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Suggest me a new folder

I am in the market for a new folder. I have been eyein the ZT0551 with the elmax blade. I dig the hinderer design and will never be able to afford one of his knives, but I don't know anything about the elmax steel. I have also be offered a almost mint Strider SMF DGG for $300. That's about the top of my budget. But I could easily trade it or sell it for that if I don't like it's giant size. Any other suggestions.
Sure, as soon as you suggest me a grammar teacher :001_smile

He's not that bad, OC.

Anyway, I just received my Spyderco Paramilitary 2 in Brown G-10 and S35VN steel. For $135, I think it's a good deal and can easily see it replacing my Endura 4 as far as EDC purposes are concerned. Lock-up is very stable; up and down play is almost non-existent; ergonomics are outstanding. Based on very limited experience, the S35VN seems a little hard but not overly difficult to sharpen. Comes really keen right out of the box, though, for what it's worth.
I think I have decided on a Zero Tolerence 551. I'm not sure about the elmax steel though, might be too hard for my liking though. I love the Hinderer design, but I know that I will never be able to afford one of his customs. I am getting a killer deal on a NIB 551 for $190, so I think I can get my money back out of it if I don't like it.

And I'm out of school so I really don't have much use for grammar any more. :biggrin1: just kidding. If its my spelling, it's my damn phones fault.
Here's what I got a Strider SFM DGG with PVD coating on the blade. Wacha think about that big boy right there. That's CHV MK10 next to it for a size reference.

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