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The worst cologne you ever tried:

I know I'm going to get burned at the stake for this, but I hate original Old Spice. Maybe it's some type of weird allergy, but anything with the scent- AS, EDP, even deodorant- makes me feel physically ill. Granted, this is the new stuff. I haven't been able to find any of the Shulton. Also not a big fan of Stetson or Brut; both too powdery and fogey-ey to me. And, seeing as I have yet to see it here, who can forget... Hai Karate! It was discontinued before I was born, but I once found some in my father's medicine cabinet and asked if I could have it. He said yes, with a grin and a muffled laugh. Cat **** and mothballs, that's all i have to say about it. Almost as bad as Old Spice.:tongue_sm
The Veg!!!! Smells like brand new baby diapers!!! Which is obviously better than used...:bored:

THAT'S where I've smelled it before! I came across a local a local store selling it. The bottle I happened to pick up had a loose cap and some got on my hands. I immediately recognized it as a scent I've smelled before, but couldn't place it. That stuff is nasty!!

Now the worst cologne I've ever tried? That would have to be L.T. Piver's Lavande. I was a decant from someone on the hobbiest board. Before the first spray even hit my neck I knew I hated it but it was too late. I was aweful. It smelled like my great grandmother's bathroom, which was NOT good. I scrubbed and scrubbed but couldn't get the smell off me. My wife could hardly stand to be near me. It was a good lesson not to try a new cologne before going out. The rest of the decant got tossed.
Anything labelled with the name, "Fougere" or "Fern" even if it's "English". I don't see the attraction: To me it smells like the moss I line my hanging baskets with. But top of my dislikes is anything Avon but if I had to pick on just one it would be "Avon Black Suede".
I think it's called "Employer" it's the knock off of "Boss" they sell it at the corner gas station. Some moron was spraying it everywhere bathing himself in it trying cover up B.O. From a lack of hygiene on a hot day after mowing grass and stepping or rolling in doggie poo all while saying hello to everyone with his halitosis breath. He sprayed it all over himself and everyone standing in the vicinity. Definitely not a pleasant experience.
Either that or the Veg! :lol:
Well I have to say for me it is Hugo Boss bottled. I find it nauseating. Like a cheap bug repelling citronella and vanilla candle with a slight chemical "sour apple" vibe.
I know people seem to love it but I cannot stand it.
I can't remember the exact name, but I got it from Walmart. The bottle was a brown liquid, had "VIP" on it and a playboy bunny. That stuff was VILE!!! :a38:
Geoffrey Beane Grey Flannel by far although I made a blind purchase of Carolina Herrera's CH Men Sport and that was one huge mistake! It smells like pickles on me.
Funny I should find this thread. I was shopping today for a new fragrance, and having seen a few I'd spotted on various shaving groups, I thought I'd give them a whiff. I discovered I REALLY dislike Aramis. It is very bold and too 'something' for me, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Anything labelled with the name, "Fougere" or "Fern" even if it's "English". I don't see the attraction: To me it smells like the moss I line my hanging baskets with. But top of my dislikes is anything Avon but if I had to pick on just one it would be "Avon Black Suede".
+1 on both counts.

I don't like the Fern scent, either. I have some Sir Irisch Moos shaving cream and ASB that's been languishing in my drawer for years. I pulled it out and shaved with it last summer, and I wanted to gag from the aroma. The performance was all there, as good as its cousin Tabac, but what good is performance if I can't breathe during the shave?

Avon was in the business of selling bottles. There are quite a few collectors out there that will go to great extremes and spend a lot of money to add a certain design to their museum. But they are after the fancy containers, and the product inside is secondary. I have two bottles that were sent to me as a gift. I took a sniff and immediately decided "No, thanks. Not for me." I still treasure the items, even though they will never be used.
Put me up in front of the firing squad, but I nominate Eternity. The scent gives me bigtime headaches. Also close are Aqua Di Gio and Hugo Boss. I avoid the fragrance counter at the big stuffy department stores because the current hot frag for men is being spritzed about by bubbly airhead saleswomen. They should have an oxygen station close by for us poor unfortunates who can't handle being subjected to olfactory torture.
For me...Kenneth Cole Black. There's always a combo pack on sale at TJ Maxx and it never fails that I get one for Christmas.

Smells like leather and gasoline.
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