down Barbie doll.
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