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The Anything Thread

Hey, all. I'm headed back to the Dr.s to check out my surgery progress. Should be fine (I ate a bag of Doritos today, after all), but I'll be back on tonight if all goes well.

Thank you Chad. Hey, did you get the package I sent you? If so, was there a slice of TSD soap in yours?

Sure did. I posted, but that might have been just before your B&B sabbatical :wink: Nothing from TSD though. You sent the TGQ Autumn sample and a some of the lavender, plus samples of two of your son's soaps and a vial of Blenheim Bouquet (which pushed me over the edge on that one -- there's now a bottle headed my way from Luxembourg). I've pressed one of your son's soaps (the whiter of the two) into a container and plan to try it tomorrow.

What's new with you this week?
Shew...... just being old. I had the grandkids for a day last weekend. That was alot of fun. What did you think of the TGQ soaps? I need to figure out who I sent that TSD sample to.
wow... the thread was Waldo when I posted this morning.. Then the next post it wasn't... ugh... Well I logged in, now I am off again. see you in a few hours at whatever the new thread will be then.

There is nothing to see here... as I am no longer here...
I planned on being with you kids yesterday. On the way to work I was in a pretty bad car accident. My Prius was T-boned on the passenger side. Lucky for me with my chronic back pain I already had all the pain killers and muscle relaxants the ER wanted me to get. I will be fine. Prius needs to be rebuilt. Baby got out of car 10 minutes before accident. I was actually happy at the scene. I am off to see my Dr. now. Hopefully get a rental car and be at work tomorrow.

I hope you are okay. Here, have some Pi (appropriate for this thread):

How'd things go with your daughter last night Etoyoc? Hope all is calm and bright again.

Oh she finally got her work done. (After hours of whining, complaining, and occasionally yelling/screaming). Then she ticked off Mrs. Coyote.. So that was another whole issue. She is perfectly fine today. Good day at school, good therapy session... She is in the back watching Rudolph at the moment.

Huh... it took a while to find this. you can't search for "nothing". Nice twist by the mods (or of fate)
Best wishes for a good report Doug.

Rolls -- welcome home!

Yeah, hi Rolls.

Etoyoc, glad to hear the daughter situation is closer to resolved.

And thanks, Gruder. The report was good. I'm healing on schedule and he finds no problems. He said it might be 6 months before the scar tissue heals completely, if it ever does.
nothing --> goose egg

goose egg --> a swelled up bump that I now have on my shin from slipping on an icy spot on the side walk that was under a puddle. Nice two inch wide and already quite swolen. And no... I am not taking pictures.
nothing --> goose egg

goose egg --> a swelled up bump that I now have on my shin from slipping on an icy spot on the side walk that was under a puddle. Nice two inch wide and already quite swolen. And no... I am not taking pictures.

So we have your shin to blame for the new thread name? :confused: Glad things are calm for you tonight otherwise. Congrats on 900.

Keep up the healing Doug. I prescribe a steady regimen of "shavegasms" (not to be taken internally). :tongue:

Rolls, I like the TGQ soaps. The Autumn smells especially well. I need to get a puck of Cavendish -- think I'd like that one, too. I may stop at Tamarack on the way home from holiday travels to look into that. FWIW, I've always thought that Colleen would do better with her samples if she were to create sample pucks that were thinner and bigger around (like the Ogallala sample pucks). That small difference in size makes a huge difference in lathering ability, at least to me. Nothing a microwave can't fix, but that's not something that most folks would try. I remember getting pretty frustrated with her stuff when I first started wetshaving because I couldn't get good lather from the sample pucks. Go figure. If you touch base with Colleen again soon, feel free to pass that along. I'd hate to see her lose customers over it -- the soap is too good!
yup... changed again. Thats what happens when we try to apply any logic to the changing of the names.

900 eh? Gee, I might hit 1,000 yet this year. Gee Gruder you are about to 2,000. As I recall, I got that PIF from you when you hit 1,000. Guess you are packing on the posts faster than I.
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