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Thank You PIF!

I'm in. The Atari

I'm in! Thanks for the generous PIF!

As a kid I remember having a betamax cassette player. We had a ton of movies in beta... and then one day, they were useless. Great machine though.


I'm in! I had an Audiovox smart phone about 10 years ago, that ran an old version of Windows CE. Things have definitely been improved!
Im in!!
Ive never used Cella or VDH or Clubman or the Veg. My technology would be the Nintendo Entertainment system but a gentleman just above mentioned it so I will say the next best thing..........Nintendo Gameboy!!! Black and white screen, I played tetris non-stop on it and eventually my hands felt like they were ceasing up from playing too long ;)

Awesome PIF
Great PIF, it's too bad I'm over here in Ireland and can't take part. But i still wanted to throw in my 2 cents.

Kevdog said Gameboy and I've gotta agree with him. I've a 1989 Original here and a modified Gameboy Advance with a backlit screen that I still use. I loved the days I'd wile away in school with my gameboy lol.
I'm in.

I could make a list a mile long, but the funniest thing to me looking back is that we used cassette tapes as PC drives. And remember the old modems that you had to rest the headset in? (I'm feeling old all of the sudden :)

Nice PIF - thanks!
I'm in! Anyone recognize one of these?

I'm not old enough to have bought it new but I had some really great games for the TI99!
I'm in. My favorite old tech item is the Sony Walkman I received for Christmas my senior year of high school. I was the envy of all my friends.
You young-uns and your fancy, new-fangled Palm pilots and smart phones. You have no idea what my generation had to contend with:

$5-iconicmobile-030413.jpg You had to press 4 buttons if you wanted to tex the letter "s." We had to manually punch in our own emojis!
The best game we had was snake! No internet in my pocket means I couldn't access B&B from a computer I sit on. Only a few of us remaining old-timers remember life the way it was, and it was hard.
Also, I'm in.
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