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Treet Del-Rin: $7 of awesome

Just picked this up from ShoeBox ShaveShop out of sheer morbid curiosity:


Used it this morning with one of the supplied Treet Platinum blades. I must say, for $7 of plastic and small metal tube, not bad at all!

Yes, it feels a bit cheap and a little rough around the edges, but it does it's job extremely well. Very pleasant shave.

It's not going to replace my Merkurs, Gillettes or straights; But it definitely earned a place in the rotation.

I guess it's neat mixing it up with a very modern utilitarian design. Makes me wonder if this is what most people would use if cartridges were never invented.
I had this razor. Very nice for the money and almost impossible to get cut. Very mild and the blade locks in nice and even.
That was my first razor. The Wilkinson-rebranded version that cost 2.75 euro with a pack of 5 blades. Now that's a nice deal :thumbup:.

It is very mild, but I really like the modern take on the subject. The enclosed sides make it impossible to cut yourself with the corners of the blade. It is a 2-piece razor but has slots to fit the blade (much like a TTO razor) instead of pins. This keeps the blade perfectly secure and aligned.

If only someone made that out of metal, and slightly more agressive...
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