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The Journal of a Backwards Professor


I think this fits, Gents
The only picture I can find of me with a full beard. More or less. Yosemite 1988.


I think this fits, Gents
Tuesday, October 6
Karve OC D
Gillette Platinum(5)
Semogue Mistura
Mike's Natural Bergamot, Orange, Ylang-ylang
Pinaud Clubman
Nivea Sensitive balm

With 216 hours since my last shave I put the D OC baseplate in my Karve and washed my face with Dove Shea Butter hand soap, while I soaked the Mistura in warm bottled water.

After toweling off with a warm towel I started loading the brush heavy, then I slayed it and swirled until the lather started to erupt. I started painting a nice thick, creamy lather into my whiskers, as some of the water from the brush ran down my hand. The Mistura felt nice with a ton of backbone and scrub as the lather continued to hydrate and build. There is no scritch.

I trimmed my sideburns first as my hairdresser had left them a bit long, then started on my left side shaving N-S to just around my jawline, 3 smooth strokes each pass, as I noticed the blade feel as soon as the razor moved, much like my GC-OC84. Three N-S passes on the left and right side, then more N-S passes on my soul patch and chin.

I usually only rinse the razor quickly between sides, but I kept the sink running and rinsed after each pass, increasing the residual slickness from the lather.

I shaved my neck N-S, feeling the blade the whole way. It is solid as a rock. In places where I could feel the blade flex with the GC-OC84, the Karve OC D baseplate ruthlessly sliced through the stubble, never wanting to bite. Instead of tickling my whickers like the C baseplate, the OC D felt like a kitten patting my face with its claws.

There was plenty of lather left and this time I splayed the Mistura and exfoliated like it was the first pass, the stiffness of the boar bristles tamed by the softness of the badger bristles, it is very comfortable. There is no scritch.

I shaved my face nose to ear, then stretched my face as I went around my jawline, then shaved my neck S-N. The blade feel, while still present, never felt as though it actually touched my skin. It is though there is a thin layer of residual slickness preventing contact.
I have been using almost zero pressure throughout the shave, the only stretching was when I went around my jawline.

After lathering up one more time, as there was still plenty of lather left in the brush, I shaved my face ear to nose, and my neck N-S.

After patting my face with a warm moist towel I rubbed a few drops of Hyaluronic Acid into my still moist skin. The Witch hazel went on slick as snot as a doorknob, and the Clubman left a delightful tingle. Nivea balm finished the shave.
My face doesn't feel like I just shaved.

It feels like I woke up with a BBS.



I think this fits, Gents
Friday, October 16
Gold Dollar 208
Simpson PJ2
Mike's Bergamot, Orange, Ylang-ylang
Clubman Classic Vanilla

I submitted my GD Mod for auction today, so I only thought it right to get my GD 208 out and give it a go.

I'm still on the retirement shaving schedule. Trying to find a time to get into the mood to shave has eluded me since I decided to not even get my shave gear out, if I don't think I will have time to shave without being interrupted by SWMBO. 40 times this year I have put my shaving gear away without lathering or putting a razor to my face, because she decided I had to wait for her. As I am filling up my water mug. After getting tired of waiting for her to decide when to tell me to wait for her, because I take to long to shave.

So I told SWMBO that I wasn't going to shave any later than 7 in the morning, or 7 in the evening. I like to watch the 7 o'clock news, after the news, I don't want to shave. :scared:

Then she has the nerve to tell me she doesn't like the hair on my face :a30:.

I no longer have ANY SHAVING products on the sink, I even started keeping my toothbrush and cup under the sink also. Until she gets the message, I'm a keeping a few weeks of stubble on my face. I'm not trimming my 'stache either. There are a half dozen or so razors and brushes on my desk though :a30:

First I swirled the damp brush in the tub until a lather started to build. After painting the lower part of my neck, I dipped the PJ2 in the water and pressed it until it splayed nicely.
Have I said before this brush is soft?
Plush and comfortable it is, fully splayed just enough to cover the lower part of my neck sweeping side to side, making sure to keep the lather hydrated.

Then I picked up 208 with my right hand and tried an new to me grip, so I could try an ATG pass starting at the center of my neck. This is the first time I have used this razor, and it has been 4 months since I last used a straight, so I was a bit tentative.

The edge didn't have much trouble whittling through 10 days growth, using gentle upward short strokes, but keeping it off my neck was a challenge. No nicks or cuts, but I could feel the edge as I tried to find the right angle.

Not feeling confident enough to shave the left or right side of my neck ATG, I changed my grip to shave the right side of my neck. Trying to get started in the middle of my stubble, I could feel the edge catch and trim the stubble as I started to shave N-S. Even though the grip felt more comfortable, I still struggled a bit getting all of the stubble off and trimming the start of my beard in one pass.

Switching to my left hand I slowly worked my way from the center of my neck to the left side. After getting most of the stubble shaved off the lower part of my neck, I brushed on a light coat of lather as I cleaned up my gear, then rinsed with a warm, moist towel.

I could feel a slight irritation from the ATG pass in the center of my neck, so I rubbed some HA into my skin, then patted some Witch hazel over my neck before I splashed on the Classic Vanilla after shave. The after shave let me know how close I got on the ATG pass, with Nivea balm soothing the beast.

Not nearly as comfortable or close as the same one pass shave with my DE's, but still an ok shave. I kept all of the blood inside, no nicks, touchdowns or weepers. The edge is good, my technique needs work. Oh yeah, I was done by 6 o'clock.



I didnt know
So I told SWMBO that I wasn't going to shave any later than 7 in the morning, or 7 in the evening. I like to watch the 7 o'clock news, after the news, I don't want to shave. :scared:

Then she has the nerve to tell me she doesn't like the hair on my face :a30:.

I no longer have ANY SHAVING products on the sink, I even started keeping my toothbrush and cup under the sink also. Until she gets the message, I'm a keeping a few weeks of stubble on my face. I'm not trimming my 'stache either. There are a half dozen or so razors and brushes on my desk though :a30:

Is your garage or shop plumbed? :thumbup1:

A mechanic friends garage is like a living room. PC, TV, couch and chairs, coffee table, coffee maker, urinal, sink and mirror and, a 1969 El Camino SS. Heated and AC'd too, naturally lol.


I think this fits, Gents
A mechanic friends garage is like a living room. PC, TV, couch and chairs, coffee table, coffee maker, urinal, sink and mirror and, a 1969 El Camino SS. Heated and AC'd too, naturally lol.
Remember the TV show Dan Tanna?

The building on the left is the actual building on Las Vegas Blvd. This picture is on the internet, but I drove by it once during the 1980's, and this is exactly what it looked like.

With the passing of my 97 year old Mother several years ago, I discovered there was an annuity that has allowed me to retire a year sooner than I had previously planned. Next month when my pensions and SS kick in, the search for an upgrade from our 2 bedroom, 1 car garage condo will begin.

Working 6 days a week, sometimes 7, for the last 35+ years, leaving the house by 4 am most days to start the workday, the last 16 years married and raising two kids, I never had to witness the dynamo that SWMBO is, every single morning. I had thought she was only this way on Sundays :eek2:

She takes control of the kitchen and bathroom from 4:30am to 7:45am or so when she leaves for work, and the house settles down to normal, just me, the kids, and Casey, my 30 year old parrot. It really is pretty amazing how the house just quiets down as the Boss leaves the building. Of course, by then it is too late to shave. Even though I still get up early, I have never been a morning shaver, and the window of time when I could sneak in a morning shave is too unpredictable for me to even bother trying.

In the evenings since my retirement, she has decided that when she takes a shower precludes when I want to, which is fine by me. It is the way she waits until I decide to take a shower, that it is now her turn, and I must wait for her "5 minute" shower, which is more like 20-45 minutes. With a 30 minute pre-shower prep time.

I'm starting to think that I should just walk into the kitchen 2 or 3 hours before I want to shave and fill up my water mug with hot water.....
Catching up with this thread. Got to get Doug shaving/writing more often. Kickstarter for a secret shave den addition? Maybe I could epoxy together a Coleman stove, metal basin, shave stand, mirror, water jug, a little red wagon - BBS on wheels?


I think this fits, Gents
I can definitely feel the difference between the ATG pass in the center of my neck compared to the WTG pass on the sides of my neck. The center is still BBS, but the stubble is showing on the sides. When I splashed on some after shave this morning there was no irritation at all from yesterday's shave.

Prior to using the 208 I decided to run it across a few stones to make sure it was still shave ready.

I started with my intentionally convexed SB Arkie, not counting laps I honed the edge until the pattern was even all the way across, using light spindle oil as lubricant.

After cleaning and stropping I moved to my Trans Arkie, and more laps were performed, using light spindle oil as a lubricant.

More cleaning, stropping, then I moved up to my HB Arkie, and honed until it passed the HHT test, before stropping.
At this point, the edge was definitely shave ready, easily tree-topping my arm hairs.


But I want keen, and I mean keen, so the diamond pasted balsa was used to finish the edge. The final test was last night's lower neck shave, and it passed. I am pretty sure when I get around to shaving the rest of my face it will be as comfortable and keen as my GD Mod. For now I will use it to trim my "beard" :whistling:


I didnt know
Remember the TV show Dan Tanna?
View attachment 1169838View attachment 1169839
The building on the left is the actual building on Las Vegas Blvd. This picture is on the internet, but I drove by it once during the 1980's, and this is exactly what it looked like.

With the passing of my 97 year old Mother several years ago, I discovered there was an annuity that has allowed me to retire a year sooner than I had previously planned. Next month when my pensions and SS kick in, the search for an upgrade from our 2 bedroom, 1 car garage condo will begin.

Working 6 days a week, sometimes 7, for the last 35+ years, leaving the house by 4 am most days to start the workday, the last 16 years married and raising two kids, I never had to witness the dynamo that SWMBO is, every single morning. I had thought she was only this way on Sundays :eek2:

She takes control of the kitchen and bathroom from 4:30am to 7:45am or so when she leaves for work, and the house settles down to normal, just me, the kids, and Casey, my 30 year old parrot. It really is pretty amazing how the house just quiets down as the Boss leaves the building. Of course, by then it is too late to shave. Even though I still get up early, I have never been a morning shaver, and the window of time when I could sneak in a morning shave is too unpredictable for me to even bother trying.

In the evenings since my retirement, she has decided that when she takes a shower precludes when I want to, which is fine by me. It is the way she waits until I decide to take a shower, that it is now her turn, and I must wait for her "5 minute" shower, which is more like 20-45 minutes. With a 30 minute pre-shower prep time.

I'm starting to think that I should just walk into the kitchen 2 or 3 hours before I want to shave and fill up my water mug with hot water.....

I remember the name but I keep thinking of Dano from Hawaii Five-0 lol.

Just taking care of a house, inside and out, is a huge never ending job. Adding kids to that would be too much for any sane person. With that, I may have just explained all my crazy girlfriends haha.

I think that mechanic friend has been married 19 years now. Still no shower in the garage but you've made me curious when one will appear lol.


I think this fits, Gents
Just taking care of a house, inside and out, is a huge never ending job. Adding kids to that would be too much for any sane person.
This is how my last weekend went.
When my condo was built the tiles were never laid properly and the toilet wobbled a bit. This led to the retaining ring being damaged, necessitating the use of epoxy to hold the bolts in place. A new wax ring and shims to counteract the poorly laid tiles, some silicon to keep them in place.

I tried to call a plumber and have the job done right, but of course it was a Friday when I started the project, and I guess that plumbers don't work weekends, or don't answer their phones on Friday's either.

To do the job right, the tiles need to be replaced and the wood under the toilet needs to be replaced also, as there is wood rot. Not a job that I have any experience at, so I called 3 plumbers, none called me back.

I figured the job would cost me at least $2500 to have a professional do the work for me, and I was more than willing to pay the money. But I needed to get the bathroom fixed like now, so I just did the best I could with the tools on hand, and the lack of knowledge to do the job properly. And the bleeping plumbers wouldn't even call me back.

Cost me $25 and two days of my time. That and being reminded that I will be selling the place very soon.

Caveat Emptor
My sympathy. Plumbers never call me back, either.

Every time I have set a toilet, I marvel that those wax rings work at all. Nonetheless, I have been blessed with solid, stable floors and haven't had to re-set one yet.

Wrestling a big one-piece toilet, though, that is a PITA. I want one of those catalog picture bathrooms, where every fixture is surrounded by about 3 feet of open space.


I didnt know
This is how my last weekend went.
View attachment 1170334View attachment 1170335View attachment 1170336View attachment 1170337View attachment 1170338
When my condo was built the tiles were never laid properly and the toilet wobbled a bit. This led to the retaining ring being damaged, necessitating the use of epoxy to hold the bolts in place. A new wax ring and shims to counteract the poorly laid tiles, some silicon to keep them in place.

I tried to call a plumber and have the job done right, but of course it was a Friday when I started the project, and I guess that plumbers don't work weekends, or don't answer their phones on Friday's either.

To do the job right, the tiles need to be replaced and the wood under the toilet needs to be replaced also, as there is wood rot. Not a job that I have any experience at, so I called 3 plumbers, none called me back.

I figured the job would cost me at least $2500 to have a professional do the work for me, and I was more than willing to pay the money. But I needed to get the bathroom fixed like now, so I just did the best I could with the tools on hand, and the lack of knowledge to do the job properly. And the bleeping plumbers wouldn't even call me back.

Cost me $25 and two days of my time. That and being reminded that I will be selling the place very soon.

Caveat Emptor

I'm not sure if I'd rather do your job or do the one I just finished lol. Its all about the same to me, work. Only the materials differ.

Its pretty common to need to shim a toilet so its level. Caulking hides it all most of it after anyway. Use a neoprene ring instead of a wax ring. Then you can make all the mistakes you want without needing a new one lol. :tongue_sm

I gutted, down to the studs, one of the three bathrooms in this house two years ago. It was plaster and lathe. Let me tell ya, that **** is heavy. Its also a dirty, dusty mess. That bathroom is on the second floor and two of us couldnt carry a garbage can half full of it. I ended up making a slide from 16' 2x4's and 3/8" ply. Hung it off the side of the balcony and started shoveling it onto the slide and right into the bed of a buddy's pickup.

Then I removed the 56x32" double hung window, framed it for a smaller slider, installed it, insulated the wall and slapped 1/2" drywall over it all without checking to see if the walls needed shimming lol. This house is framed with full dimension 2x4" Fir and it aint exactly straight or square lol. Plaster hides a lot haha. I had to fill one corner 1 1/2"s over a 30+ inch run, another 3/4" in the middle of another wall and 1/2" at the door near the electrical box. Once finished you'd never even know. Perfectly flat.

Then I installed a Maax Sax soaker tub, Moen Roman Bath faucets with commercial valves that match the sink and an American Standard H2Option toilet. Damn good toilet too... Under it all is Brazilian Walnut vinyl plank flooring. Also great stuff. Laid properly its a 100% waterproof floor.

After the inside was finished, all but the trim which I still havent done yet lol, I pulled all the siding off the exterior back wall, insulated it, strapped it with 1x4, hung tar paper over that and put new siding on then capped two windows on the upstairs back wall.

This year...

I've been dealing with decaying concrete the last few 20 years on the walkway between the garage and the back door. By the time I finished pressure washing all the loose bits away I was using whole cement bricks as fill in two places. That slab is 10"s thick.



First I filled the worst spots. Then I brushed concrete adhesive on the obvious low spots and parged them to build them up and let it cure. Then I did it all again, and again, and again. Four coats in total with the last over the entire top surface. I would have used Ardex K-301 self leveling compound as a final top coat but I was running out of good weather so I just skim coated it as best I could and used a sponge trowel to finish. I had to rebuild the bottom step too, and I did it without forming it.

Theres two gallons of concrete adhesive, 1 1/2 bags (~120lbs) of Type N Portland and six five gallon pails of sand in that repair. Since I dont have a mixer and was working alone I had to mix all the cement in a 2 gallon pail with a trowel. That was more work than the job itself.

Then I laid on two coats of Loxon XP and that was that. The Loxon XP should last 10 years before needing a recoat. Even if I need to recoat every 5 years, I'm okay with that.

While I was doing the coating I figured I might as well pull the walk through door, repair it as best I could and coat it on all faces with the Loxon and the frame while I was at it. I'll make a new door...sometime lol.

Then, since I was on a roll, I also filled, parged and sponged a section of broken concrete top coat a 1/2" thick on the garage floor. If this Loxon XP is as good as they say it is, and it must be pretty good if they use it on the exterior of new commercial construction, I'll do the back patio next summer and the garage floor.

I've been wanting to extend the back wall of the garage 10 feet for a few years. Not sure when I'll get around to that. My head doesnt believe I'm 54 and my body feels like its 25, until after I do the work lol.

Theres always something that needs doing.

Carpe diem
Last edited:


I think this fits, Gents
Sunday, October 18
Gold Dollar 208
Omega Tortoise Silver Tip
Mike's Bergamot, Orange, Ylang-ylang
Pinaud Clubman
Nivea Sensitive balm

I had originally planned on using my Feather AC Pro SS to just shave the lower part of my neck ATG, reasoning that I could first practice my holds and stretches without a blade.

Then as I am getting out of the shower, SWMBO gets home early and notices the tray with my shaving gear is on the sink, and asks me if I am going to shave. So of course I answer, "Maybe", and prepare to put everything away, when she astonishingly assures me that no one will interrupt me shaving tonight! :yikes:

Changing plans, I get the GD 208 stropped and load up the Omega Silver Tip with wanton abandon. Even though I gave it a few good shakes, the badger holds copious amounts of water. As I paint the lather on my face and neck, water is dripping from the brush into the sink, not running down my arm. It is delightfully hydrates the lather to an almost runny consistency.

Picking up the razor with my left hand I once again neared the razor to my face with trepidation, letting the blade gently start to slide as it touched my skin. While feeling some resistance from 12 days of growth as I shaved N-S, there was no tugging. I used the same gentle short strokes as with my DE's as I watched the blade fill with stubble and lather as it easily swept it away, stopping at my jawline. The audio feedback was barely noticeable as I kept an extremely light touch with the razor, almost hovering, I could barely feel the blade.

Switching to my right hand, I shaved the right side of my face, then lathered up all over and shaved around my jawline and then my neck, starting from the outside working to the center of my neck.
After switching hands again I shaved the left side of my neck from the center to the outside.

More lathering ensued, dipping the brush in the water mug, the consistency of the lather becoming creamy and runny, I shaved my soul-patch and chin, N-S, then my face nose to ear, then a light WTG pass on my neck. I only really felt the blade touch my skin a few spots on my chin as I tried to round the corners, and I got one red dot near the bottom of my lip on the left side.

After rubbing in a few drops of HA, I smoothed the Witch hazel over my semi-smooth face, more tingling than I had expected was present, as I had felt no scraping or tugging during the shave, in fact, most of the time I didn't even feel the blade. The Clubman surprisingly only felt a bit warm and fuzzy instead of stinging. The Nivea balm soothed my skin, there is no redness or irritation at all.

Presentable and without pain, just not as comfortable a shave as my Karve.
I took this pic after the shave, so the brush is damp.


I think this fits, Gents
Use a neoprene ring instead of a wax ring.
I was going to use the neoprene ring, but with the included spacer the toilet would not sit flush, and without the spacer it felt like it wasn't even touching. It isn't leaking now, that is what matters :ciappa:


I didnt know
I was going to use the neoprene ring, but with the included spacer the toilet would not sit flush, and without the spacer it felt like it wasn't even touching. It isn't leaking now, that is what matters :ciappa:

Now do yourself a favor and add a bidet. :)


I think this fits, Gents
Tuesday, October 20
Gold Dollar 208
Semogue Mistura
Mike's Bergamot, Orange, Ylang-ylang
Pinaud Clubman
Nivea Sensitive balm

After practicing ATG holds with my Feather AC Pro SS, sans the Proline, I proceeded to load the damp Mistura heavy until lather started forming in the tub. Painting it on my face, water dripping from the brush, the lather quickly built into a nice creamy consistency. The Mistura is not a soft as my Omega's, yet. I could feel a little scritch when splayed, the scrub almost hiding it, but not enough to keep me from using it. It holds its water nicely.

As I tried to start my shave S-N from the base of my neck, the blade felt like it wanted to catch the whiskers. It doesn't want to move. After a few false starts, and not wanting to risk loosing blood with the first few strokes, I swapped grips. Starting this time just under my chin I carefully whittled my way down using short N-S strokes, holding the razor in my left hand I found it fairly easy to navigate the left side of my neck at a slow pace.
Changing hands the right side of my neck was marginally easier, changing again to my left hand to shave the left side of my face, N-S.

Having only stropped the razor between shaves, and not touching it up on the balsa, I could feel the blade working harder than on Sunday. The edge seemed to fall off a bit more than I expect after one shave.

Even after hydrating the lather, it is not as smooth. It isn't really tugging, just seems to need more force to cut the whiskers, instead of merely slicing through them. The audio feedback is more noticeable.
I once again tried to shave my chin and soul patch ATG, but no dice. The red dot under my lip appeared from nowhere along with a tiny nick on my chin that I felt, but only a red dot needing no further attention.

With plenty of lather in the brush, I set out to go for another pass, XTG face, and once again trying to shave my neck ATG, but
no-go again, so N-S was the preferred method of retaining blood.

Have I said that I took my sweet time, as the razor while cutting close, wasn't smooth or slicing. More like grabby. Not uncomfortable, I won't go as far as to say there was irritation, but not comfortable either.

The Witch hazel made notice, the Clubman was warm, Nivea was needed.

Not BBS, but better than SAS. I had to work at the shave.

This was also the first time that my son hasn't left the room while I was shaving. No, he didn't watch me shave like my daughter does, there was a documentary about P-51 Mustangs on. The pilot Doug Matthews took his 68 year old single engine prop plane to a record setting altitude of 42,534’ , May 22, 2013. They said this was the first time since 1942 a P-51 Mustang has gone past 40,000'. American ingenuity.

I don't think my son even noticed I was shaving :c6:

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