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The Journal Of Huck...


I shaved a fortune
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Ok, while posting on @Phoenixkh thread I mentioned how I was at 10 shaves with a Gillette ninja blade. Now for me this is really pushing a blade and I was curious as to how much further I could go. @Guido75 told me I was now 1/3 of the way through because he got 30+ shaves from the last blade he used. :eek2::eek2:
Aii Caramba! So, Ima going to keep going.
Today it was my new synth the RazoRock 400 synth and a mug with Tabac/Taylor hard soap. The same blade as before and my Blutt BR1.20 razor.
The brush mug lathered without any issues and provided a really nice lather. So I soaped up and got to work. The shave started out really well and after the 1st pass WTG, I now went for the money (for me) pass the ATG.
The razor/blade combo did it again! A very nice pass that needed one more plus some buffing to give me another terrific shave.
I am gob-smacked. This is #11! At this rate I'll never need to buy any more blades EVER!
Now I know other blades may not be able to do this but I'm going to see how much I can extend blade life and how many more shaves I can get. I don't know if I should stop now because I'm not sure if I'm altering my technique, although I don't think so, just to prolong how many shaves I can get...comfortably.
Oh yeah, no sting from the alum either. Finished with Thayer's and Eau Savage balm. Great shave!
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I only bought 100 Ninjas... They are pretty expensive, at least, when I bought them on eBay. I haven't used one in a while. I'll try one again after I figure out this Treet 7Days Platinum experiment in my Athenas... comparing that blade to my Perma-Sharps. I'm still very early on in my DE blade usage. I don't have too many varieties but I'm just learning their individual characteristics.


I shaved a fortune
You know, thinking about the extended blade use thing got me thinking about something:
I max 3-4 uses on a blade and toss it. I feel that I get the best shaves with the first few uses! But then again, we analyze all of these little details because it's a hobby for us. but the reality is that I'm certain that my Grandfather probably used the same blade in his razor (back in the day), God knows how many times. Blades cost us peanuts so we can easily justify a couple uses and done. But I don't think it was quite the same back then. And back then they didn't see any of this as a hobby. It was a necessary chore where they probably used the razor and just threw it there on the sink top for the next use. We baby them, clean them, dry them etc.. They probably just left the same blade in there till it turned a different color!
I was discussing my hobby with a coworker a few months ago and mentioned little details about cleaning, blade changes etc..
He looked at me like I was nuts and said that he used the same disposable for months on end.
So I guess It's really not that surprising that you've gotten 10 uses and Guido has gotten 30+.
So shave on Huck!!
I used to push my Gillette Fusion cartridges to 3 weeks before I knew they were toast. I was never bothered by the cost, for some reason. I just figured it was part of life... until I started wet shaving. Even then, I liked the feeling of a freshly shaved face. I had no idea closer shaves were possible, truth be told. I believed the slogan "The Best a Man Could Get".... How wrong I was.
Pushing through the comfort envelop into uncharted territory. That's the way to do it. I haven't pushed a DE blade past 5 uses yet, but I'm trying to acquaint myself with the blades. Keep on keeping on @huck1680.

What are the Ninjas? I assume a nick name for one of the Gillette blades, I searched and came up with nil.
just to prolong how many shaves I can get...comfortably
That’s basically what I do in combination with what Aaron @APBinNCA suggested - I simply go with the blade until I believe it’s no longer comfortable (or when I am bored).
Now I know other blades may not be able to do this
The Gillette Black and KGC blades are the only ones I have taken 30+ so far. Both are on the higher price end which might just be a coincidence.
Today it was my new synth the RazoRock 400 synth and a mug with Tabac/Taylor hard soap.
The 400 is my favourite brush and Lather King.

Just enjoy what you are doing Huck!

I am on the fence with the Ninjas too. I have only used 3 out of the 100 I bought. They didn't get comfortable for me until 3rd shave, but I was able to get 7 more comfortable shaves from them.
So the ninjas start out uncomfortable but kept getting better? To the tune of 10 shaves? Umm, what's to be on the fence about? That sounds pretty good as opposed to starting out great and getting crappier. :001_huh: You could always sell them...to, oh I dunno...me?:001_rolle
So, I work part-time at a liquor store, which is funny because I no longer drink alcohol, sticking to non-alcohol beer for the most part, and there's always some sort of promo going on...socks, gloves, toques etc as part of specific brand promos. I was talking to one of the reps for a Sask based liquor company when I noticed the bar mats she had set up as part of the display. I knew they would make great shaving mats as well. So I asked where I could get them. They had an on-line store where they sell them. Perfect. Except they were sold out. Hmm. So I emailed the company and a very nice rep got back to me and set about locating 3 of the mats in question for me. That took about a week. Then I received an email saying they had the mats and to please call to set up payment etc. The rep also set up the shipping for me. I paid and in 2 days I had the mats. Absolutely spectacular customer service. I think the mat looks great and it's now part of the den.
And in this corner weighing in with 10 shaves and trying for 11 is the Gillette 7'O'clock also known as "The NINJA".
Accompanying Ninja is his carrier the Pearl Flexi OC known as "BullDog" for its doggish looks and aggressive nature while on level SIX.
Aiding and abetting is a combo soap which is very seasonal in its scent and lathering prowess. Whipping the crowd and the soap into a lather is the RazoRock 400 Synth. Utilizing the Captains Choice copper bowl for the lather/face showdown.
I begin by scraping some soap flakes into the bowl and proceed to create the lather. Easy Peasy. Nice thick lather the brush then painted onto my phiz.
I know this is an adjustable, I just leave it on 6. The razor just goes about its business like nobody's business. The blade is working and gliding, no tugging etc. Three passes and some buffing for ANOTHER EXCELLENT SHAVE!!
Finish with the alum, Thayer's and Areffa Crazy Pumpkin AS balm.
This is amazing. The blade continues to deliver. I am now committed to seeing how far I can go. I will just have to wait to try a GSB until the Ninja quits giving great shaves.
Everyone have a terrific day.
Wow! Just Frickin' Wow! Just finished my 12TH shave with the Ninja and it's as good as any of the shaves before. This time I paired it with my "Shadow" Vincent which is an AL razor.
I didn't have to shave today but there was stubble and what the hell...I like shaving. So the soap was Henri et Victoria which I scraped some shavings from into my Naked Armour SS scuttle. The brush was one of my Zenith boars and I got to work bowl lathering. The brush built up a great lather and I began my shave. Now the Shadow does provide some audio feedback which I like and after 3 passes and a bit of buffing I had ANOTHER great shave. Finished off with alum and Thayer's. Then a bit of Bulgari cologne.
A huge shout out to @Guido75 for awakening me to the extended blade life he's been practising for some time now. I never knew.
And now I do. It's gonna be interesting to see which blades for me give the most comfortable shaves.
A huge shout out to @Guido75 for awakening me to the extended blade life he's been practising for some time now. I never knew.
All good Huck and not all blades are capable of giving similar returns. 12 is on average already an amazing score. Yes the Ninja can do more, but for an average blade I usually aim for 10 and see where it takes me from there.

I’ll admit that I sometimes adjust the blade a bit by either stropping or honing or both. I should try that soon with a Tiger blade - that’s the elusive one in my stash. Never got it past 7 and usually it’s more like 5.

Way to go!!

All good Huck and not all blades are capable of giving similar returns. 12 is on average already an amazing score. Yes the Ninja can do more, but for an average blade I usually aim for 10 and see where it takes me from there.

I’ll admit that I sometimes adjust the blade a bit by either stropping or honing or both. I should try that soon with a Tiger blade - that’s the elusive one in my stash. Never got it past 7 and usually it’s more like 5.

Way to go!!

That's good to know. I'm thinking at least 15 for the Ninja giving me really good shaves.

Ok it's that number...highest I've taken a blade before. This shave wasn't quite that lucky, I ended up with a couple of small weepers which I attribute to a slight lack of technique on my part as opposed to the blade being too worn...because it isn't!
Used Stirling "Gin & Tonic" soap which I scraped some into my CaYuen bowl and used my Zenith boar to build my lather. Now the pic shows a nice lather but the brush is kind of a hog with bowl lathering. Kinda ran out by the third pass. Still not as good as my synths but getting better. I also soaked the brush overnight. I don't think that really did anything much if at all. From here on in I'll be soaking for a few minutes.
The razor was my Smart-Helix Apollo on the aggro side. Very nice and efficient.
The soap is more "mentholated" than others I've used and you can definitely feel it while shaving and for a good while after you're done...which is fine with me. This of course was increased with the alum bar as well.
A very nice shave and I see the ninja getting to at least 15 and possibly farther. Truly amazing for me.
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Uncharted waters for me!
Today it was the Athena paired with the "yet to say die" ninja.
I used my Proraso "hardish" soap in my Proraso lather mug. The brush was my Zenith olive handle boar. As I've found before the boars do a very nice job of mug lathering. And it was the same today.
So I soaked the boar for a few minutes and got to work. Nice lather and began to soap up. The Athena is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite razors and the best looking one I've seen (the Tedalus is gorgeous but really price prohibitive to me).
The Athena also gives me great audio feedback which I enjoy plus the unique water rinse when you hold it under the tap.
I could tell from the WTG pass the blade is approaching its permanent retirement but is still giving comfortable outings. The ATG pass still amazed me with how efficient the razor is plus how well they blade is still doing.
The lather held out for 3 passes and some buffing. Excellent...and a very pleasant shave was had. I did the alum and unlike the more aggressive razors I've used in this "experiment" there was no sting. And even though the Proraso is mentholated it does not have the effect of Sterling's "Gin & Tonic" soap which if you like menthol is one you should consider.

And in other news...I tend to listen to and pay attention to a few other members when it comes to razor reviews because over time, I have found that their findings and results tend to mirror what I have found to work for me in terms of comfort, efficiency and impressions. Those guys are @Mr. Shavington and @LRod. Which also might be reasons to not pay attention to their opinions etc.:laugh::laugh:.
So what I've got coming are the Backland Brass BlackBird and the Robin 1/2DE single edge razors. I was happy with my Terrific Twelve but got intrigued with the above two razors.
It is the season and I've been very good...sorta. So I've got them to look forward to and there's another "mystery" razor I've kinda got reserved but is not available at this point. More on that when things become clearer.
Cheers and all the best for this Holiday Season!
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Uncharted waters for me!
Today it was the Athena paired with the "yet to say die" ninja.
I used my Proraso "hardish" soap in my Proraso lather mug. The brush was my Zenith olive handle boar. As I've found before the boars do a very nice job of mug lathering. And it was the same today.
So I soaked the boar for a few minutes and got to work. Nice lather and began to soap up. The Athena is one of my ABSOLUTE favourite razors and the best looking one I've seen (the Tedalus is gorgeous but really price prohibitive to me).
The Athena also gives me great audio feedback which I enjoy plus the unique water rinse when you hold it under the tap.
I could tell from the WTG pass the blade is approaching its permanent retirement but is still giving comfortable outings. The ATG pass still amazed me with how efficient the razor is plus how well they blade is still doing.
The lather held out for 3 passes and some buffing. Excellent...and a very pleasant shave was had. I did the alum and unlike the more aggressive razors I've used in this "experiment" there was no sting. And even though the Proraso is mentholated it does not have the effect of Sterling's "Gin & Tonic" soap which if you like menthol is one you should consider.
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And in other news...I tend to listen to and pay attention to a few other members when it comes to razor reviews because over time, I have found that their findings and results tend to mirror what I have found to work for me in terms of comfort, efficiency and impressions. Those guys are @Mr. Shavington and @LRod. Which also might be reasons to not pay attention to their opinions etc.:laugh::laugh:.
So what I've got coming are the Backland Brass BlackBird and the Robin 1/2DE single edge razors. I was happy with my Terrific Twelve but got intrigued with the above two razors.
It is the season and I've been very good...sorta. So I've got them to look forward to and there's another "mystery" razor I've kinda got reserved but is not available at this point. More on that when things become clearer.
Cheers and all the best for this Holiday Season!
The Robin huh?
That's 2 aluminums (Both Canadian) so far that you're giving a chance to. Well and the Valynor that's half aluminum too!
The Robin is very interesting as you will see that it barely has any blade reveal but it's still efficient and you still kind of feel it as you shave. It's weird but cool!. It works!
The Robin huh?
That's 2 aluminums (Both Canadian) so far that you're giving a chance to. Well and the Valynor that's half aluminum too!
The Robin is very interesting as you will see that it barely has any blade reveal but it's still efficient and you still kind of feel it as you shave. It's weird but cool!. It works!
Yeah, I know, aluminum right? Well the "Shadow" is an excellent razor which I found out from you and the Robin. Plus the Robin is a heavier razor for aluminum as well which I prefer. And as you say, both are Canadian which is one of the reasons I now have two aluminum razors...I had the Hensons and although I consider them to be good razors they were just sort of "meh" for me. Now if they had a SS razor...that'd be different.
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